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Human being is the combination of two things.

Body + Soul = Human Being
Requirements of Body:
Demand of Soul:
Family Values: Talking/Life style/Respect
Social Values: Relation/Relative/Society
National Values: Thoughts as a nation
Religious Values: Thoughts from religious point of view.
Human Values: Relation with human.

Relations with Family/Parents
Relations with Neighbors
Relations with Relatives
Relations with Society
Relations with Country
Religious Morality
Personal Morality: Fasting and Namaz
Social Morality: Zakat and other social activities. i.e the law of
inheritance,marriage,divorce,provision of justice and charity.
The Broad Concept of Ethics
The saying of Holy Prophet , “If you inquire an ill person at
evening,70 thousand angels will pray for the forgiveness of
the inquirer up to morning, if an ill person is inquired at
morning ,up to evening 70 thousand angel pray for the
forgiveness of the inquirer.”
The broad concept is think about the value of a doctor or inventor
of a machine or the person who provides Hospitals for the
The Broad Concept of Morality
Saying of the Holy Prophet, "If a person dies, his acts are
disconnected from the world .but if he has done some
“SADQA JARIA” in the shape of:
a). “Sadqa Jaria” in the shape of a tree planting, making a path or
road, building of Mosques, hospitals or a work of public
b). “Knowledge” for the benefits of humans meant, research
work or a book or a school etc.
c). “Good off spring” who will pray for his parents.
In these three ways the person can become beneficial to human
beings. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that even after the
death that person will get the rewards of his/her acts.
The verse of Quran “If a person kills a person, it is like killing
the whole humanity .If he saves a life ,it is like saving the
whole humanity ”.
Another saying of the Holy Prophet(PBUH), “If you become
merciful on the people living on the Earth, then Who live in
the sky will be merciful on you.”

In the Holy Quran ,the unbelievers are not addressed as “O

Kafir!” instead these groups are addressed as “O ! The
offspring of Adam(A.S)”, “O! people” or “O! Human
The Christians and the Jews are addressed as “O! the people of
the Book”. It shows the great and high class morality of Islam
and produced a broad concept of ethics and morality in the
light of Quran and Hadees.

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