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area –
31 sq
National Flag
• The current population
of Indonesia is 274,692,
914 as of Thursday,
November 26, 2020,
based on Worldometer
elaboration of the latest
United Nations data.
Indonesia is a
The Indonesian political
• The executive branch consists of the president, the vice
system consists of threepresident and the cabinet.
branches: • chosen by the Indonesian electorate through presidential
EXECUTIVE• Serve for a term of five years that can be extended once by
another term of five years when re-elected by the people
(hence, the total is 10 years).
Indonesia's legislative branch is the People’s Consultative Assembly
(Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat, abbreviated MPR). It has the
power to set or change the Constitution and appoints (or impeaches)
LEGISLATIVE the president. The MPR is a bicameral parliament that consists of the
People’s Representative Council (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat,
abbreviated DPR) and the Regional Representative Council (Dewan
The highest court
Perwakilan in Indonesia's
Daerah, abbreviatedjudiciary
DPD). system is the independent
Supreme Court (Mahkamah Agung). It is the final court of appeal and also
deals with disputes between lower courts. A relatively new court, established
in 2003, is the Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi), which monitors
whether decisions made by the cabinet and parliament (MPR) are in line
with the Indonesian Constitution. However, most of the legal cases in
Background Indonesia is a country that contains great
economic potential; a potential that has not
gone unnoticed to part of the global community.
Indonesia - Southeast Asia's largest economy -
contains a number of characteristics that put the
country in a great position for newly advanced
economic development. Moreover, in recent
years there is strong support from the central
government to curb Indonesia's traditional
reliance on (raw) commodity exports, while
raising the role of the manufacturing industry
within the economy. Infrastructure development
Per Capita Income of
Indonesia is now officially an
upper-middle income country,
an upgrade from its previous
status as lower-middle income,
according to the World Bank’s
latest country classifications by
income level published. The
classifications, which are
updated annually on July 1, are
based on gross national income
(GNI) per capita. Southeast
Asia’s biggest economy saw its
GNI per capita rise to

US$4,050 in 2019, surpassing

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