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Summary of the case:
Arun is a successful financial officer at Pokhara based banking Company. Arun will
take over the recently acquired footprint as the new regional CEO. The newly acquired
banking institution has a long standing reputation in the market.
On Monday morning at 9AM , Arun had called a meeting and he was perplexed at the
turnout. However, he begins the meeting. Arun was unhappy due to lack of dedication of
employee towards the organization as most of the employees didn’t arrived on time.
Later that afternoon, Arun met with the executive team and outlined the strategies,
goals, numbers and deadline. A meeting was held with the senior staff members for
reporting progress. In the report it was shown that currently the market growth numbers
were up and new business numbers were increasing.
A quarter later Arun had a quarterly report result. The report showed both positive and
negative result. Arun reviewed the report with his staff and requested them for their
input. However his request was greeted with silence. He sensed an uneasy feeling in the
1. Explain Emotional Intelligence. What are it’s Components?
 Emotional Intelligence is the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of
others for motivating ourselves and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in
our relationship. In other words, it is the person’s ability to understand their own
emotions, the emotion of others, and to act appropriately using these emotions. It is a
key to both personal and professional success. Mainly there are 5 component of
emotional intelligence . They are as follows:
 Self-Awareness: It means knowing our own emotion. It is the ability to understand
one’s own feeling, moods, emotions, and needs.
 Self-Management: It refers to managing our own emotion. It is the ability to find
ways to handle emotions that are appropriate to the situation.
 Self-Motivation: It refers to motivating ourselves. It is a person internal urge to
maintain and manage emotional behaviour in a stable manner , even when difficult
situation and hurdles arises.
Empathy: It refers to recognizing and influencing other’s emotion. It is the ability to
understand and sense another person’s feelings, sentiments, emotions and thoughts.
Social skill: It refers to handling relationship. It is the ability to manage and handle
emotion of other people.
2. Why is the concept of emotional intelligence important in
organizational setting?
 In organizational setting, emotional intelligence is essentially important . It leads to
the success of an organizations. However, some of the importance of emotional
intelligence in organizational settings are as follows:
a) Emotional intelligence helps to create and nurture healthy bonds in the organization
b) It helps to generate high performance and turnover
c) It helps to create better work environment
d) It work as an anger management.
e) It helps in the selection of employee.
f) Emotional intelligence Foster stability and continuity.
g) It Increase employee morale.
3. To what extend do you think Arun process emotional intelligence?
 Arun process Emotional Intelligence very well until the staff member
who arrived in the middle of the meeting hasn’t arrived. As we know, Arun
who had called meeting at 9am but when he reached the office at 8am he
saw very few number of employee presence. Arun felt little annoying. But
keeping his emotion aside, he begins the meeting at 9am sharp in a very
positive manner. But when one of the staff member who arrived in the
auditorium room in the middle of the meeting and was standing next to
the auditorium door he looses his control and showed his anger towards
the staff for not being on time. So in this way Arun process emotional
4. Can emotional intelligence be improved? Justify your answer.
 Yes, emotional intelligence can be improved. Emotional intelligence is a
flexible set of skills that can be acquired and improved with practice.
Learning how to improve our emotional intelligence gives us an advantage on
how to react in challenging situation and manage our own feeling in the
healthiest and most positive way. Emotional intelligence increases with age
and maturity. However below are given some of the ways by which we can
improve our emotional intelligence. They are as follows:
Observing how we feeling. We must identify what makes us lose
concentration and what gives us negative feeling.
Observing how we behave . Noticing how we behave with others when we are
experiencing certain emotion.
Having an empathy for others. To understand other’s people feeling we must
be a good listener. We must be able to put ourself in their position and
respond to their feeling.
Appreciating Criticism. For improving our emotional intelligence we must be able to
take criticism. Instead of getting offended we can use that criticism to improve our
Improving social skill. We must learn how to communicate with people around us.

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