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Expository Writing

By: Ms. White

Since expository writing is writing that explains and or
informs, what are some possible features of this discourse?

1. Define the word expose or provide synonyms.
2. Explain the purpose expository writing.
3. Explain the function of the different expository discourses.
4. List the identifiable features of expository writing.
5. Differentiate between the organizational structures.
6. Research and present finds on each patterns.
What is Expository Writing?

Expository writing is writing that explains. The writer seeks to make readers
understand an idea or phenomenon. Like any other piece of writing the writer begins
with a subject matter and goes about explaining an aspect of this subject in a way
that the reader can understand. An effective expository piece uses reasons,
explanations and other supporting details to shed light on the thesis and puts forth
arguments which lead to a logical conclusion. The English A examination tests
expository writing on papers one and two as well as the SBA.
What does the word expose mean?
What makes the following expository in nature?
Types of Expository Discourse
Expository Features
1. News reports 1.
2. Essays 2.
3. Lab reports 3.
4. Research papers 4.
5. Instruction manuals 5.
6. Textbooks 6.
7. Recipes 7.
Features of Expository Writing
1. The purpose of expository writing is to give information, to
explain and clarify. It therefore must employ stylistic and
organizational features that achieve these purposes.
2. It uses logic and reasoning. If the purpose of exposition is to
explain then readers will be able to understand if what is said
makes sense, as reasons and explanations are given.
3. It emphasizes clarity. At the end of the writing the reader should
understand precisely what the writer wishes to convey
Features of Expository Writing
4. It is based on facts. The writer’s opinion is never obvious.
5. The tone is usually impersonal. The use of personal pronouns is usually avoided
and writers keep emotional overtones out of it.
6. The language is precise and literal. Since this type of writing is not creative then
the use of figures of speech and metaphorical language is avoided. Words are used
for the denotative meaning, rather than what they connote. The reader never has to
interpret what the writer is trying to say or read multiple meanings into the work.
7. It has an identifiable organizational structure. There are several organizational
patterns used in exposition and the writer will make a selection based on the point
that he/she wishes to make.
1. Compare and Contrast (4) This is used to show similarities and
difference between two or more things.
2. Cause and effect (3) This shows the relationship between causes and
their results or effects. Usually the causes are presented first, followed
by the effects; but sometimes the results are presented before their
causes depending on the effect that the writer wishes to create.
3. Problem and solution (2) In this type of organization the writer begins
by presenting a problem. All the details of the problem may be
presented at first and then solutions are offered afterwards.
4. Description - Details explain the main idea by providing a mental
picture of situations, objects, or surroundings; details focus on sensory
or physical data
4. Chronological order - This type of organization is used to present
information in time or sequential order or to show processes. These ideas are
presented from the first to the last event.
5. Classification - This is when information may be grouped in some way or
sorted into smaller groups and then the traits of each group are described.
6. Sequential (1) - A series of events presented in the order they happened
(chronological). High order thinking does not occur – writer is talking about.
7. Description (5) - A topic is discussed and the characteristic or attributes are
8. Order of importance- Also known as Chain of Command or Hierarchical,
details are given in a list, but the author indicates which items in the list are
more important than others, either from the least important to the most
important or from the most to the least important
Lets try
Group work

In your SBA groups, you research on the organizational pattern used in

expository writing. This will be done in the form of a presentation and
MUST include:
1. A definition for each pattern – 5 marks
2. No less than 10 Transition or cue words – 5 marks
3. Sample essay that outline selected pattern – 10marks
4. A video or audio clip – 5 marks
5. creative – 5 marks
6. Group work – 5 marks
7. Class activity (work) – 5 marks (due Jan 11,2021)

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