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OGL 360

Final Portfolio
Shana Slagle
Where I Want to Be
I want to be a departmental leader in a
medium-sized organization, someone who
enacts positive, measurable change
through developing a capable and
motivated team of unique individuals. I
seek to reduce errors, improve processes,
build relationships, and inspire others to
constantly work towards the betterment
of the organization and its people.
What Leadership Means to
Because I have been building my
leadership philosophy for several years,
the items in my original still life photo
remain relevant. My definition of
leadership has not fundamentally
changed throughout this course. I see
organizations as fast-moving,
everchanging entities, and believe that a
leader should be transparent, reflective,
good at solving challenging problems,
and able to see the big picture.
Core Values
My top five core values are accountability, creativity, dependability,
integrity, and open-mindedness.  It is important for me to take
responsibility for my actions and words.  I am accountable for everything I
do. I don’t shy away from admitting fault. Creativity is important because
complex problems require outside-the-box, innovative solutions.  I speak
honestly and hold myself to strict ethical standards.  I follow through on
promises and am genuine in my interactions with others.  It is important to
me that others see me as someone to be depended on.  I am quick to offer
help in challenging situations.  I am accepting of all people and lifestyles
and believe that everyone brings value to the table.  I am open-minded
when others share ideas that are different from my own. 
Core Values (Cont)
In my still life, my core values are represented in the following ways. The
glass and mirror show my connection with accountability and integrity. I
am transparent in my actions and often reflect on myself. Allowing myself
to be truly seen is an action of integrity that shows I accept accountability.
The Rubik’s cube stands for creativity, because solving it is like solving other
complex problems – thought and planning are key. The river symbolizes
dependability because it is a constant in nature. I can count on that river to
flow through the park any day I choose to visit, much like my followers can
count on me to support them at any time while we work together. The
camera represents open-mindedness. With the camera, I can capture
images of the world as it is, and accept those pictures for what they are,
appreciating what I see, passing no judgement, and not making any
changes. This is how I think about people as well.
Future Vision
In 5-10 years I will be a gainfully
employed professional that balances
managing creative projects with
developing and leading a diverse and
competent team. After my busy days at
the office, I will return to my spacious,
secluded dream house and listen to
nature while sitting on my porch swing.
Where I Am
I am a stay-at-home mom and senior, full-
time student at Arizona State University,
studying Organizational Leadership with a
concentration in Project Management. I
have been out of the workforce for three
years. I am a hard worker who is creating
a plan that will allow me to advance my
career and to become an equal partner in
providing for my family.
The strength of my sociogram is that it is
comprised almost entirely of people that I
have known for several years. The
relationships are well-developed, and the
people are both trusted and trusting. The
newest relationship pictured here is a mentor
that I began working with a few months ago.
This person has provided a plethora of useful
advice and guidance.
The weakness of my sociogram is that it is
small. My network is devoid of connections
outside of my mentor, a few close friends,
and some family members. The Covid-19
pandemic has led to some deterioration in
relationships, since gathering is now more
Leadership Practices
Inventory Assessment
• My strengths lie in developing the
people on my team and in finding the
best ways to get work done.
• My weaknesses lie in finding ways to
reward people and celebrate success,
and in being consistent when creating a
shared vision and modeling the way.
Learning Style
Inventory Assessment
• I have been identified as having the
“Imagining” learning style. This means that I
am caring and sensitive, and take a passive,
observational approach. I reflect and
brainstorm before acting.
• The strengths of this learning style include
being aware of feelings and values, being an
open-minded listener, and understanding
uncertain situations.
• The weaknesses are that I am slow to act,
hesitate in making decisions, and can shy
away from asserting myself as a leader.
My biggest limiting assumption is that an
employer will never value my creative
solutions for organizational or personnel
This assumption makes me feel like I’m
chained to the ground, trapped in a
negative mindset. If the assumption
ceased to exist, I would feel confident and
free to chase my goals.
What Matters Most
to Me
• The three things that matter most to me
are my family, our health, and money.
• My husband and children are what
motivate me to work hard to get through
school and build a career. I cherish our
health and hope that we have very long
happy lives. Money is what allows us to
do fun things together, and to ensure
that all our needs are met.
Getting from Where I
Am to Where I Want
to Be
Development Strategy
• I will need to develop confidence in
my ability to lead.
• I will need to develop assertiveness
and become more outspoken
• I will need to enhance my
decisiveness so that I am able to
swiftly make choices.
Coaching Relationship
• What I found helpful in my coaching relationship with my classmate is that our
similar values and different personalities led us to giving each other a different
but agreeable new lens through which to view things. We balanced each other
out. I am more passive in a work setting and he is more assertive. I have more
formal leadership experience, but he has more recent experience. My coach
and I are similar enough and different enough to give each other good advice
that adheres to each of our personal values.
• To continue receiving coaching in the future, I will seek additional advice and
guidance from my established mentor. I now know what kinds of questions to
ask and which areas I need the most help with. I will continue to have bi-
weekly sessions with my mentor.
Learning Style
and Flexibility
My learning style is indicative of being sensitive to the feelings of others, being a
good, open-minded listener, and having the ability to visualize a situation from
multiple points of view. These traits and behaviors will facilitate relationship-
building. I have a genuine interest in people and previous experience tells me that
I am skilled at establishing rapport with individuals of varying personalities.
Since I am someone that naturally observes and analyzes, learning the theory
behind competencies comes easily to me. The challenge for me is in taking action
that allows me to practice new skills. I thoroughly enjoy helping others and will
welcome the opportunity to stretch my comfort zone if I think it will benefit
someone else. This willingness to be of assistance shows flexibility. The practical
nature of helping someone else to accomplish tasks allows me to build
competence and confidence in my abilities.
Action Plan
• Make a list of skills I would like to develop or habits I would like to correct
• Read one self-help book per month that relates to an item on the list
• Set a regular bedtime, waketime, and study time
• Improve my diet, cut out energy drinks, and practice self-care

I will monitor my skill development and habit correction by keeping a list of goals and
crossing them off. I will monitor my mental and physical health progress by journaling,
tracking my food, and recording my weight and sleep patterns.
Integrated Timeline

10/20 6/20
Find and start a part- Find and start full-
time job relevant to time job relevant to
my degree my degree

5/21 8/21
Complete OGL/PM Earn CAPM credential
degree and apply for
PM graduate
Overall Conclusion
Throughout this course, I have learned about
how to assess myself against the metrics for
effective leadership. I have learned how to
form a coaching relationship with a peer. I
am now better able to list my values and the
things that are most important to me.
Moving forward, I will be emboldened by my
regular mentoring sessions with a successful
and highly educated leader. I may be
hindered by my shyness and prior toxic work
Completing this class has gotten me one step
closer to be coming leader.

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