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Safety (OHS) Management Systems
• Objective of Safety Management System
• Concept of Management System
• Key to successful SMS implementation
• Identify the area or scope SMS
• Occupational Health and Safety Policy
• Relation Between OHS Policy and SMS elements
• Organizational roles, responsibilities, competencies and
• Training & awareness
• Q&A
Safety Management Systems pic change

Plan for OSH Do as per plan


Act for further improvement Check if plan is implemented
Example of SMS in a RMG
A management system (MS) is a systematic approach to manage any issue.

• Assess risk/critical
operations and allocate
resource (operator, • Sewing (100 pcs/hour)
machine, etc) • Machine maintenance
• Plan for production (100
pcs/hour). Plan Do
New plan 100+5=105 pcs. (what to do, how (what was
do) planned)

• Management review (why • Check output/goods

problem and propose Act
Check through QC inspection
solution) (how to improve (did things happen) process (90 pcs ok, 5 pcs
next time)
• Corrective & preventive reject and 5 pcs rework)
Improvement cycle of SMS

Review and
Review and Action
Action for Organizing
for Improvement

Check and Planning


Continuous improvement efforts
Training Policy
• Plan
-Training Need Assessment
-Prepare Manual, select appropriated method and language understood by the employees
-Train the Trainers (TtT)
-Prepare Training Plan/Calendar
-Conduct trainings as per plan, as per module and requirement to the relevant employees
-All trainings document and evidence must be properly documented and maintained
-Where applicable, certificates should be issued who have successfully completed the training
• Act
-The trainings should review periodically, updated when necessary and continue the process

• Check & Evaluate

-The trainings should be evaluated internally and by the 3 rd party.
-Both quantitative & qualitative (timing, participants per batch, etc)
-Training effectiveness (knowledge retention level and behavior of worker) must be checked
Record to be kept: SMS procedure on Competence, training and awareness, training evidence and
Yearly Training Calendar.
Benefit of SMS
• Establishing a structured management approach
• Controlling safety risks in operation
• Assist factories compliance to legal requirements.
• Building own self-sustaining culture of safety
• Sustaining of the safety achievements
Implementation benefit of SMS
Organizational benefit

1.Comply industry legal requirements

Personal benefit
Personal b
2.Reduce workplace injuries, illness and
fatalities 1.Understand the basic knowledge,
techniques and skills needed to develop
3.Improve employee relation a Safety Management System.
4.Reduce absenteeism 2.Will be able to implement in the
5.Lower safety-related costs factory.
6.Reduce employee migration 3.Increase job security and job
7.Increase productivity opportunity.
8.Increase profit 4.Increase financial ability
9.Increase reputation
Safety culture is key to success


Engage worker and employees

When a
Safety Culture

Top-Down Support
Reporting Culture
Scopes of SMS
Scopes of SMS

Nature of the Stakeholders/int Scope of OHS &

organization erested parties SMS
OHS policy and SMS elements
• Commitment from top management
• Occupational Health and Safety Policy
• Consultation and participation of Workers and employees

• Organizing
• Organizational Roles, Responsibility and authority
• Competence and awareness
• Communication

• Planning for SMS implementation

• Legal Requirement
• Hazard Identification and assessment of risk and opportunities
• OHS objectives and Planning for implementation

• Implementation of the Plan

• Eliminating hazards and controlling OHS Risks
• Emergency Preparedness and Response
• Contractor Management
• Procurement

• Check and Evaluate

• Check and measure performance
• Incident Investigation, root cause analysis and Corrective Action
• Auditing the SMS

• Management review and action

• Continual improvement
Consultation and engagement on legal
The legal requirements for consultation and involvement of the employee include:
• Safety instruction, information and training
• Functional & active Safety Committee performing risk assessment
• Channel informed about health and safety concerns

Factory must ensure employees’ and Safety Committee consultation and engagement in
• Develop & review of OHS Policy and objectives
• Hazard identification and risk assessment (HIRA)
• Selection of appropriate controls
• Incident investigation
• Gap & root cause analysis
• Prevention of unsafe behavior

