World Trade Organisation

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The creation of general agreement on tariffs and

trade (GATT) in 1947 was the beginning of
multilateral regulation of international trade .

The creation of GATT was an interim arrangement

and so with the evolution of consensus at the
international level, world trade organization(WTO)
took its birth in 1995.

WTO substituted GATT for providing more effective

stimuli to the multilateral trading system.

The Uruguay round (1986-94) being the 8th round

It carried out the unfinished agenda of the Tokyo


They conferred upon the GATT a legal status through

the creation of WTO.

The contracting parties at the Uruguay round

concluded 18 separate agreements

Multilateral agreements

Agriculture ±the agreement on agriculture included

three aspects :market access, domestic support, and
export subsidies.

Textiles and clothing-the trade has been taken away

from GATT purview by the 1974 multi fiber
arrangement trim. The restrictions were to be reduced
into four phases.

Technical barriers to trade-this agreement was meant

for the protection of environment.

Anti dumping- the GATT had permitted imposing of

anti dumping duties.

Customs valuation-the agreement at the Uruguay

round re emphasized that the basis for the valuation
of goods for customs purposes should be at the
maximum of the transaction value of the goods.

Rules of origin-origin means ³nationality´ of a


Import licensing procedures-the agreement tried to

bring in transparency to the import licensing

Safeguards-the agreement limited the scope and

duration of the safeguards measures.

GATS-the agreement involved reduction and

elimination of barriers to international trade in
services and establishment of MFNT principle in this

Dispute settlement- the dispute settlement

procedure existed in the pre Uruguay round GATT
but it was handicapped by the refusal of countries,
mainly the developed countries, to respect the final

Plurilateral trade agreements ±

Public procurement-the foreign suppliers must be

given equal treatment in government procurement
as the domestic supplier gets

Trade in civil aircraft-aims at elimination of import

duties on all aircraft.

International dairy products-the agreement tries to

introduce greater stability in the market by seeking
to limit surpluses, shortages and fluctuations in

International bovine and meat products


India was the founder member of the GATT and so it is

one of the original members of WTO

This country has been an active participant of the

Uruguay round discussions.

India has bound around two-thirds of its lines compared

to only 5-6%of its tariff lines bound prior to the WTO.

Quantitative restrictions are still maintained on the

ground of BOP payments.

India has agreed to abide by the agreement on the

intellectual property rights ensuring non-discrimination
and transparency.

Under the trade-related investment measures, India

has already notified its stand.

India has agreed to offer entry to foreign service

providers in 33 lines of activities that are more than
the average for individual developing countries.

The Indian government has amended the customs

valuation rules to bring them in line with the
provisions of WTO.

Albania 8 September
Botswana 31 May 1995
Costa Rica 1 January
Estonia 13 November
Brazil 1 January 1995 1995 1999

Angola 23 November
Brunei Darussalam 1
Côte d'Ivoire 1 January
European Union
1996 January 1995 1995 (formerly European

Antigua and Barbuda 1

Bulgaria 1 December
Croatia 30 November Communities) 1
January 1995 1996 2000 January 1995

Argentina 1 January
Burkina Faso 3 June
Cuba 20 April 1995
Fiji 14 January 1996
1995 1995
Cyprus 30 July 1995
Finland 1 January 1995

Armenia 5 February
Burundi 23 July 1995
Czech Republic 1
Cambodia 13 October January 1995

Australia 1 January 2004

Democratic Republic of
Cameroon 13 December the Congo 1 January

Austria 1 January 1995 1995 1997

Bahrain, Kingdom of 1
Canada 1 January 1995
Denmark 1 January
January 1995
Cape Verde 23 July 1995

Bangladesh 1 January 2008

Djibouti 31 May 1995
Central African Republic
Dominica 1 January

Barbados 1 January 31 May 1995 1995

Chad 19 October 1996
Dominican Republic 9

Belgium 1 January 1995

Chile 1 January 1995 March 1995

Belize 1 January 1995

China 11 December
Ecuador 21 January

Benin 22 February 1996 2001 1996

Bolivia 12 September
Colombia 30 April 1995
Egypt 30 June 1995
Congo 27 March 1997
El Salvador 7 May 1995

Korea, Republic of 1 January 1995

Netherlands ² For the Kingdom in
Sweden 1 January 1995

Kuwait 1 January 1995 Europe and for the Netherlands

Switzerland 1 July 1995

Kyrgyz Republic 20 December 1998 Antilles 1 January 1995

Chinese Taipei 1 January 2002

Latvia 10 February 1999

New Zealand 1 January 1995
Tanzania 1 January 1995

Luxembourg 1 January 1995

Nicaragua 3 September 1995
Thailand 1 January 1995

Macao, China 1 January 1995

Niger 13 December 1996
Togo 31 May 1995

Madagascar 17 November 1995

Nigeria 1 January 1995
Tonga 27 July 2007

Malawi 31 May 1995

Norway 1 January 1995
Trinidad and Tobago 1 March 1995

Malaysia 1 January 1995

Oman 9 November 2000
Tunisia 29 March 1995

Maldives 31 May 1995

Pakistan 1 January 1995
Turkey 26 March 1995

Mali 31 May 1995

Panama 6 September 1997
Uganda 1 January 1995

Malta 1 January 1995

Papua New Guinea 9 June 1996
Ukraine 16 May 2008

Mauritania 31 May 1995

Paraguay 1 January 1995
United Arab Emirates 10 April 1996

Mauritius 1 January 1995

Peru 1 January 1995
United Kingdom 1 January 1995

Mexico 1 January 1995

Philippines 1 January 1995
United States of America 1 January

Moldova 26 July 2001

Poland 1 July 1995 1995

Mongolia 29 January 1997

Portugal 1 January 1995
Uruguay 1 January 1995

Morocco 1 January 1995

6 July 1996
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1

Mozambique 26 August 1995

South Africa 1 January 1995 January 1995

Myanmar 1 January 1995

Spain 1 January 1995
Viet Nam 11 January 2007

Namibia 1 January 1995

Sri Lanka 1 January 1995
Zambia 1 January 1995

Nepal 23 April 2004

Suriname 1 January 1995
Zimbabwe 5 March,1995

Swaziland 1 January 1995

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