Reading Comprehension (2) - Dikonversi

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Comprehension (2)
Understanding the impact of technology on the most pressing questions of the day is
not just a question for the sciences. Professor Coleman and her collaborators are
currently researching how the humanities has an important role to play in
understanding the way that technology shapes society, human identity and
imagination, both now and in the recent past.
What is the main idea of the passage?
 A. In the Sciences, understanding the impact of technology is not just a question
 B. Questions about the impact of technology
 C. Professor Coleman collaborates with other researchers
 D. The humanities has an important role

The faculty of Arts consistently attracts significant research income from local and
international sources, industry and government. Research partnerships in the
humanities, languages and social sciences span numerous disciplinary fields,
with projects as diverse as Darwinism and visual cultures, network governance
and welfare policies, and resettling migrants and refugees in rural Victoria.
Holding these varied projects together involves a commitment to build research
networks in external organizations.
What is the subject of the passage?

A. Research partnerships in the humanities

B. Faculty of Arts usually collecting research income from four sources
C. Darwinism
D. Building research networks in external organizations

The faculty of Arts consistently attracts significant research income from local and
international sources, industry and government. Research partnerships in the
humanities, languages and social sciences span numerous disciplinary fields,
with projects as diverse as Darwinism and visual cultures, network governance
and welfare policies, and resettling migrants and refugees in rural Victoria.
Holding these varied projects together involves a commitment to build research
networks in external organizations.
What is the best title of the passage?

A. Cost of Research
B. Research in the Faculty of Arts
C. Research Networks in External Organizations
D. Visual Cultures

The master of Applied Linguistics is a one-year program designed for graduate professionals
working with language in a range of areas. The program will equip students with an understanding
of key research issues in applied linguistics the skills to make a substantial professional contribution
to the field and may lead to higher degree research-based study. The following streams available
are Teaching English to Speaker of Other Languages (TESOL), Language Testing and Language
Program Evaluation, Technology in Language Learning, and the Applied Linguistics of The English
Language. According to the passage, The Master of Applied Linguistics is
A. A study program in a university
B. A study of language
C.A one-year program designed for graduate professionals working with language in a range of
D.A one-year program designed for English Teachers
The master of Applied Linguistics is a one-year program designed for graduate professionals working with
language in a range of areas. The program will equip students with an understanding of key research
issues in applied linguistics the skills to make a substantial professional contribution to the field and may
lead to higher degree research-based study. The following streams available are Teaching English to
Speaker of Other Languages (TESOL), Language Testing and Language Program Evaluation, Technology
in Language Learning, and the Applied Linguistics of The English Language. Which of the following is true?
 A. The program will not equip students with an understanding of key research in applied linguistics
 B. The program will not equip students with the skills to make a substantial unprofessional contribution
to the field
 C. The program may lead to lower degree research based study
 D. The Master of Applied Linguistics is a one-year program

All mirages are caused by refraction, or the bending of light as it passes from one transparent
substance to another. In air, the refraction depends on the density, or heaviness of the air. The air near
the ground on a sunny day becomes less dense. Rays of light entering this layer of hot, thin air are
bent away from the earth's surface, and so what the traveller sees in the desert (or what we see on
the road) is really the brightness of the sky. As the layer of hot air is never quite still, the light passing
through it shimmers slightly, causing the appearance of ripples. All of the following statements are
correct, except
A. Mirages appear because of refraction
B. refraction does not relate to heaviness of the air
C. The air near the ground on a sunny day becomes very hot and expands
D. Rays of light enter this layer of hot air

