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                                                         Portfolio unit – Assignment 1 

The portfolio that I am going to produce is aimed at employers at Versarien Technologies. I will then be able to send the link to my portfolio to
potential employers to show the skills that I have and all the work and assignments that I have produced. 

This shows my skills well because the portfolio shows all your records, this is good because when you want to get a job you will be able to
show the employer your portfolio and they will be able to see what your accomplishments, skills and even your work
experience are, because the portfolio highlights and showcase samples of your best work and life experiences. 
It is better than a paper-based CV because a portfolio shows your present and your work history including experience, skills and
other qualifications that will help you to get a job. 

Employers will like it because they are able to get a more detailed look at the work you have done in the past and present, they can see
exactly what skills and what experiences you have, and this will make their decision easier. 

Portfolio Timeline 2021 

A nice navigation system, because it will
make the person who visits the website a
good first impression because they will be
able to navigate easily with no problems.

An animated background A big text that says the

image with some computer name of the portfolio
parts to look more like an owner.
IT website. 
Also, a text with the course
that I am doing. The text is
animated( glitched text)
A nice medium size box
with a text that will allow
the user to go to the
portfolio section easier and
Another bold medium size text to show and
tell the user who the website and portfolio
owner and creator is without having to go to
the about section constantly.

Computing Level 2 Level 3 Game Design

A big bold text that says
"PORTFOLIO" so the user
Nice three sections with  will know where they
Animated text and a steady location is on the website.
Picture as background for 
Each section.

Different pictures for every

section so it represents
what each tabs contain.
A background full of
colours to make the tabs to
stand out, for the users to
be able to be focused more
A nice navigation system, to help the user
get to each units faster and easier.

Unit 8​ Unit 1​ Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 13​ Unit 15 Unit 14​ Unit 17​

Computing Level 2

Some examples of the class A big paragraph that

work that I have produced explains what you see in
and. the pictures and when this
work has been produced.

Bold medium size text for a

better comfort for the user
Some Big pictures of the eyes.
work so it stands out and
to caputure the attention One white background with no
of the user. animation for no distraction.
One small button for home
that will send the user back
to the home page faster.
Unit 8​ Unit 1​ Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 13​ Unit 15 Unit 14 Unit 17

Unit 1

I will add some pictures A medium paragraph that

that will describe the will explain and show the
Unit  and some pictures of user what Unit 1 is about
the work that I have and it will give the user a
produced for this unit. better understanding on
what I have studied.

The picture size will be The text displayed on this

463px by 310px for each page will be in Alternate
pictures. Gothic font for a better
The background of this
page will light blue ,
because I would like to add
Unit 8​ Unit 1​ Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 13​ Unit 15 Unit 14 Unit 17
to my website a different
color that represents each
unit. Because I will think
Unit 2 that my portfolio would
stand out more.

I will add some pictures A medium paragraph that

that will describe the Unit will explain and show the
2  and some pictures of the user what Unit 2 is about
work that I have produced and it will give the user a
for this unit. better understanding on
what I have studied.

The picture size will be The text displayed on this

463px by 310px for each page will be in Alternate
pictures. Gothic font for a better
A nice navigation system, to help the user
get to each units faster and easier and easier
Unit 8​ Unit 1​ Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 13​ Unit 15 Unit 14 Unit 17

Unit 3
A medium paragraph that will
explain and show the user
what Unit 3 is about and it will
I will add some pictures give the user a better
that will describe the Unit understanding on what I have
3  and some pictures of the studied.
work that I have produced
for this unit. And even show through the
images some feedbacks form
the teachers that have marked
my work to show the user
The picture size will be some statistics for a better
463px by 310px for each understanding.
The text displayed on this page
will be in Alternate Gothic font
for a better aesthetic.
White smart background with a white
keyboard and a white smart and a littele bit
of more desertified color a green plant to
make the background more interesting. 

The about section will One small paragraph that

conatin a picture of myself will conatin some intresting
so the visitor will see what iformation aboout myself,
their potential employer this is needed because It
looks like. gives the visitors a look of
what type of person you
are. ( with calibri simple
A white simple background text so everyone will be
that will make the picture able to read it)
in a better light because it A small section that contain all the links of my social media in case
will make the picture stand someone prefers to contact me more directly.
out more.
The social media links are hyperlinked( the user could just press on
the logo of the social  media and thwy will be directed to my private
Contact page also has a
paragraph that explains
how anyone could contact
me easily.( small bold text )

This section also contains a This section has another

different part where you animated background that
can find my phone number will make a good
and email if the visitors impression of the website.
would like to contact me
more directly.

