Matilda: by Layan Bdiwe

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By Layan Bdiwe
Matilda Wormwood
She is a young girl who is extr
aordinarily brilliant. She is very
smart girl. She taught herself h
ow to read by the time she wa
s three years old!
At a young age, she can s
olve complex math proble
ms in her head and read b
ooks meant for adults.
 Unfortunately, though, Mati
lda has grown up with pare
nts who do not give her the
attention and love she dese
rves. Mr. and
Mrs. Wormwood
and their son, Michael, are
quite different from Matilda
, preferring to watch televis
ion than read books. They
do not understand her, and
often treat her badly.
 Matilda starts school late for a girl he
r age,and is placed in the lowest form
in Crunchem Hall Primary School. Mat
ilda's teacher, Miss Honey, is a wond
erful, sweet woman, and she immedi
ately recognizes Matilda's intelligence
and seeks to move her into the highe
st form
 Unfortunately, though, C
runchem Hall is run by a
terrible woman named Mi
ss Trunchbull. She is mas
sive and muscular. She h
ates children and thinks t
hey are bad!
She does not believe Mis
s Honey at all.
 Matilda has magic brain
powers! She told Miss H
oney what had happene
d and they went to her h
ouse. Matilda is a frighte
ned by her newfound po
 When she returns home tha
t day she sees her parents
and brother in a frenzy, pac
king up to move to Spain .
Miss Honey offers to adopt
Matilda so she can stay and
live with her.

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