All mirages are caused by refraction, or the bending of light as it passes from one transparent
substance to another. In air, the refraction depends on the density, or heaviness of the air. The air
near the ground on a sunny day becomes less dense. Rays of light entering this layer of hot, thin air
are bent away from the earth's surface, and so what the traveller sees in the desert (or what we see
on the road) is really the brightness of the sky. As the layer of hot air is never quite still, the light
passing through it shimmers slightly, causing the appearance of ripples. Which of the following
statements are not mentioned?
A. The air near the ground on a sunny day becomes more dense
B.All mirages appear because of the bending of light as it passes from one transparent substance
to another
C. Rays of light entering this layer of hot, thin air are bent away from the Earth's surface
D.The light passing through the air shimmers slightly, causing the appearance of ripples
Before ballpoint pens or fountain pens, pens were made from goose feathers. These goose
feathers, called quills. were sharpened and dipped into inkwells, where they absorbed
enough ink to write a few words. It was necessary to keep an inkwell very close by, as frequent
dipping was necessary. What is the purpose of the text?
A. to describe pens
B. to advertise pens
C. to entertain the readers
D. to amuse the readers

Canberra, Australia's national capital, is an open-planned city nestled in a picturesque
natural setting. With a history spanning just over 80 years, Canberra offers a vibrant,
cosmopolitan lifestyle with a high concentration of national museums and galleries, as well
as cafes and restaurants. Its population of 335,000 is a small, highly educated, and
multicultural community, which an international flavour without comprimising the relaxed
atmosphere central to its design. What is the aim of the text?
 A. To describe a museum in Australia
 B. To describe a university
 C. To describe a city
 D. To describe a community

No doubt Google's project of digitalizing all the books published since 1500 will provide
infinite pleasure for the qualitatively inclined (1). The Ngram database, made up of 2 billion
words and short phrases already compiled from 5.2 million books by researchers from
Harvard, MIT, Google, and Encyclopedia Britannica, gives number crunches the ultimate
tool for settling arguments about cultural trends accross the centuries (2). The word
digitizing in sentence (1) can be replaced by
A. counting
B. buying
C. selling
D. Numbering

No doubt Google's project of digitalizing all the books published since 1500 will provide
infinite pleasure for the qualitatively inclined (1). The Ngram database, made up of 2 billion
words and short phrases already compiled from 5.2 million books by researchers from
Harvard, MIT, Google, and Encyclopedia Britannica, gives number crunches the ultimate tool
for settling arguments about cultural trends accross the centuries (2). The word infinite in
sentence (1) could be best replaced by
A. Line
B. Definite
C. unlimited
No doubt Google's project of digitalizing all the books published since 1500 will provide
infinite pleasure for the qualitatively inclined (1). The Ngram database, made up of 2
billion words and short phrases already compiled from 5.2 million books by researchers
from Harvard, MIT, Google, and Encyclopedia Britannica, gives number crunches the
ultimate tool for settling arguments about cultural trends accross the centuries (2). The
word compiled in sentence (2) has similar meaning with
A. taken
B. Accumulated
C. Assembled
D.Picked up
No doubt Google's project of digitalizing all the books published since 1500 will provide
infinite pleasure for the qualitatively inclined (1). The Ngram database, made up of 2 billion
words and short phrases already compiled from 5.2 million books by researchers from
Harvard, MIT, Google, and Encyclopedia Britannica, gives number crunches the ultimate
tool for settling arguments about cultural trends accross the centuries (2). What is the
meaning of the word arguments in sentence (2)?
A. Opinions
B. ideas
C. Statements
No doubt Google's project of digitalizing all the books published since 1500 will provide
infinite pleasure for the qualitatively inclined (1). The Ngram database, made up of 2 billion
words and short phrases already compiled from 5.2 million books by researchers from
Harvard, MIT, Google, and Encyclopedia Britannica, gives number crunches the ultimate
tool for settling arguments about cultural trends accross the centuries (2). The word tool in
sentence (2) could be best replaced by
A. equipment
B. machine
C. stuff
The endangered African rhinoceros isn't like a prehistoric dinosaur on the verge of extinction (1). It is
robust in its natural habitat, it is disease-resistant and breeds well when protected from poachers (2). If
you can keep the poachers away, rhinos can look after themselves extremely well (3). Du Toit was
named Monday among six recipients of this year's Goldman Environmental Prize, the most prestigious
international award for environmental activitist, citing them as fearless emerging leaders working
against all odds to protect the environment and their communities (4). Du Toit heads a rhino
conservation project in southern Zimbabwe that has helped rebuild and maintain the highest
population of rhino in the southern African nation (5). The word it in a sentence ,,It is robust in its natural
habitat,, refers to
A. African
B. Dinosaur
C. African Rhinoceros
The endangered African rhinoceros isn't like a prehistoric dinosaur on the verge of extinction (1). It is
robust in its natural habitat, it is disease-resistant and breeds well when protected from poachers (2). If
you can keep the poachers away, rhinos can look after themselves extremely well (3). Du Toit was
named Monday among six recipients of this year's Goldman Environmental Prize, the most prestigious
international award for environmental activitist, citing them as fearless emerging leaders working
against all odds to protect the environment and their communities (4). Du Toit heads a rhino
conservation project in southern Zimbabwe that has helped rebuild and maintain the highest
population of rhino in the southern African nation (5). The word ,,you,, in sentence (3) refers to
A. Rhinoceros
B. Poachers
C. African
D. Readers