Factory also ensure consultation with contractor

• Consultation & engagement with contractors on changes that affect OHS
SMS implementation team formation (sample)

SMS Champion
Managing Director

SMR Management
Head of Review Team

Training and and audit

HIRA & planning Documentation Implementation Emergency
Communication Performance
Team Team Team Response Team
Team monitoring Team
Organizational roles
responsibility & authority
Roles and Responsibilities of
Top Management
- Ensuring the OHS Policy an objectives are established
- Taking responsibility and accountability for preventing work-related injury and illness
- Ensuring the integration of the Safety management system in business
- Delegating the responsibility and authority to Managers performing Safety responsibility
- Ensuring the resources to establish, implement, maintain and improve the OHS and SMS
- Ensuring the consultation and engagement of workers
- Supporting the establishment for a functional Safety committee
- Ensuring and promoting continual improvement
Roles and Responsibilities of Top
Overall responsibility of top level Management on OSH activities and SMS

•Top Management shall define the person or group of people who directs and controls
•Delegate authority and provide resources within the organization
•The responsibilities and accountabilities of SMS team shall be clearly defined, documented and
communicated to respective personnel
•Top management shall nominate Safety Management Representative (SMR)
•Top management primarily accountable for the effectiveness of SMS and understand
Organizational roles responsibility &
Implementation in the workplace:

•Nominate SMS Representative (SMR) & delegate the authority by Top Management
•Prepare (SOP), give written job responsibility of SMR
•Identify the role and distribute the OHS responsible as per organogram
•Provide written job responsibilities.
•New role include in SMS: Production Manager, In-charge, Supervisor, worker and other
•Record and document: SOP, Authorization of SMR, Organogram/SMS Team and written Job
Organizational roles responsibility &
Safety Management Representative (SMR)

•Development, implementation, periodic review and evaluation of SMS

•Periodic reporting to the top management on SMS performance
•Promoting & engaging the participation of all employees
•Consult or engage new personnel
•Allocated the job responsibility among SMS team
Management of competence & training
Management of competence & training
Worker awareness
Worker awareness must be conducted by factory during working hour and properly documented.
Workers shall be made aware of:
Safety Related Trainings

Fire Safety Training || Security Guards Fire Safety Training || Safety Committee Training

1. Online Training for concerned staff

2. Demo presentation and qualification validation of the factory trainers
3. Qualified Factory Trainers will share training calendar and train 100% workforce
as needed.
Training Participants and timeline

Sl # Name of the training Eligible employees Time

1. Basic Fire Safety & Helpline training and Refreshers For all employees Once a year

2. Security Guard Basic Fire Safety & Responsibility For Security guard Twice a year

3. OHS training for Safety Committee members SC members Once a year

4. Safety Management System training For SMS team members Once a year

5. OHS Policy & Objectives for all employees Twice a year

6. SMS Awareness for all employees Four times a year

7. Chemical Safety awareness for Chemical handler Twice a year

8. Machine Safety training for relevant employees Twice a year

9. Electrical Safety training Relevant employees Twice a year

10. Housekeeping, etc. Relevant employees Twice a year

11. PPEs, etc Relevant employees Twice a year
OHS & SMS documentation & Do’s

Standard Operating Procedures


OHS Policy and objectives of

the organization

Safety Management System


Forms to support the above



Operation Controls /Work

Instructions specific to the
processes and plans
Master list of documentation
The following document control should be followed: -
a) An identifier (controlled reference-number)
b) Descriptive title
c) Date of approval, issue or review
d) Revision number
e) Authorized signatory

Document # Document Title Custodian Approval Revision # Next

date review

ABC/OHS/P/ OHS Policy Safety Manager 15/01/2015 03 15/01/2019


ABC/OHS/C/ Training Procedure HR Manager 15/01/2016 02 15/01/2019


ABC/OHS/C/ Daily Inspection Compliance 15/01/2015 03 15/01/2019

01 Checklist Manager
Management Communication
Management communication

Communication Policy:
•Identify the OHS and SMS issue for communication (need assessment)
•Assign responsible person/s
•Prepare Script or Material or message
•Select appropriated method and language understood by the recipients
-Prepare communication Plan
-Communicate to the relevant recipients/stakeholders as per plan
-Keep record and document properly
•Review periodically, updated when necessary and continue the process
•Check (timing, method, etc) and evaluate the effectiveness of communicated issues
Management communication

Communication Process:
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain the processes needed for the internal
and external communications relevant to the Safety management system; determining following
Management communication

What to communicate (OHS and SMS issues)?

