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The functions

of other
Classifications of
Incandescent Lamp
1. Large lamps are those
normally used for interior
and exterior general and
task lighting.
2. Miniature lamps are generally used
in automotive, aircraft, and appliance
3. Photographic lamps as the name
implies, are used in photography and
projection service.
Kinds of High
discharge lamp
1. Mercury lamp is an electric discharge
lamp in which the major portion of the
radiation is produced by the excitation of
mercury atoms.
2. Metal halide lamp is an electric discharge lamp in
which the light is produced by the radiation from an
excited mixture of a metallic vapor (mercury) and the
products of the dissociation of halides (for example,
halides of thallium, indium, sodium).
3. High-pressured sodium lamp is an
electric discharged lamp in which the
radiation is produced by an excitation of
sodium vapor in which the partial pressure
of the vapor during operation is of the
order of 104 N/m2.
___________1. It is used in photography and projection
___________2. These are generally used in automotive,
aircract and appliance applications.
___________3. These are normally used for interior and
exterior general task lightings
___________4. an electric discharge lamp in which the major portion
of the radiation is produced by the excitation of mercury atoms.
___________5. an electric discharged lamp in which the radiation is
produced by an excitation of sodium vapor

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