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Five Kingdoms
What is a fungus?
An eukaryotic, heterotrophic organism
devoid of chlorophyll that obtains its nutrients
by absorption, and reproduces by spores.

Are they helpful or harmful?

The Characteristics of Fungi
 Body form
– unicellular
– filamentous (tube-like strands called hypha
(singular) or hyphae (plural)
– mycelium = aggregate of hyphae
– sclerotium = hardened mass of mycelium that
generally serves as an overwintering stage.
– multicellular, such as mycelial cords,
rhizomorphs, and fruit bodies (mushrooms)
 Heterotrophy - cannot make their own food.
– Saprophytes or saprobes - feed on dead tissues
or organic waste (decomposers)
– Symbionts - mutually beneficial relationship
between a fungus and another organism
– Parasites - feeding on living tissue of a host. 
• Parasites that cause disease are called
Structure of Fungi

Hyphae: branching, threadlike tubes that make up the bodies

of multicellular fungi.
Examples of Fungi
 Bread Mold
Examples of Fungus

 Moldy Fruit
Examples of Fungus

 Tree Fungus
Reproduction in Fungi

1. Reproduce with spores.

2. Fruiting Body: spore-producing reproductive structure.
1. Asexual Reproduction:
• reproduction that involves only one parent
• offspring are identical to the parent

1. Spores
b. Budding: no spores are produced, a small cell grows
from the body of the parent, breaks away and lives on
its own.
2. Sexual Reproduction:
 reproduction that involves two
 offspring is different from both
 The hyphae of two fungi
grow together and
exchange genetic material.
 A new reproductive
structure grows from the
joined hyphae and
produce spores genetically
different from either
asci basidia

Named for the appearance

motile spores of their fruiting body
(spore-producing reproductive
Classification & Phylogeny structures).
Chytridiomycota – “chytrids”
 Simple fungi
 Produce motile spores -
 Mostly saprobes and
parasites in aquatic habitats
 Could just as well be
Protists Chytridium growing on spores

Chytriomyces growing on pine pollen

Zygomycota – “zygote fungi”
Rhizopus on strawberries

 Sexual Reproduction -
 Asexual reprod. – common
(sporangia – bags of asexual
 Hyphae have no cross walls
 Grow rapidly
 Decomposers, pathogens, and
some form mycorrhizal
associations with plants

Rhinocerebral zygomycosis
Ascomycota – “sac fungi”

 Sexual Reproduction – asci

(sing. = ascus)
 Asex. Reprod. – common
 Cup fungi, morels, truffles
 Important plant parasites &
 Yeast - Saccharomyces
 Decomposers, pathogens,
and found in most lichens
A cluster of asci with spores inside
Basidiomycota – “club fungi”
 Sexual Reproduction – basidia
 Asexual reprod – not so
 Long-lived dikaryotic mycelia
 Rusts & smuts –plant parasites
 Mushrooms, polypores,
puffballs, boletes, bird’s nest
 Enzymes decompose wood,
leaves, and other organic
 Decomposers, pathogens, and
some form mycorrhizal
associations with plants SEM of basidia and spores
Helpful Fungi
 Untuk bahan pangan – mushrooms (misal jamur
merang, jamur tiram )
 Untuk membuat tempe (misal Rhizopus, Mucor)
 Untuk membuat Tape (Yeast)
 Untuk membuat kecap
 Untuk mengurai bahan organik/pelapukan (jamur
 Sebagai bahan membuat obat (misal. Penicillin)

Jamur Tiram
Rhizopus sp.
Sacchormyces cerviciae
Soy Sauce (Kecap)

Aspergillus oryzae
Wood Decay/ pelapukan
Penicillium sp for
Certain drug - antibiotic
Fungi as Symbionts (Mutualism)
 Mutualistic relationships with other organisms
– Lichens (fungus + alga)
– Mycorrhizae
• fungi living on plant roots
• aid uptake of water and nutrients from soil
 “Fungus roots”
 Mutualism between:
– Fungus (nutrient & water uptake for plant)
– Plant (carbohydrate for fungus)
 Several kinds
– Zygomycota – hyphae invade root cells
– Ascomycota & Basidiomycota – hyphae invade
root but don’t penetrate cells

mycorrhizas on
Hemlock root
Mycorrhiza cross sections

Fungal hyphae
around root and
between cells

- Symbiotic Relationship
- Fungus and algae or autotrophic bacteria.
- Mutualism (both organisms benefit)
- Fungus gets food.
- Algae or bacteria gets shelter, water, and minerals.

• Lichens are “pioneer” organisms.

• Lichens are used to assess air quality because they are
sensitive to air pollution.
Harmful Fungus

 Cause food spoilage

 Cause plant disease such as rusts, Dutch
Elm Disease, and mildew
 Cause Human diseases such as Ring Worm,
Athlete’s Foot, Thrush, lung Infections
 Destroy leather, fabrics, etc.
Penicillium expansum
Rhizopus stolonifer
Puccinia chondrillina (Rust)

Corn smuts
Pityriasis versicolor

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