This is an option that will save people who

would like to contact me time, this is because
they can just complete the document and they
will be able to send me an email through the
website without having to go on gmail or
Navigate through
my portfolio 

The first page you see when

you are on the HOME page Computing Level 2 Units

The user has option of clicking

the View More button

Which will send the user to the Level £ Game Design

Where they will have the
option to pick from CLASS
Asset – description or Where on the How it is suitable to Format & size URL – reference of the asset –
image portfolio it will show a skill or internal or external
be used attribute
The "HOME" It is an anitamted Size: 980px x 900px URL: src="
page. picture that is /media/11062b_bcd6bf1267b1478f8
related with the The image is a Png 77210e2fa200397f000.jpg/v1/fill/w_
portfolio course.  format.                          0.00/11062b_bcd6bf1267b1478f8772

This image will It shows a picture of The format of the URL: xlink:href="https://static.wixstatic.c

be added at the what the author of picture is jpeg. om/media/737a16_fa5bdf617e3241668f2f
"ABOUT" page the portfolio. _1002,h_987/fill/w_207,h_204,al_c,q_80,u
SIZE: 207px x 204px sm_0.66_1.00_0.01/79371899_112055557

This picture will  Another animated SIZW: 980px x 1146px URL: id="bgMedia_comp-

go to the picture that relates iv2dj796"
"CONTACT" to contacts. The image format is
page. png.
Alternative Designs.
A medium size text at the top of the
page so users can see what this
Five simple small tabs that will allow portfolio contains.
the users to navigate easier through Text- frutiger font
the website.

FONT: Alternate Gothic

Nice animated picture to just give a

better look and attraction to the

SIZE: 1022 px x 673px

White bright background

Three more pictures that show

examples of work.

SIZE FOR EACH IMAGE: 216px x 383px

Alternative Designs.

White background so it make all the

text easier to user to read the text.

All the social media links with small

icons that represent the social media.

Small text that shows the user where TEXT: frutiger font

to put they email and message to
contact you.
Alternative Designs.
A nice navigation bar, because it will
No title at the top of
make the person who visits the
the page. website a good first impression
because they will be able to navigate
easily with no problems.

Small text size with

a Albori Sans-Serif

Another white
The images size background, with no
202px by 202px animation.
I have chosen the first design because it contains good calibrated colors that will ensure the user
experience into one great experience because they will be able to read from my website easily
because 90% of the text from the first design will use Alternate Gothic font which will help the user
see very well the text. Also, the first design contains some animated picture and big size picture for
better ascetics. Finally, the first design has a good simple navigation system that will make the user
feel comfortable using it.

However, the second design uses Frutiger font  this will give the user one hard time trying to read
the text from the paragraphs that are added to the website. This could cause confusions meaning
that the user could not understand.

Another reason why I did not choose the second design because all the background of the pages
are in  bright white color, this is again bad because some people can find hard reading text from
white text and it can make the user frustrated that he is finding difficult in understanding and
reefing the text displayed.

Another reason is that the home page and most of the pages from the second design look too full,
what I mean by this is that all the tabs are all in one page. This can make the user frustrated
because it will be quite difficult to navigate due to all the tabs being crowded with each other.

Lastly the main reason why I haven't chosen the second design is that the second design at the
Units section, the pictures that displayed the work and evidence are sized 202px by 202px meaning
that the pictures will have to be small which will make the user have to download the image so he
could view the image full size.

My portfolio will meet its purpose because it contains all the informations and details about
myself that will make an employer happy to hire me because my portfolio will give the user
a clear and straight impression of what I can produce and design.

Also, my portfolio meets its purpose because it includes pictures and evidence of the work
that I have produced over the course, the portfolio meets its purpose because with in the
portfolio I am showing the user anything that they need to know about me and what I can

The animated picture that will be located at the home page will ensure the user a smile on
the face because home pages usually are just a steady image which in my opinion makes
the website look boring, which is want I do not want because I want the user to stay on my
website for as long as possible to see all the details and examples about me and my work.

The second image in my asset table is one white and green plant with one white keyboard,
that will go to the About me  page, this is because this image makes the page look more
serious and it will give the user the opportunity to memorise as much as is needed
information about me.

Finally, the third image in my assets table is one animated picture that it is located at the
last page Contact Me . This animated image shows that your message can be sent from
anywhere and I will receive it. This will enhance the user experience because it will give the
user the feeling that I will receive the email 100%.

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