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D.Venkat Santosh(IT)
M.Niteesh kumar(IT)
Bluetooth Logo
Establishing a connection in Bluetooth
Connection process of Bluetooth devices
General Bluetooth Architecture
Applications of Bluetooth
Bluetooth uses a radio technology called frequency-hopping
spread spectrum.
Bluetooth is a packet-based protocol with a master-slave
One master may communicate with up to 7 slaves in a piconet.
Packet exchange is based on the basic clock, defined by the
The Bluetooth specifications are developed and licensed by
the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG).
• Bluetooth attempts to provide significant advantages over
other data transfer technologies such as IrDA and HomeRF.
• IrDA is already popular in PC to peripherals, but is severely
limited by the short connection distance of 1m and the line of
for communication.
• The file transfer usage model offers the ability to transfer
data objects from one device (e.g., PC, smart-phone, or PDA)
to another.
• It communicates on a frequency between 2.402 GHz and
2.480 GHz.
• usage model offers a possibility to browse the contents of the
folders on a remote device.
Bluetooth Logo

The Bluetooth logo is

a bind rune merging
the Younger Hagall Bjarkan
Futhark runes Hagall
and Bjarkan
Establishing a connection in Bluetooth
» The Bluetooth device (master) sends out an
inquiry access code packet (inquiry packet) to
search and locate these devices. The existing
Bluetooth devices (slaves) already within the
area will occasionally enter an inquiry scan state
of their own to troll for any inquiring devices.
» When a device in the inquiry scan state receives
an inquiry packet, it will respond with Frequency
Hop Synchronization (FHS) packet that is sent
back to the inquiring device (master).
Connection process of bluetooth devices

1st STEP:
Inquiry: Inquiry discovers what
all devices are within the range.
2nd STEP:
Paging: Paging creates a Master/Slave link called a Piconet
Ω The paging device “pages” the target device with the target
device’s device access code (DAC). The paging device
transmits the DAC on several different hop frequencies that
it thinks the target device is receiving and continues to do
so until a connection is made.
Ω While the paging device (the master) is paging, the target
(slave) device may be involved in other piconets.
Ω Once the paging device receives a page response from the
target device, information Vital for a connection is
exchanged between the two devices. Information exchange
includes the device address and clock of the paging device,
which is used to determine the timing and frequency-hop
sequence of the newly formed piconet.
Ω When all connection information has been communicated,
the connection is complete, and the two devices can begin
to exchange data with one another.
3rd STEP:
Using this technique an effort can be made to synchronize two or
more than two slaves with the master, this also saves power.
• Bluetooth devices can participate in
multiple piconets simultaneously
creating topologies called sctternets.
• As with piconets, where multiple
Bluetooth devices are able to connect
with each other in an ad-hoc manner, so
multiple piconets join together to form a
larger network known as a scatternet.
• a single Bluetooth device may participate as a slave in
several piconets, but can only be a master in one piconet.
General Bluetooth Architecture
Applications of Bluetooth
Wireless communication with PC
input and other devices
O Replacement of traditional
wired serial communications
in test equipment, GPS
receivers, medical
equipment, bar code
scanners, and traffic control
 Dial-up internet access on
personal computers or
PDAs using a data-capable
mobile phone as a
wireless modem
like Novatel mifi.
• Short range transmission of health
sensor data from medical devices
to mobile phone, set-top box or
dedicated telehealth devices.
Personal security application on
mobile phones for theft
prevention. The protected item
has a Bluetooth marker (e.g. a
headset) that is monitored
continuously by the security
application. If connection is lost
(the marker is out of range) then
an alarm is raised. The first
known implementation of this
security application of Bluetooth
is BluCop, which is published in
December 2010.
With the basic advantage to movability
feature and wireless access to the device
and a very relatively low costs, Bluetooth
technology seems destined to dominate the
electronic landscape, as humans worldwide
will be able to form personal area networks
with devices and completely simplify the
way in which they interact with electronic
tools and each other.
In the years to come, Bluetooth will become
a worldwide connectivity among electronic

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