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- Unit mahluk hidup

- Penyusun mahluk hidup
Cytology: science/study of cells
 Light microscopy resolving power~ measure of
 Electron microscopy
TEM ~ electron beam to study cell
SEM ~ electron beam to study cell surfaces
 Cell fractionation ~ cell separation; organelle study
 Ultracentrifuge ~ cell fractionation; 130,000rpm
A cell is a living unit greater than
the sum of its parts
• While the cell has many structures that have
specific functions, they must work together.
Cell Size
 As cell size increases, the surface area to volume
ratio decreases
 Rates of chemical exchange may then be
inadequate for cell size
 Cell size, therefore, remains small
Tipe struktur sel

• Prokariotik
– Tidak memiliki membran nuklear
– Termasuk spesies dalam domain Archaea dan Bakteri
• Eukariotik
– Memiliki membran nuklear
– Memiliki organel
– 1,000 sampai 10,000 kali lebih besar dibandingkan sel
– Termasuk spesies dalam domain eukariot

Comparison of Procaryotic and Eucaryotic Organisms
Procaryotes Eucaryotes
Organisms archaea, bacteria protists, fungi, plants, animals
Cell linear dim. 1-10 :m 10-100 :m
Metabolism anaerobic or aerobic aerobic or anaerobic
Organelles no nucleus, chloroplasts,
mitochondria, endoplasmic
reticulum, etc.
DNA circular, in cytoplasm very long linear molecules
bounded by nuclear envelope
RNA and protein RNA and protein synthesized RNA synthesized in nucleus;
in same compartment protein, in cytoplasm
Cytoplasm no cytoskeleton: cytoskeleton composed of protein
no cytoplasmic streaming, no filaments; cytoplasmic streaming;
endocytosis, no exocytosis endocytosis and exocytosis
Cell division chromosomes pulled apart by chromosomes pulled apart by
attachment to plasma membrane cytoskeletal spindle apparatus
Cellular mainly unicellular mainly multicellular, with
organization differentiation of many cell types
7 Biology of the Cell, 2nd Ed.
• Kurang kompleks dibandingkan eukariot

Struktur prokariot umum

• Sitoplasma
• Materi genetik
• Membran sel
• Ribosom
• Beberapa memiliki flagela untuk bergerak
Cell Types: Prokaryotic
Nucleoid: DNA
No organelles with
Ribosomes:protein synthesis
Plasma membrane: (all
cells); semi-permeable
Cytoplasm/cytosol(all cells)
Vibrio cholerae -
causes cholera

ATP drive motor protein complex

E. Coli - normal
inhabitant of human

Sel bakteri adalah prokariot

Tidak ada nukleus, tidak ada membrane yang mengelilingi

subcellular compartments, tidak ada mitokondria, tidak ada
peroxisomes, dll.
Cell types: Eukaryotic
Nucleus:membrane enclosed organelle containing
Membrane bound organelles of specialized
form and function
 Generally larger than prokaryotic cells
• Sel memiliki nukleus
• Dapat bersel tunggal – misalnya Protista
• Dapat terdiri dari milyaran sel seperti
hewan dan tumbuhan
• Terorganisasi dengan baik
• Memiliki jumlah, bentuk dan fungsi yang
• Memiliki struktur umum
Sel hewan
Struktur umum
• Organel – bagian kecil dalam sel dengan fungsi
• Membran sel – berfungsi sebagai penjaga gerbang
Membran sel
• Mengontrol apapun yang memasuki dan
meninggalkan sel.
• Tanaman, algae dan bakteri memiliki struktur
luar yang lebih kuat disebut dinding sel.
Genetic material…
 chromatin
 Chromosomes
 Nucleolus: rRNA;
ribosome synthesis
Double membrane
with pores
mRNA~ protein synthesis
• Pusat kontrol sel
• Mengandung DNA
• Dikelilingi oleh membran/selubung
• Merupakan organel yang paling
mudah terlihat dibawah mikroskop
• Biasanya 1 per sel (kecuali sel otot).
• Nukleolus: spot gelap di tengah-
tengah nukleus yang membantu
membuat ribosom

• Terdapat pada semua

sel, baik prokariot
maupun eukariot
• Tempat sintesis protein
• Ditemukan berikatan
dengan ER kasar atau
berada bebas di sitosol.
• Diproduksi di bagian
nukelus yaitu nukleolus
Protein manufacture
 Types: a) free cytosol;protein function in cell

b) bound: endoplasmic reticulum;

membranes, organelles and export
The Endomembrane System
 Endoplasmic reticulum(ER)
 Continuous with nuclear envelope
 Smooth ER
 no ribosomes
 Synthesis of lipids
 Metabolism of carbohydrates
 Detoxification of drugs &poisons
 Rough ER
 With ribosomes
 Synthesis of secretory proteins
 Membrane production
Endoplasmic Reticulum
• Sering disingkat “ER”
• Berhubungan dengan
membran nukeus
• Berfungsi sebagai sistem
delivery internal sel
• Dua tipe yaitu:
ER kasar: ditempeli oleh
ribosom tempat sintesis
ER halus: tidak ada ribosom,
berfungsi membuat lipid
Golgi Apparatus

• Berfungsi menyimpan
dan memodifikasi serta
mengepak protein
• Molekul
ditransportasikan dari
golgi melalui
pembentukan vesikula

• Mengandung enzim
digestif yang
memecah limbah
 Sac of hydrolytic
enzymes; digestion of
 Phagocytosis
 Autophagy: recycle cell’s
own organic material
 Tay-Sachs disease~
lipid digestions disorder
Other Membranous Organelles

1. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are the main energy

transformers of cells
Both organelles have small quantities of DNA that direct the
synthesis of the polypeptides produced by these internal
• Mitochondria and chloroplasts grow and reproduce as
semiautonomous organelles.

