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Control System

Chapter 1 of Norman S. Nise

Moez ul Hassan
• Applications: Rocket fires, Space Shuttle, plants, self guided
vehicle, Aerospace
• In Humans
• Non physical Models
• A control system consist of systems( plants)
assembled for the purpose of obtaining a
desired output with desired performance
given a specified input
Elevator Example
• Input
• Output
• Performance
Advantages of Control System
We build control system for the four primary reasons:
System Configuration
Pros and cons
• Open loop system:
– Sensitivity to disturbance
– Inability to correct output
– Less complex

• Closed loop system ( Feedback Control):

– Compensates to disturbance
– Correct output using feedback
– More complex
– expensive
Computer Controlled System
• Controller
• Changes in software rather than hardware
• Control plant parameters
Analysis and Design
What is instability??
Open loop or closed loop ??
Effects of gain (K)
on transient and
steady state

Filter, controller,
used for attaining
Design Process
Design Process
Design Process
Design Process
Design Process
Design Process
Design Process

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