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R-BP rechecked 120/80 mmHg,

SHIFT/ PR-90 bpm, RR-20 breaths/min,
TIME “masakit parin ulo ko Ma’am”,
04/6/2021 Headache D – “Nadisgrasya po sya as verbalized by client.----------
7-3 shift Ma’am, sumasakit ulo niya” as
10:52am verbalized by mother. Brought 1:00pm   A – Ketorolac 30mg IVTT given
in ER per stretcher, pale and as ordered stat. Brought to CT
clammy skin noted, pain scale 8 Scan as ordered and
out of 10, in mild respiratory accompanied by nurse J. Pacala
distress, swelling at right per stretcher with side rails up.;
temporal lobe area. Severe stat CBC, BT taken by Medical
headache noted as evidenced Technologist Alfieri Chua.----
by grimaced face, guarding
behavior, with warm and
erythematic scalp on palpation, 2:00pm   A – CBC results seen by Dr.
slightly restless, irritable, GCS Cruz, orders given. Continuous
15/15, T-36.5°C, PR-100 bpm, observation for complications.
RR-25 breaths/min, BP-130/90 Unnecessary disturbance
mmHg------------------------------ avoided and promoted a cool,
11:00am   A – Placed on bed with side calm and quite non stimulating
rails up and locked, with head environment. ----------------------
of bed elevated to 30° angle,
O2 inhalation administered at 2:15pm   R-“Nawala-wala na po ang sakit
3L/min via nasal cannula. Ice ng ulo ko.” as verbalized by
pack applied to swelling.-------- patient, pain scale of 4/10.
11:15am   Seen and examined by Dr. Patient understands
Mikaela Cruz, consent for instructions and seen doing
deep breathing exercises.---
admission signed by mother.
Started with venoclysis of PLR
1L at left cephalic vein using 2:25pm   - Patient is seen soundly asleep
gauge 18 regulated at 30 and undisturbed.---------------
drops/min.-------------------------- 2:35pm   Endorsed to 3-11 shift for
continuity of care.------------------

---------------Sancha Alcazar, RN

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