Skimming and Scanning

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Sulphuric Acid
Sulfuric acid is the main ingredient in the electrolyte, which, depending on the concentration, can have a
great deal of corrosion on the metals.

Sulfuric acid is very reactive and dissolves most metals, (1) because it is a concentrated acid that oxidizes,
dehydrates, or sulfonates most organic compounds, often causes charring.
(2 dan 3)The discovery of sulfuric acid is credited to the 8th century alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan. It was
studied later by the 9th century physician and alchemist Ibn Zakariya al-Razi.
(4)Pure sulfuric acid is not encountered naturally on Earth in anhydrous form, due to its great affinity for
water. Dilute sulfuric acid is a constituent of acid rain, which is formed by atmospheric oxidation of sulfur
dioxide in the presence of water – i.e., oxidation of sulfurous acid. When sulfur-containing fuels such as coal or
oil are burned, sulfur dioxide is the main byproduct (besides the chief products carbon oxides and water).
Sulfuric acid reacts violently with alcohol and water to release heat. It reacts with most metals,
(5)particularly when diluted with water, to form flammable hydrogen gas, which may create an explosion
hazard. Sulfuric acid is not combustible, but it is a strong oxidizer that enhances the combustion of other
substances, does not burn itself. During fire, poisonous gases are emitted. (6)Hazardous decomposition
products are as follows: sulfur dioxide, sulfur trioxide, and sulfuric acid fumes.
(7)Therefore, sulfuric acid must be stored in a place where the temperature is above 5 degrees Celsius

Skimming and scanning helps you to find information easily

and quickly. It is really useful skill to have and will help you
answer comprehension questions.
1. skimming is when you read through a piece of writing, quickly to see what it is
2. Reading that involves visually searching the sentences of a page for clues to
3. Skimming is quick reading to get the general idea of meaning or summary of a text,
get an overall view or get an impression of the content.
4. In skimming we take only important information,but not everything.
5. Without going into detailed and exhaustive reading.
6. It can be contrasted with scanning, which is reading in order to find specific
information, e.g. Figures or names.
Techniques Skimming is common when we
read :
Your approach to text should be
looking at the : 1. Newspapers
1. Title 2. Messages
2. Introductions 3. E-mails
3. Any diagrams Note : there is no need to read every word
4. Sub-headings when skimming

Skimming is useful for :

1. Fast reading
2. To get some information you needed.
3. Skimming is useful before entering a new chapter of a textbook or a long article.
4. Need to save time
5. Saving time of similar to something else you’ve already known.
6. Use full when there are only a few days left.
7. Skimming can’t guarantee you all the important points.
1. scanning is when you scan the page with your eyes to find answers to
2. Scanning is reading a text quickly in order to find specifict information,
e.g. Figures or names.
3. Your eyes (or finger) to move quickly over a page. As soon as your eye
catches an important word or pharse, stop reading.
4. It can be constrasted with skimming, which is reading quickly to get a
general idea of meaning.

When scanning, teh person is looking for a specifict piece of information, be it key terms, dates, or times-
For instance :
When you are looking for flight information, menu, rates, etc.

Scanning is useful for :

1. You need scanning when you find a friend’s phone number in a telephone book or last night football’s scores in
the newspaper.
2. Restaurant favourite dish.
3. Perfect to looking for something more particular.
4. Practing either of them(skimming or scanning) can show great results.
5. You read quicker but you don’t miss out anything important.

• Skimming meant to give you an idea of what • Scanning is meant to help you find specific
the full text is about. information in a text.
• Skimming techniques include reading the • Scanning means looking over the whole text
introductions, the headlines, or the first quickly in search of specifict information he
phrase of the paragraph. is looking for.
• Skimming is when you read though a piece of • Scanning is when you scan teh page with tour
writing quickly to see what it is about. eyes to find answers to questions.
• You skim a text at first sight and decide on • Scanning is meant to help you find specifict
wheather to read in full. information in a text.
• People scan a text as they will be more
concerned with the form of words and will • Scanning means looking over the whole text
tend to use their fingers to go through the text quickly in search of specifict information he
and not jump around. is looking for.
What we read in:


• Key words
• Key word (ignore details)
• Heading or titles
• Headings or titles
• Numbers
• Bold words
• Name (specific to what you are searching for)
• First and last sentence of a paragraph

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