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By: Via R. Almonicar, Aljen R. Aluba, Lhyra Lhynn A. Etcuban, Creza I. Pedroza, Mariz P.
Rosales & Febrose M. Yaun
What is Social Health

Social health can be defined as our ability to interact with others and
form meaningful relationships. This also related to how comfortable
we adapt in social situations. Social relations can affect our mental
health, physical health and morality risk.
Signs of maintaining social heath include:

 Having assertive skills rather than passive or aggressive ones.

 Balancing your social and personal time.
 Being engaged with other people in the community.
 Adapting social situations.
 To be yourself in all situations.
 Treating others with respect.
 Being able to develop and maintain friendships and networks.
 Creating boundaries in friendships to encourage communication and
conflict management.
 Having a supportive network of family and friends.
 Having fun in life.

- Mariz P. Rosales
Why is Social Health Important?

Social Health is important because the positive effects of developing

and maintaining healthy relationships are endless. People who are
socially well enjoy huge health benefits and might even live longer.
Research has shown that:
 The health risk of isolation are comparable with smoking, high
blood pressure and obesity.
 The heart and blood pressure of people who have positive
relationships respond better to stress.
 A strong social network is associated with a healthier endocrine
system and healthier cardiovascular functioning.
 A healthy social life can enhance the immune system’s ability to
fight off infectious diseases.
-Lhyra Lhynn A. Etcuban
Factors Affecting Social Health

 Education – Being educated is extremely important. This is because

it gives you the authority to take the right decisions about your
health and welfare. For instance, education empowers you to choose
the right living and working conditions that help improve your
social health. Additionally, education makes you aware and ensure
that you pay attention to your health.
 Income – a good earning is often linked to a better quality of life.
This is extremely important when it comes to maintaining social
 Housing facility – your living conditions tend to impact the overall
health and well-being of an individual. However, not everyone can
afford good housing facilities because it depends on the earnings,
the expenses and of course the convenience of the family. Your
neighborhood pretty much defines the conditions that you live in.
 Accessibility – this ensure that their social and physical health is
taken care of.
 Self-love – it is important factor that tends to have a huge impact on
social heath is the ability of the individual to give preference to his
or her needs. How many times do you listen to your heart and
indulge in stuff that you like to do? This self-love plays a crucial
role in ensuring the social welfare of the individual.

- Via R. Almonicar
What is Social Wellness?

It is about nurturing ourselves, others and our relationships, other and

our relationships. Social wellness consists of not only balancing our
own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, but also actively
participating as an interdependent piece of the bigger puzzle of
humankind. Thus, even as we care about our personal connections, we
also care about the greater good of society, including our communities
and the environment.
To cultivate our habits of social wellness, follow these seven

 Practice Self-Care. Finding balance in life can be difficult at times,

and we are much more prepared to deal with obstacle in life if we
are in good habit of practicing self-care.
 Know Thyself. Get to know yourself – identify your needs,
preferences and values and communicate them to the people around
 Don’t Criticize, Judge or Blame. People can easily get caught up in
self-critical thinking, which perpetuates low self-esteem, contributes
to depression and anxiety, and inhibits social interaction.
 Own Up to Your Part. In every relationship, there are two people
involved and each contributes to any situation that comes up,
whether positive or negative. Take responsibility for yourself in
disagreements or conflict by using “I” language and don’t push all
the blame on the other person.
 Rekindle old friendships and nurture relationships with people who
are respectful, positive and supportive. No human being is perfect.
Everyone gets caught up in the challenges of daily life at times, and
rekindling old relationships that have been positive ones in the past
is a great way to strengthen your social support system.
 Don’t be a flake! Be mindful of the commitments you make and
keep them. Know your limitations and don’t spread yourself too
 Appreciate Yourself and Others. Giving more energy to positives
than negatives helps to keep us happier, healthier, and more hopeful.
Here are a few suggested activities that will support you in
cultivating social wellness – use these as a starting point to
inspire you own ideas!

 Go to the gym, the park, or a yoga, fitness or Dance class.

 Take up a hobby and find other who share your interest.
 Join groups or other social networking sites.
 Think of a cause that you are passionate about to volunteer.
 Plan are regular lunch date with you best friend, mother father, etc.
 Organize a spa day with a group of friends or colleagues.
 Set a regular date night with your significant other or dinner with your family.
 Call an old friend from college or high school and catch up.
- Cresa I. Pedroza
The Negative Side of Social Relationships

Unfortunately, not all relationships are healthy. Relationships are the

core of emotional support for most, but social relationships can
sometimes be extremely stressful.
 We are always changing with time people change. You might have
had much in common with a good friend at high school, but ten
years later you have both moved in different directions and don’t
enjoy the company as much as you do when you’re with others.
Bad influences
It’s important to have friends but they need to be good friendships. A
positive friendships will bring out the best in you, encouraging you to
achieve the things you want to do. It’s important to have friends who
are good influence in your life.

A poor friend is someone who:

 Isn’t supportive of your endeavors
 Is negative bout others
 Can’t be trusted to keep a secret
 Can’t be counted on to help when needed
Toxic Relationships
The most worrying s when a relationship is toxic. One person may take
advantage of the relationships by using the other person to do things
for them and not return a favor.

- Aljen R. Aluba

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