•SMS Employees’ contribution to the effectiveness OHS Policy and OHS objectives
•Emergency processes
•Hazards and Risks at workplace, Why and how they are to be controlled
•Safe working practices and consequences
•Healthy hygiene practices, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) while using chemicals
•The importance of communicating about safety
•Outcomes of workplace inspections
•Incidents and the outcomes of investigations that are relevant to them
•The importance of reporting hazards, injuries
•Play Basic fire safety video, Safety Committee audio and Helpline audio
Management communication

Whom to Communicate (OHS and SMS issues)?

The factory need to communicate about SMS and OHS both internal and external stakeholders
•Whom to communicate internally?
•All workers and Management including Top level Management
•Trade Union Leaders (if any)
•Workers Association (WA) members
•Participatory Committee members
•Safety Committee,
•Safety Management System Implementation Teams including Emergency Response Teams, etc.
•Safety Management System Implementation Teams including Emergency Response Teams, etc.
•Whom to communicate externally?
•Fire Service & Civil Defense,
•Department of Inspection and Factory Establishment (DIFE),
•Bangladesh Garments Manufactures & Exporters Association (BGMEA),
•Bangladesh Knit Manufactures & Exporters Association (BKMEA)
•Police station
•Amader Kotha Helpline, etc.
Management communication

How to Communicate (OHS and SMS issues)?

Common and effective communication media/channels use in our factories
Management communication

When to Communicate (OHS and SMS issues)?

•Implementation in the workplace:

The management should set up and maintain communication system to disseminate OSH & SMS
related information across the organization. They will prepare a communication SOP,
Communication Plan and follow accordingly.
•Record to be kept:
Communication SOP,
Management communication

SMS and OHS Communication Plan:

Recipients Delivery Method Schedule Who is main
SL Deliverable issue (what)
(who) (how) (when) responsible (owner)
SMS. Employees’ contribution to
the effectiveness of the SMS and Safety Management
1 All employees PA System Once a week
the benefits of improved OHS Representative (SMR)

2 OHS Policy and OHS objectives All employees PA System Once a month SMR

Emergency processes/how to get

3 All employees PA System Once a months SMR
help in an Emergency

Hazards and Risks they face in

4 their jobs; why and how they are All employees PA System Once a months SMR
to be controlled

Basic fire safety (play animation

5 All employees PA System Once a months SMR
Management communication

Points to be remembered:
•1. consider its legal requirements and other requirements
•2. Consistent with information generated within the SMS
•3. An effective system responding to relevant communications
•4. Retain document information as evidence of its communications, as appropriate
•5. Enables workers to contribute to continual improvement
•6. Effective communication.
Plan for OHS
Plan for OHS & SMS

To comply with applicable OHS legal requirements and other requirements; need to establish,
implement and maintain a procedure for below:

Identifying the Ensure that these

Accessing the current committed applicable legal
applicable legal and requirements and other
status of such
other OHS requirements are taken
requirements for the
requirements for the into account in establishing,
company implementing and
maintaining its SMS.

Communicate relevant information

on legal and other requirements to
Keep this information up-to-date
employees and other relevant
interested parties.
Plan for OHS & SMS

Implementation in the workplace:

Nominate OHS responsible person/s to ensure following:
•A record of all OHS legal requirements is documented and maintained
•Legislation is monitored to identify changes
•OHS and SMS documentation, including policies, procedures, guidance material and forms, are
amended as necessary to reflect current OHS legal requirements;
•An OHS Legislative Register need to develop, maintained and make available to all relevant
•All changes and amendments are communicated to the relevant stakeholders including owner &
top management, internal employees, vendors and suppliers.
Record and Document : SOP and OHS Legislative Register
Hazard Identification and assessment of risk
and opportunities

