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Simple Curves
A simple curve is a circular arc, extending from one tangent to the next. The point
where the curve leaves the first tangent is called the point of curvature (P.C.) and
the point where the curve joins the second tangent is called the point of tangency.
(P.T.) the Pc and PT are often called the tangent points. If the tangent to be
produced, they will meet in a point of intersection is called the vertex. The distance
from the vertex to the PC or PT is called the tangent distance. The distance from
the vertex to the curve is called external distance (measured towards the center of
curvature) while the line joining the middle of the curve and the middle of the
chord line joining the PC and PT is called the middle ordinate.
Sharpness of the curve is expressed in any of the three ways.

1. degree of curve (arc basis)

Degree of the curve is the angle at the center subtended by
anarc of 20 m is the metric system or 100 ft in English
system. This is the method generally used in highway
2. degree of curve( chord basis)
Degree of the curve is the angle subtended by a chord of 20
m in metric system or 100 ft in English system.
3. radius. Length of radius is stated.

Elements of a simple curve

P.C. – point of curvature
P.T. – point of tangency
P.I. – point of intersection
R. – radius of the curve
D – degree of the curve
T – tangent distance
I – angle of intersection
E – external distance
M – middle ordinate
Lc – length of the curve
C – long chord
C1 and C2 – sub chord
Degree of Curve: Arc Basis
tangent distance
1145 .916 T  R tan
D 2
R Metric System
external distance
E  R (sec  1)
5729.58 2
D English System
middle ordinate
Degree of Curve: Chord Basis
M  R (1  cos )
long chord
10 I
R Metric System C  2 R sin
D 2
length of the curve
50 20 I 100 I
R English System LC  LC 
sin D D
Metric System English System
A simple Curve has acentral angle of 36°and a degree
of curve of 6°
a. Find the nearest distance from the mid point of
the intersection of the tangents.
b. Compute the distance from the midpoint of the
curve to the midpoint of the long chord joining the
point of curvature and the point of tangency.
c. If the stationing of the point of curvature is at
10+020, compute the stationing of a point of the
curve which intersects with the line making a
deflection of 8° with the tangents through the P.C.
The tangents of the the simple curve have a bearings of
N20°E and N80°E respectively. The radius of the curve is

a. Compute the external distance of the curve

b. Compute the middle ordinate ofthe curve

c. Compute the stationing of point a on the c urve

having a deflection angle of 6°from the P.C. Which is
at 1+200
Compound curve

The long chord from the PC to the point PT of a compound curve is 300
meters long and the angle it makes with the longer and shorter tangents are
12° and and 15° respectively. If the common tangent is parallel to the long

Find the radius of the first curve

Find the radius of the second curve

If the stationing of the PC is 10+204.30, find the stationing of the PT

Compound curve

The common tangent AB of a compound curve is 76.42m. With

an azimuth of 268°30’. The vertex V being inaccesible. The
azimuth o the tangent AV and VB was measured to be 247°50’
and 282°50’ respectively. The stationing at A is 10+010.46 and the
degree of the first curve is 4°based on the 20 m chord. Use chord

Compute the stationing of the PCC

Compute the radius of the second curve

Compute the stationing of the PT.

The deflection angle of two intermediate points R and S
on the curve measured fron the tangent passing
through the P.C. Are 6°15’ and 12°15’ respectively . The
chord distance between R and S is 20m. ( standard in
metric System)while the long chord is 100m long.

a. Compute the radius of the curve

b. Compute the angle of intersection of the simple


c. Compute the tangent distance.

A simple curve having a degree curve of 4° has an angle
of intersection of 24°. Compute the length of the long
chord using arch basis.
The angle of intersection of a circular curve is 53°40’ and
its radius is 800 m. If the stationing of P.C. is at 35 +
180, compute the right angle offset from the tangent
passing thru the P.C. to station 35 + 280 on the curve.
From point A on a simple curve, the perpendicular distance
to the tangent, at point Q, is 64m. The tangent passes
through the P.C. the distance from Q to P.C. is 260m. Find
the length of the curve from the P.C. point A, in m.
Reversed curve

A reversed curve having a radius of the first curve of

220m. and a central angle of 10° has a stationing of P.C.
equal to 32 + 108.2. Compute the stationing of the P.R.C.
Reversed curve

Two parallel tangents 10 m apart are connected by a reverse curve.

The chord length from the PC to the PT equals 120 m

Compute the length of tangent with commom direction

Determine the equal radius of the reversed curve

Compute the stationing of the PRC if the stationing of A at the

beginning of the tangent with common direction is 3+420
Reversed curve

Two tangents converge at an angle of 30° the direction of the

second tangent is due east. The distance of the PC from the
second tangent is 116.50 m. The bearing of the common
tangent is S40°E

Compute the central angle of the first curve

If thea reversed curve is to connect these two tangent,

determine the common radius of the curve

Compute the stationing of the PT if PC is at station 10+620

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