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V Idea is the venture of Aditya

Birla Group.
V It was incorporated in 1995.

V It is among the top five cellular

operators in India.
V It covers the 11 percent of all
India subscribe market share.
V Idea enjoys a market leadership
in many of its operational areas.
V It was the first company in India
to commercially launch the next
generation EDGE technology.
V umar ManglamBirla
V Rakesh Jain
V Biswajit Ana Subramaniam
V Gian Prakash Gupta
V Tarjani Vakil
V P Murari
V Jivan Villalong Navaro
´We will delight our customers while meeting
their individual communication needs anytime
V Identifying the satisfaction level and behavior
of customers.
V To identify the first preffered brand .
V To study the additional benefits offered by
V To know the awareness level of customer
regarding mobile services.
V Research Design Exploratory research
V Data source Primary data
V Research instrument Questionnaire
V Type of questions Close ended
V Sampling Unit Individuals
V Sampling Size 173
V Sampling Procedure Simple random
V Contact Method Personal
V h  are using pre-paid and 32 are using post-
paid connections.

V Buyers behavior are affected 42 by coverage ,29

by services,23 by tariffs and h by others.

V 1  of the respondents said they have use Idea

before and 2said they have never used Idea
V 49 of customer rated voice clarity as excellent, 19 of them
rated as good, 13 of them Rated as average, only 19 of
person rated as poor.
V 32 of customer Rated customer care services poor, 32
person rated it excellent, 19 rated it average, 1h of them
rated as good.
V Only 35 of Idea users are using internet services through
IDEA mobile, h5 are not using internet services through
IDEA mobile.
V Vor best service provider respondents rated
Airtel with 29, Idea is on second step with
21 and Reliance is on third step with 20,
BSNL 11, Vodafone 13, and Tata-Indicom
V Vrom 173 Respondents h  customer satisfied
with services of IDEA Mobile, from which 42
are Highly Satisfied and 2h are satisfied. Rest
32 of customer are Dissatisfied, from which
10 are Highly Dissatisfied.
V Customer care should be first priority for the
V Network should be increased specially in some
V Vast activation should be there in comparison to
mobile companies.
V Call rates of Idea mobile company should be lower
than the other mobile company.
V There should be free call for one to another Idea
mobile uses.
V Distributors network should be strong
V The marketing strategic should be more aggressive
& anticipative.
V Banners & Signage should be present at every
V All types of recharge voucher should be available
at every outlet.
V There should be attractive hording at every hot
V The company should increase its sales forces to
target the segment.
V The company should approach its clients from
time to time to get feed back about their services
and also complaints, if any.
V After surveying the whole district, it is
concluded that VODAVONE is the undisputed
leader in all respect.
V There is enough potential market for idea
V Youth is very keen to buy the IDEA product.
V After getting the new activation scheme, the
retailer is more interested to buy the product
from the distributor.
V Due to shortage of the stock, the product is
given to only few selected outlets..

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