Topics For Conversation Conversation Topics Dialogs 134420

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Teacher Bruna advanced class

1. Do you like to meet new people, or do you prefer to

spend time with friends you already know?
2. When and where did you meet most of your friends?
3. What are the best ways to make a good first impression?

1. What is your favorite snack?

2. How would you describe your country’s food?
3. Do you usually eat healthy food?
4. What is the best food to eat when you are sick?

1. What are your favorite hobbies?

2. What was your favorite job OR What is your dream
3. What is your favorite place on earth?
4. What are your favorite books?

1. Describe a successful person

2. Is your idea of success the same as your parents’ idea?
3. Why is money often used to judge success?
4. Have there been any failures that made your life better?
5. Can you think of any famous people who failed at
1. Do you like cities or the country side? Which is better and why?
2. If you could make one change to your country’s capital city, what will you
3. What are some of most famous cities in the world? What makes them
4. Why do you think that humans started living in cities?
5. Do you think that we will still live in cities 100 years from now?
6. How do you think cities will change in the future?
7. What city would you like to visit?
8. What city is best known for: fashion? Technology? Art? Industry?
9. What makes a city great to live in?
10. Are cities good for the environment or bad for the environment?

1. What animal best represents you? Why?

2. What animal scares you? Why?
3. Why do humans have pets? Do you have a pet? Why or
why not?
4. What traits have made humans a successful species?

1. How important is tourism in your country? What is the biggest

tourism destination there?
2. How do you feel about tourists in your country? Why?
3. What’s the best way to travel when you visit a new country?
4. What’s the best way for a country to bring in more tourists?

1. Do you think there is/was life on Mars?

2. Why are scientists so interested in Mars?
3. Would you rather go to Mars or the Moon?
4. What do you think was NASA’s greatest triumph?
5. Do you think space exploration is important?

1. What holidays do you celebrate?

2. Which holidays do you look forward to the most?
3. What holiday food do you like?
4. Are there holidays in other countries or religions that you wish
were also celebrated in your country?
5. Is it better to travel for the holidays or stay home?
6. What do you think is the most overrated holiday?
1. What do you picture when you hear the word “junk food”?
2. What is your favorite junk food? How often do you eat it?
3. Do a lot of people eat junk food in your country?
4. Do you think junk food manufacturers are morally responsible for the
unhealthiness of their products?
5. Do you think we will eat more or less junk food in the future?
6. If you had to choose between a strict vegetarian diet forever, or a
strict junk food diet forever, which would you choose?

1. Are you a very motivated person, or do you wait until the last minute to
do things?
2. Do you think smartphones increase or decrease productivity?
3. How can people improve their productivity? Do you think people today
work harder than their parents?
4. Who is the most productive person you know personally?
5. What is the biggest waste of time for you?
6. What are some things you want to do but don’t have time for?

1. How often do you go to art museums?

2. Do you consider yourself to be artistic?
3. How many forms of art can you name? What is your favorite form?
4. Who is your favorite artist?
5. What is the most famous statue or painting in your country?
6. Do you think that art is important to society?
7. Why is art so expensive? Do you think it should be more or less expensive?
8. Do you have any artistic friends? What kinds of art do they create?

1. Which do you prefer to stay in when you travel: hotels, hostels, or

another type of place? Why?
2. What are the best and worst things about staying in hotels?
3. Couch surfing is staying for free at people’s homes in different
countries. Is this a good idea or bad idea? Why?
4. Do you feel comfortable when you are staying at a hotel?
5. Have you ever ordered room service?
6. What is the nicest hotel you've stayed at?

1. What is your favorite restaurant near where you live?

2. What is the best restaurant you have ever eaten at?
3. What types of foreign food restaurants have you eaten at?
4. What (besides food) makes a restaurant great?
5. Do you prefer to eat at your parents’ house or a restaurant?
6. What is the worst restaurant you have eaten at?
7. What is the strangest restaurant you have heard of?
8. How do you feel about theme restaurants?
9. Do you prefer darker or brighter interiors for restaurants? Why?

1. What are some of the benefits of getting older?

2. Do you think humans will ever be able to stop aging?
3. Is aging more difficult for men or women? Why?
4. Are older people actually wiser?
5. What kind of support should children give their aging parents?
6. How are older people viewed in your country?
7. How long do you want to live?
8. Who is the oldest person you know? How is his/her view of the world
different from yours?
9. How well do you relate to people that are 5 years younger than you? How
about 10 years younger?

1. Who is your favorite super hero? Why?

2. What super power would you like to have?
3. If you had super powers would you be a super hero or a super
4. Do you prefer dark super heroes like Batman or purely good
super heroes like Superman? Why?

1. How is communication changing between people?

2. How have smart phones changed communication?
3. It used to be common to talk to strangers. Do you think it’s okay to talk
to people you don’t know?
4. Think about how your Grandmother talks with people. Is it the same as
how you talk to people?
5. Use your imagination. How will people communicate in the future?
6. How has communication changed through human history?

1. What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘museum’?

2. What’s the best museum you’ve ever been to?
3. What do you like most and least about museums?
4. Do you think museums should be free to enter?
5. Do you prefer going to museums alone or with others?
1. Have you ever donated blood?
2. Are you afraid of needles?
3. Do you exercise?
4. Do you go for regular medical check-ups?
5. Do you catch a cold more than once a year? Do you have a lot of stress? What
are some ways to deal with stress?
6. Do you usually get enough sleep?
7. Have you ever broken a bone?
8. Have you ever had stitches?
9. Have you ever been to an acupuncturist? What do you think of acupuncture?

1. Where are the best places for adventure vacations? Historical vacations?
Shopping vacations? Party vacations? Relaxing vacations?
2. Where would you like to go on vacation?
3. What are some things you must or have to do when you go on vacation to
another country?
4. What are some things you always take with you on a trip?
5. Do you prefer package tours or making your own trip?
6. Where did you spend your last vacation? What did you do?
7. What are some of the benefits of travelling alone? With a group?
8. What is the longest journey you have ever made?
9. What are some must-see locations tourists should see in your country?

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