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• This is the operator that 

transforms the signal in time domain

in to a signal in a complex frequency domain called as 'S'
domain. The complex frequency domain will be denoted by S
and the complex frequency variable will be denoted by 's'.
Relation with Fourier Transform
Note: same X(s) may correspond to different x(t) depending on ROC!
General t rend of ROC
▪ ROCs are always vertical half planes or stripes, bounded by poles
▪ Right side signals -> ROC in right half plane
▪ Left side signals -> ROC in left half plane
▪ Double sided signals -> ROC in a central stripe, or does not exist
Initial and Final Value Theorems
If the Laplace transform of an unknown function x(t) is known,
then it is possible to determine the initial and the final values of that
unknown signal i.e. x(t) at t=0+ and t=∞.
Initial Value Theorem
Statement: if x(t) and its 1st derivative is Laplace transformable, then the initial
value of x(t) is given by
Final Value Theorem
Statement: if x(t) and its 1st derivative is Laplace transformable, then the final
value of x(t) is given by
Laplace Transform using Matlab
• >> F=laplace(f,t,s)
>> f=-1.25+3.5*t*exp(-2*t)+1.25*exp(-2*t);
>> F=laplace(f,t,s) F = -5/4/s+7/2/(s+2)^2+5/4/(s+2)
>> simplify(F)
ans = (s-5)/s/(s+2)^2
Inverse Laplace Transform
• The command one uses now is ilaplace. One also needs to define the
symbols t and s. Lets calculate the inverse of the previous function
F(s), 2 )2( )5( )( + − = ss s sF
• >> syms t s
• >> F=(s-5)/(s*(s+2)^2);
• >> ilaplace(F)
• ans = -5/4+(7/2*t+5/4)*exp(-2*t)
• >> simplify(ans)
• ans = -5/4+7/2*t*exp(-2*t)+5/4*exp(-2*t)
properties of Laplace Transform

Linearity Property A f1(t) + B f2(t) ⟷ A F1(s) + B F2(s)

Frequency Shifting Property es0t f(t)) ⟷ F(s – s0)

Integration t
∫0 f(λ) dλ ⟷ 1⁄s F(s)

Multiplication by Time T f(t) ⟷ (−d F(s)⁄ds)

Complex Shift Property f(t) e−at ⟷ F(s + a)

Time Reversal Property f (-t) ⟷ F(-s)

Time Scaling Property f (t⁄a) ⟷ a F(as)

SI No. f(t) L(f(t)) = F(s) Sl No. f(t) L(f(t)) = F(s)
1 1 1/s 11 e(at) 1/(s − a)

2 tn at t = n!/s(n+1) 12 tp, at p>-1 Γ(p+1)/s(p+1)


3 √(t) √π/2s(3/2) 13 t(n-1/2) at n = 1,2,.. (1.3.5…(2n-1)√π)/(2n s(n+1/2)

4 sin(at) a/(s2+a2) 14 cos(at) s/(s2+a2)

5 t sin(at) 2as/(s2+a2)2 15 t cos(at) (s2-a2)/(s2+a2)2

(s sin(b)+ a
6 sin(at+b) cos(b)/(s2+a2) 16 cos(at+b) (s cos(b)-a sin(b)/(s2+a2)

7 sinh(at) a/(s2-a2) 17 cosh(at) s/(s2-a2)

8 e(at)sin(bt) b/((s-a)2+b2) 18 e(at)cos(bt) (s-a)/((s-a)2+b2)

9 e(ct)f(t) F(s-c) 19 tnf(t) at n = 1,2,3.. (-1)n Fn s

10 f'(t) sF(s) – f(0) 20 f”(t) s2F(s) − sf(0) − f'(0)

Applications of Laplace Transform

• It is used to convert complex differential equations to a simpler

form having polynomials.
• It is used to convert derivatives into multiple domain variables and
then convert the polynomials back to the differential equation
using Inverse Laplace transform.
• It is used in the telecommunication field to send signals to
both the sides of the medium. For example, when the signals are
sent through the phone then they are first converted into a time-
varying wave and then superimposed on the medium.
• It is also used for many engineering tasks such as Electrical
Circuit Analysis, Digital Signal Processing, System Modelling, etc.

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