Lesson 4 - Activity 3-A (Teaching As A Noblest Profession)

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Teaching as the Noblest Profession

The word ‘teaching’ means
the work of a teacher is to
provide knowledge and
Teaching is a
process of causing
Teaching is a
process of
instructing and
guiding others
• There is no better investment you can make than one in a career in
education, which has been referred to as the noblest profession. The
demand for highly qualified educators is on the rise and this trend is not at
all likely to change in the near future.
The profession of teaching has
been considered as one of the
noblest professions. Educators
have always played the role of
catalysts for various social
changes in society. Mankind
has always considered teachers
/educators as a boon to the
society for they have been the
ones responsible for polishing
a learner’s intellect and
• The word ‘teaching’ means the
work of a teacher to provide
knowledge and guidance. It is one
of the oldest and noblest services
to the society in any culture.
• Teaching not only shows the right
path that the students should
follow but also prepares the
human resource for the further
development of the nation.
• Teaching is the noblest among all
the professions since all
professionals underwent education
with a teacher.
Teaching is the noblest among
all the professions since all
professionals underwent
education with a teacher. It’s
also a process to prepare the
next generation of skilled
professionals and workers like
politician, engineers, doctors,
policemen, priests, educators,
legislators and good citizens.
Teaching, therefore, is
considered as a means for which
God uses a teacher as an
instrument to touch lives.
What Does a Teacher Do?
• A great teacher love
educating students, and one
of the principal goals many
teachers set for themselves
is to be the best educator
they can be. Teachers set
the forefront of their goals:
impart lessons to student's
that will last a lifetime.
• Teachers seek to inspire students
in all aspects of their lives, and for
many teachers, their greatest goal
is to be a role model. A role model
is someone who inspires and
encourages students to strive for
greatness, and teaches them
through experience and
commitment how to realize their
full potential to become the best
they can be.
• Teachers can inspire an • A great teacher can get
uninterested student to students reading,
become engrossed in inspire a passion for
learning. They can
languages, make math
motivate them to
participate and focus, and or science fun, and turn
even bring introverted history lessons into fun
students out of their and exciting stories.
• Teaching is one of those
careers where you learn
something new every
day, and many educators
cite this as one of the
main things they hope to
get out of their career.
• When a teacher says their • Ambitious teachers are the
goal is to "make a ones who enter this career to
difference", this is what affect change. These are the
they mean. They not only ones who want to meet the
want to change the lives of demand for great teachers:
their students, they want to They make it their goal to
change the face of help improve the quality of
education. education for everyone.
Ways that Teachers Can Change
the World
Changing the world sounds
like a tall order. But in reality,
educators play their role to
help change the world every
single day. The summer is a
great time to start planting
seeds of change in our
personal or professional
practice. Here are a few quick
ideas to keep in mind over the
next few weeks before we gear
up to go back to school.
It is a key theme of
education in general.
Learning is inherently
selfish.Teachers share
what they learn and
know with others -- that,
after all, is what being an
educator is about.

All teachers have their

personal passion. Educator,
sharing their personal passions
with students is a great way to
bond with them, and if they tie
in the act of doing something
for the greater good, it
becomes even more
meaningful to us as a
Being an educator today is
wonderful, but it is also
challenging. The only way to
make change is to see these
challenges that teachers face as
opportunities. And many times,
others have already faced these
same challenges and either
overcame them or pointed out
what they learned from the

Teachers make the

learning opportunities
in the classroom even
bigger, bolder and
more impactful for the
learners they about to
• From helping a student get to that "light bulb" moment to
helping shape the lives of the next generation – teaching is a
challenging but incredibly rewarding profession.
Bring Change
in a Student’s
• Great teachers have the ability to change lives for the better.

• Teachers can act as a support system that is lacking

elsewhere in students’ lives. They can be a role model and
an inspiration to go further and to dream bigger. They hold
students accountable for their successes and failures and
good teachers won’t let their talented students get away with
not living up to their full potential.
Teachers of all walks of life
and subjects have the ability to
shape opinions and help form
ideas about society, life and
personal goals. Teachers can
also expand students’ limits and
push their creativity.
Teachers are the
ultimate role
Teachers will stay positive for their students
even when things can seem grim. A great
teacher always has compassion for their
students, understanding of their students’
personal lives, and appreciation for their
academic goals and achievements. Teachers are
role models for children to be positive, always
try harder, and reach for the stars.
Provide the
Power of
Knowledge and education are the
basis for all things that can be
accomplished in life. Teachers
provide the power of education to
today’s youth, thereby giving them
the possibility for a better future.
• Teachers simplify the complex, and make
abstract concepts accessible to students.
Teachers also expose children to ideas and
topics that they might otherwise not have
come into contact with. They can expand
on interests and push their students to do
Teachers don’t accept failure, and
therefore, students are more likely to
succeed. Teachers know when to push
students, when to give a gentle nudge in
the right direction, and when to let
students figure it out on their own. But
they won’t let a student give up.
Teacher provide guidance to students of
all types. Teachers are able to see each
child’s strengths and weaknesses and can
provide assistance and guidance to either
get them up to speed or push them higher.
• They will help to reveal student’s best skills and
teach valuable life skills as well, such as
communication, compassion, presentation,
organization, following directions, and more.
• They are also a source of inspiration and motivation.
Teachers inspire students to do well, and motivate
them to work hard and keep their academic goals on
Teaching is having
• One of the most important parts of teaching
is having dedication. Teachers not only listen,
but also coach and mentor their students.
They are able to help shape academic goals
and are dedicated to getting their students to
achieve them. Teachers have patience for
their students and are understanding when a
concept isn’t taking.
• Teachers do what they do because they want to
help others. They are not teaching for
recognition or a paycheck but because they
have a passion for youth and education.
Teachers typically believe in the power of
education and the importance of providing
children with good role models and are teaching
because of that belief. They are dedicated to the
• Teachers’ dedication is shown by their ‘round-the-
clock work habits. Teachers don’t stop working
when the school bell rings. They are grading
papers, making lessons, and communicating with
parents after school and on weekends. Most
teachers arrive earlier than school starts to set up
their day and provide extra assistance to struggling
Teachers Play a Great
Role in the Economic
Development of the
• Education is a fundamental aspect in the
development of a country. If the youth of a
society is educated, a future is born.
Teachers provide the education that
improves quality of life, therefore bringing
so much to both individuals and society as
a whole.
• Teachers increase productivity and
creativity of students and therefore, of
future workers. When students are pushed
to be creative and productive, they are
more likely to be entrepreneurial and make
technological advances, ultimately leading
to economic development of a country.

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