2. Peroxisomes generate and degrade H2O2 in

performing various metabolic functions
• Tempat produksi energi
• Respirasi seluler terjadi
di mitokondria untuk
menghasilkan energi
yang digunakan sel
• Memiliki membran
• Memiliki DNA sendiri
• Membantu pembelahan
• Biasanya ditemukan
hanya pada sel hewan
• Terbuat dari mikrotubul
Sel tumbuhan
Cell Wall

• Terdapat pada sel tumbuhan

dan sel bakteri
• Rigid, batas pelindung
• Fungsi: memberikan suport
dan perlindungan kepada
membran sel
• Berlokasi diluar membran sel
• Terbuat dari selulosa (fiber)
found in plants and eukaryotic algae
site of photosynthesis.
Inside the innermost membrane is a fluid-
filled space, the stroma, in which float
membranous sacs, the thylakoids.

• Terdapat hanya pada sel

• Mengandung pigmen
hijau chlorophyll
• Tempat produksi
makanan (glucose)
• Dilindungi oleh
membran ganda
• generate and degrade H2O2 in performing
various metabolic functions
• bounded by a single membrane.
• They form not from the endomembrane system,
but by incorporation of proteins and lipids from
the cytosol.
sacs(larger than vesicles)
Food (phagocytosis)
Contractile (pump excess
Central (storage in plants)
 Tonoplast membrane

• Vakuola central yang

besar terdapat pada sel
• Tempat penyimpanan
air, makanan, enzim,
The Cytoskeleton
• Providing structural support to the cell, the
cytoskeleton also functions in cell motility
and regulation
There are three main types of fibers in the cytoskeleton:
microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments.
• the thickest fibers, are hollow rods about 25
microns in diameter.

• They move chromosomes during cell division.

• Another function is
as tracks that guide
motor proteins
carrying organelles
to their destination.
cilia and flagella.

• Microtubules are the central structural

• Cilia usually occur in large numbers on the
cell surface.
• There are usually just one or a few flagella
per cell
cilia and flagella.

• A flagellum has an undulatory movement

cilia and flagella.

• Cilia move more like oars with alternating

power and recovery strokes.
cilia and flagella
• have the same ultrastructure.
• the thinnest class of the
cytoskeletal fibers,
are solid rods of the globular protein
designed to resist tension

• form a three-dimensional
network just inside
the plasma membrane.
• In muscle cells, thousands of actin filaments are arranged
parallel to one another.
• Thicker filaments, composed of a motor protein, myosin,
interdigitate with the thinner actin fibers
• In other cells, these actin-myosin
aggregates are less organized but still cause
localized •contraction
Pseudopodia, cellular extensions, extend and
contract through the reversible assembly and
contraction of actin subunits into microfilaments.
• In plant cells (and others), actin-myosin
interactions and sol-gel transformations drive
cytoplasmic streaming.
Intermediate filaments,

• more permanent fixtures

of the cytoskeleton than
are the other two classes
• reinforce cell shape
• and fix organelle location.
Cell Surfaces and Junctions

1. Plant cells are encased by cell walls

2. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of animal cells functions
in support, adhesion, movement, and regulation
3. Intercellular junctions help integrate cells into higher
levels of structure and function
4. The cell is a living unit greater than the sum of its parts
Plant cells are encased by cell
• The cell wall, found in prokaryotes, fungi, and
some protists, has multiple functions.
• In plants, the cell wall protects the cell,
maintains its shape, and prevents excessive
uptake of water.
• It also supports the plant against the force of
A mature cell wall consists of a primary cell wall, a
middle lamella with sticky polysaccharides that holds
cell together, and layers of secondary cell wall.
The extracellular matrix (ECM) of animal
cells functions in support, adhesion,
movement, and regulation
• In many cells, fibronectins in the ECM connect
to integrins, intrinsic membrane proteins.
. Intracellular junctions help integrate
cells into higher levels of structure
and function
• Plant cells are perforated with
plasmodesmata, channels allowing cysotol to
pass between cells.
Animal have 3 main types of intercellular links:
tight junctions, desmosomes, and gap junctions

• In tight junctions, membranes of adjacent cells

are fused, forming continuous belts around cells.
– This prevents leakage of extracellular fluid.
Desmosomes (or anchoring junctions)
fasten cells together into strong sheets,
much like rivets.
• Gap junctions (or communicating
junctions) provide cytoplasmic channels
between adjacent cells.
• In many cells, microtubules grow out from a centrosome
near the nucleus.
• In animal cells, the centrosome has a pair of centrioles, each
with nine triplets of microtubules arranged in a ring.
• During cell division the
centrioles replicate.

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