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 Counting yields exact numbers

 Measuring yields inexact values
 Always some error
 Your job is to minimize it
Errors and Mistakes
 Errors - the difference between true
and measured values
 Tend to be small
 Can be reduced, but not eliminated
 Mistakes - blunders
 Cannot be compensated or averaged out
 Can be eliminated by careful, consistent
Sources of Errors
 Instrument Errors
 Natural Errors - caused by environment
 Personal Errors - limits of surveyor’s
 Recording 3.91 when the true reading was
3.90 might be a personal error.
 Recording 4.91 when the true reading is
3.90 is a mistake - redo!
Systematic vs. Random Errors
 Systematic Errors
 Same magnitude and sign each time
 Instrument errors, temperature effects
are systematic
 Reduce by calculation
 Random Errors
 As likely (+) as (-)
 Usually small
 Reduce by averaging
 Personal errors are typically random.
Estimating Total Error
 Repeated Measurements

Etotal  E n

 Series of Unrepeated Measurements

Etotal  E  E  ...  E
2 2
 Surveyors measure:
 Horizontal angles
 Vertical angles
 Horizontal distances
 Vertical distances (elevations)
 Slope distances
Significant Digits
 Carry 1 extra digit in calculations
 Round off final answers
 Surveyors typically measure
 Feet to .01’
 Meters to .01 m = 1 cm
 Angles to limits of instrument: 1’ up to 1”
 Record results that show limits
Accuracy and Precision
 Accuracy - how close your measured
values come to the actual or true values.
 Precision - how well you can repeat your
 Measurements of 90.03, 90.02, and 90.03
when the true distance is 100.00
represents good precision,
but terrible accuracy.
Field Notes
 Legal Document
 May end up in court
 Sign, date each page
 Represent your work
 Neat, organized layout
 Don’t obliterate mistakes - NO erasures
 Use standard note forms
Field Note Rules
 Names and phone numbers on cover
 Table of Contents
 Number pages together
 Job title, Date, Page number
 Record measurements, not calculations!
 Sketch where helpful
 N arrow
 Reference Points
 Hard (3-H, 4-H) pencil, not pen
 No Erasures
Field Note Pages
Job title



Crew, ass’ns

Standard form


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