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What are the benefits
of being in a
development book
Image from Cambridge / hyperlinked

Professional Learning Book Club

• Clarification and deeper
understanding of professional texts
• Increased collaboration and sharing
• Opportunities to discuss strategies
and interventions
• Improved colleague relationships
• Safe, encouraging community
• Teacher-driven, flexible, needs-based
Objectives: (created using the criteria in
today’s supplemental materials)

As a result of this meeting, the educators should be able to

1. Outline some of the most important points from Hattie’s Visible
Learning Research by filling-in the guided notes. (knowledge)
2. Predict and/or analyze how and why they can apply this research to
our practice, particularly focusing on how it might help solve
problems that we encounter in our classrooms by discussing each
question with an elbow partner. (application and analysis)
3. Construct a SMART Goal for going forward in applying Visible
Learning to our practice by using the checklist from Spark People.
As a result of this meeting,
we should be able to:

Outline some of the most

important points from
Hattie’s research
Predict and/or analyze how
and why we can apply this
research to our practice
(application and analysis)
Determine a SMART Goal
for applying Visible Learning
to our practice.
Show Video on how the studies are done. ~3 min.
Effect size is a
method of
results on
tests, teacher
tests, student
work) over time
or between
groups that
allows multiple
comparisons https://www.moedu-sail.or

The Standard
Deviation is a
measure of
how spread
out numbers
are from the
Desired Effects
Typical Teacher Effects
Developmental Effects
Reverse Effects
Three Major Messages for Teachers s/

Transparent • the more transparent the teacher makes the learning

goals, then the more likely the student is to engage
goals in the work needed to meet the goal.

• the more the student is aware of the criteria of

Clear Success success, then the more the student can see the
specific actions that are needed to attain these
criteria criteria

Rapid formative • the more there is feedback about progress from

prior to desired outcomes the more positive
feedback attributes to learning are developed
Write in your notes a response to each question.

Turn and talk with a partner about
⮚ What surprised you?

⮚ What do you have questions about?

⮚ What does this research mean for students and

teachers in our International Department?

⮚ What does this research mean for your classroom?

Calculating Our Impact

What does success look like in our classrooms?

How do we help students know what it means to

be successful in our classes?

What does it mean to learn something versus to

know it?

How do we know or measure how much our

students have learned?
Lessons need:
Calculating Our Impact 1. clear learning intentions
(Visible Learning for Literacy
pg. 136)
Lessons need:
Calculating Our Impact
2. clear success criteria
(Visible Learning for Literacy pg. 136)
Calculating Our Impact
Lessons need:
3. success criteria that
indicates what quality
performance looks like
(V.L. for Literacy pg.
(multiple examples,
modeling, and mentor
texts encouraged)
Calculating Our Impact

Lessons need:
4. to show students
where they stand in
relation to the criteria
for success.
(V. L. for Literacy pg. 136)
Calculating Our Impact What does success look
like in our classrooms?
Lessons need:
1. clear learning intentions How do we make success
2. clear success criteria more transparent for
3. success criteria that indicates students?
what quality performance looks
4. to show students where they How do we measure how
stand in relation to the criteria for much our students have
success. learned?
(Visible Learning for Literacy pg. 136)

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Achievable: journ ill dec w i ll in s
NE X T ? Relevant:
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Goal that you set related to applying Visible

Learning in your classroom?
My goal: Include clear objectives and success
criteria in all of my lessons.
• S - pecific: 1) I will use the handout to help me structure objectives in a logical and organized way; 2) I
will include checklist, rubrics, and/or grade-appropriate sample work as success criteria; 3) I will work
on my long-term planning by looking at how other schools and programs sequence similar content.
• M- easurable: I will measure my goal by creating a file on my computer. I will make a portfolio of my
agenda, objectives, and success criteria for each lesson. I will also start trying to measuring my effect
size at the start end end of major units.
• A- ttainable: I need to do more research on the AP Lang. and Lit. skills and progression. Then I need to
look for strategies to support my students in growing towards such rigorous standards. I’ll find the time
since my online classes are drawing to a close, giving me time for more independent research and
planning. We also have a break coming up. I need to learn more about how my current resources fit
with these rigorous ones. I need to learn more about creating projects from these rigorous goals. I have
the items to do this, but getting AP permissions will help me further. I can talk to my co-teacher in WI
and other teachers in the AP online community for support. I can also talk to Jeff for support. I might
email my mentor or some of my old teachers back home to ask for support as well.
My goal: Include clear objectives and success
criteria in all of my lessons.
• R- elevant: I am a teacher with ADHD. If I have objectives, I am clear about the
exact direction my instruction is headed since there are many possible focus
points without clear objectives. I’m also super nice and never want to tell anyone
they did a bad job. So, success criteria takes the “mean” out of assessment, by
making success much more objective. Objectives and success criteria help me
and my students to focus and be successful. They make me a more fair teacher.
• T- imely: I have already started implementing this goal, but part of my goal is to
be more consistent and methodical in my implementation. I will remain
consistent over the semester, hopefully making it a regular aspect of my
teaching practice. I will finish my long-term plan for this semester by May, 1. My
halfway measurement will be Monday April, 19. I’ll also check my progress on
crafting and implementing objectives at the end of May and June.
My SMART Goal (all together):
• Within the next two weeks, I will create a long-term plan
for the semester with objectives and success criteria for my
future units. Furthermore, I will write objectives for each
lesson and include success criteria for every assessment. I
will archieve my progress in a digital portfolio and check it’s
impact by using the effect size measure. I’ll share my
progress with my co-teachers. These goals are worth the
effort because it will make my teaching and assessment of
student learning more focused and fair.
Assess yourself and revise as needed:
Next to each step on your SMART Goal worksheet score your performance and adjust as you see a need. Subtitute teacher for student.

research- *
pedagogy that
clarity and
data is the How the goal can How the goal can How the goal can How the goal can
desired be made be made be made be made
outcome. achievable is fully achievable is listed achievable is achievable is
listed with with mostly somewhat listed hardly or not at all
practical and practical detail and with some what listed with little to
ambitious detail good specificity. practical detail and no practical details
and specificity. some specificity. and specificity.
Assess yourself: 4 3 2 1
Please join us for future meetings!

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