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Domain II:

Content and Curricular

Abigail Stallkamp
As we were deciding content for our unit
focused on the Spring season, I decided that
I wanted to do the science experiment in
which our class plants. Bean seeds and
watches them grow. But I realized that to do
that they would needs background
knowledge on what plants needs to grow and
how plants grow.
Domain Indicators

The candidate creates learning The candidate uses multiple

experiences that make the discipline resources, perspectives, and
2.2 accessible and meaningful for learners to
promote mastery of the content. 2.4 ways of knowing to construct
learning experiences.

The candidate’s lesson and unit plans

outline and logical sequence that aligns
2.5 objectives, learning activities, and
Before planting seeds, I wanted to make sure that the
students had the correct background knowledge to

know what was going on during planting. To
accomplish this, I did a couple of lessons on what a
plant needs to grow, and the life cycle of a plant. Once I
knew they were able to connect those concepts
together, then we planted seeds.
When I was teaching this unit, I made
sure that I had Power points,
interactive visuals (flip book and
plant life cycle sheet) , and hands on
activities (plant life cycle scavenger
hunt, planting seeds, dissecting
tomato plants).
Through pre-teaching concepts, I made sure that my

students were ready to create connections to the hands-
on activity. By planting the seeds, and then dissecting a
tomato plant I allowed them to see what we had been
learning in real life. This helped to create more neural
networks and form myelin around the concepts that had
already been learned. The hands-on experience was
also fun for the students, which released dopamine and
norepinephrine in their brain which would allow their
brains to be more prepared to learn and connect new

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