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• Naturally Occurring
• Inorganic
• Chemical Compounds

• About 5000 Known

• 200 Rock-Forming

• More than 90% on the crust is

composed of silicate minerals.
• Most abundant silicates are
feldspars, quartz, pyroxenes,
amphiboles, micas and clay
• Only 8% of the crust is
composed of non-silicates —
carbonates, oxides, sulfides, etc
Identifying Minerals
• Color: very variable, complex causes
• Hardness: strength of atomic bonds
• Density: mass and spacing of atoms
• Lustre: how surface interacts with light
• Cleavage: weak atomic planes
• Other properties distinctive at times
Properties of Minerals
• Measures resistance to scratching
• If a substance is able to scratch another substance, it is harder
• Moh’s Scale used to test minerals
Properties of Minerals
• Describes how light is reflected from a minerals surface
• Does not relate to its colour
• Basic divisions: metallic and non-metallic
• Other divisions: pearly, glassy, resinous…........
Properties of Minerals
• When crystals break, they split along straight faces called cleavage planes which are
weak due to the atomic structure of the crystal.
Properties of Minerals
• Mica has one
cleavage plane
Properties of Minerals
• Calcite has two planes
at 60 and 120 degrees
Properties of Minerals
• Quartz does not have
any planes of
weakness so does not
cleave (split along
planes). When it breaks
we say that it fractures,
leaving glassy
conchoidal edges
Properties of Minerals
• streak is the colour of the powered
• found by scratching the sample on an
unglazed white tile (streak plate).
• even with impurities, the colour of the
streak remains consistent.
Properties of Minerals

Mineral Streak Hardness Lustre Cleavage



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