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MARK 2010


Fruit Shine Foods [I] Pvt. Ltd.
Product: VB
Brand Name: Juice up
Tagline: Little Sweet Little Tart,
Makes you healthy and Smart.

Group Name: Challengers

Group Members:
1. Kavisha Nerkar
2. Vishal Mutha
3. Kirti Kale
4. Vikas Kamathe
Marketing Plan
1. Industry Analysis: SWOT

a. Strengths:
Low cost production.
Large and efficient distribution Network.
Pure fruit juice with no added sugar and flavored colours.
healthy and nutritious.
b. Weakness:
Perishable fruits.
c. Opportunities:
Very few competitors for this particular pomegranate juice.
Awareness and availability of pomegranate juice in several areas in Maharashtra.
d. Threats:
Large number of fruit juice manufacturers in the market.
Shifting of consumer preference away from V8.
Change in government policies and regulations.
Market Segmentation

a. Geographic :All over Maharashtra. Major cities like Pune, Ahmednagar, Nagpur, Mumbai.

b. Demographic: i) Age: All age groups of people

ii) Income level: Middle and higher middle class

c. Psychographic :health consciousness, Gain energy, Better digestion, Cure and prevents cancer.

d. Behavioral: :Daily drink and Energy booster.

3.Target Market Selection

In the above diagram,

M1= First segment= Age group

M2= Second segment= Income level
M3= Third segment= Occupational Sector

P1= X product
P2= Product VB
P3= Y product

Product VB covers all the market segments.

4.Positioning Statement For Product

Positioning statement of product in the minds of customer:

1. Healthy and Energetic juice.
2. Low price of product.
3. Easy availability of the product.
4. Little sweet ,little tangy and little rich juice
5. An antioxidant which cures cancer
6. It helps in proper digestion.
Marketing Mix

1. Product: (VB) : It is a fresh fruit juice with no added sugar and flavored colors.
a. Nutritional facts: Vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin K, Potassium, Calcium and Zinc
b. Taste: Tangy, sweet and tart.
c. Color: Ruby red
d. Quantity: 250ml and 500ml.
e. Ingredients: pomegranate, water, sodium benzonate, ascorbic acid.
f. Best before one month from manufacturing date, when stored in cool place and away from sunlight.
g. Non-standard size under the standards of weight and measures(packaged commodities)Rules 1977. manufacturer->whole seller->retailer->consumer.

3.price: 250ml-Rs 16/-

500ml-Rs 30/-

4.promotion- a. Distribution in food malls, super malls like e.g.:-spencers,more,reliance fresh, food
bazaar and big bazaar, medical and general stores.
b. Media: Radio, Television channel, Magazines, News paper.
c. Banners and Hoardings at retailers outlet, Fitness center etc
Marketing Strategy

1. Marketing Strategy is not only to provide healthy and energetic fresh fruit juice to our customers but
also to enrich customers value proposition.
2. Our target Markets are briefly defined into three types of segments
a. Age group: i) 5-14 years ii) 14 and above
b. Income level: i) Lower middle class ii)Middle class iii) Higher middle class
c. Occupation: i) Students ii) Employers and employees iii) Sportsmen

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