The endangered African rhinoceros isn't like a prehistoric dinosaur on the verge of extinction
(1). It is robust in its natural habitat, it is disease-resistant and breeds well when protected from
poachers (2). If you can keep the poachers away, rhinos can look after themselves
extremely well (3). Du Toit was named Monday among six recipients of this year's Goldman
Environmental Prize, the most prestigious international award for environmental activitist,
citing them as fearless emerging leaders working against all odds to protect the environment
and their communities (4). Du Toit heads a rhino conservation project in southern Zimbabwe
that has helped rebuild and maintain the highest population of rhino in the southern African
nation (5). The word ,,them,, in sentence (4) refers to
A. Rhinoceros
B. Africans
C. Poachers
D. Activists
The endangered African rhinoceros isn't like a prehistoric dinosaur on the verge of extinction (1). It
is robust in its natural habitat, it is disease-resistant and breeds well when protected from poachers
(2). If you can keep the poachers away, rhinos can look after themselves extremely well (3). Du
Toit was named Monday among six recipients of this year's Goldman Environmental Prize, the most
prestigious international award for environmental activitist, citing them as fearless emerging
leaders working against all odds to protect the environment and their communities (4). Du Toit
heads a rhino conservation project in southern Zimbabwe that has helped rebuild and maintain
the highest population of rhino in the southern African nation (5). The word ,,their,, in sentence (4)
refers to
 A. Africans
 B. Activists
 C. Readers
 D. Writer

Apple CEO Steve Jobs has finally agreed to participate in a book about his life (1). Simon and
Schuster announced Sunday that Walter Isaacson's iSteve The Book of Jobs will be published in early
2012 (2). Isaacson has been working on the long-rumored biography since 2009 and has interviewed
Jobs, members of his family, colleagues at Apple and competitors (3). Many Jobs biographies have
been written, but not with his authorization (4). He reached to at least one book with active
disapproval (5). In 2005, Apple banished works by John Wiley and Sons from its stores because the
publisher had signed an unauthorized biography, iCon Steve Jobs, The Greatest Second Act in the
History of Business by Jeffrey S young and William L. Simon (6). The word ,,his,, in sentence (1) refers to
A. Apple
B. Steve Jobs
C. A book
D. A biography
Apple CEO Steve Jobs has finally agreed to participate in a book about his life (1). Simon and
Schuster announced Sunday that Walter Isaacson's iSteve The Book of Jobs will be published
in early 2012 (2). Isaacson has been working on the long-rumored biography since 2009 and
has interviewed Jobs, members of his family, colleagues at Apple and competitors (3). Many
Jobs biographies have been written, but not with his authorization (4). He reached to at least
one book with active disapproval (5). In 2005, Apple banished works by John Wiley and Sons
from its stores because the publisher had signed an unauthorized biography, iCon Steve Jobs,
The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business by Jeffrey S young and William L. Simon (6).
The word ,,his,, in sentence (3) refers to
A. Schuster
B. Isaacson
C. Steve Jobs
D. Simon

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