A hazard is Anything (e.g. condition, situation, practice, behavior) that has the potential to
cause harm, including injury, disease, death, property and equipment damage.
Hazards are divided into two broad categories:
1. Health hazards; cause occupational illnesses and
2. Safety hazards; cause physical harm - injuries

How great the chance that someone will be harmed by the hazard.
In the other hand Risk is a combination of the frequency or probability of a specified event,
and its consequence.
Hazard Identification and assessment of
risk and opportunities
Assess the Risk
•Once a hazard has been identified, the likelihood and possible severity of injury or harm will need
to be assessed before determining how best to minimize the risk. High risk hazards will need to be
addressed more urgently than low risk situations following a Corrective Action Plan.
•Primarily, a risk assessment identifies the chance of harm or loss occurring due to a hazard.

Note: Risk assessment may not be necessary if you are dealing with a known risk with known
Hazard Identification and assessment of risk and
Identifying hazards in the workplace involves finding things and situations that could potentially
cause harm to people. There are some methods to identify hazards from workplace
Risk assessment

Hazard Potential harm/Risk

Cutting Knife Cut fingers

Ladder Fall from ladder

Manual lifting Back pain
Hazard Identification and assessment of risk and
• Physical Abuse

Slapping on someone as per

law is prohibited & considered as
a hazard- spitting, shoving,
jostling (intentionally)

Physical Abuse
Hazard Identification and assessment of risk and
• Types of common workplace health hazards
Health hazards Example of Health hazards Potential harm/Risk
Physical hazard Exposure to loud noise, Loss hearing power,
Heat can cause burns and heat
Noise Hot/cold;
stroke or injuries due to fatigue.
extreme temperature    
Dust, fume, chemical substances
(acid, thinner, hydrocarbons, Allergy, respiratory illnesses,
Chemical Hazardous –hazardous
toxic, flammable and cancers or dermatitis, burns,
combustible, corrosive, and fatality, etc.
Micro-organisms; bacteria, Allergies, hépatites, légionnaires’
Biological hazards
viruses disease, HIV/AIDS etc.

Repetitive movement, manual Musculoskeletal disorders such

Ergonomic hazards handling, poor body positioning, as damage to joints, ligaments
etc and muscles, back pain, etc.
Hazard Identification and assessment of risk and
• Types of common workplace safety hazards
Example of safety
Safety hazards Potential harm/Risk
Improper electrical installation,
Burns, permanent injuries or
Fire Safety kitchen in the floor, smoking
death and damage property
inside the floor, etc.

Exposure to live electrical wires, Shock, burns, permanent injuries

fire or fatality

Crack in the beam and Column,

Building Safety Permanent injuries or fatality
building collapse

Fire, moving parts without

Machine safety guard, sharp knife without Fatality, cutting injury, nail injury
guard, needle without guard
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
(HIRA) Process

Consult Management and Worker

Classify Work activity and process

Identify Hazard

Assess Risk (considering probability and severity)

Determine Risk control measures and Action Plan

Implement/control risks
Monitor and Review
A typical example of risk assessment matrix
High Medium Low

  Severity (how severely could someone hurt)

Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)

No injuries/require Single fatality/high Numerous

  reporting and follow- First aid Medical financial loss fatalities/massive
up action treatment/minimum treatment/medium financial loss
  financial loss financial loss

Almost certain (5)

5 Medium 10 Medium 15 High 20 High 25 High
Occurring daily

Likely (4)
4 Low 8 Medium 12 Medium 16 High 20 High
Likelihood (How Once in a week
Likely are the
Possible (3)
3 Low 6 Medium 9 Medium 12 Medium 15 High
once a month

Unlikely (2) 2 Low 4 Low 6 Medium 8 Medium 10 Medium

Rare (1) Imaginable

but only on extreme
1 Low 2 Low 3 Low 4 Low 5 Medium
circumstances. Once
in 50 years
Hazard Identification and Risk assessment
Format Section/location
Activity/ Potential affected/at Probabil Severit Risk Control
Sl. Hazards
process harm Risk ity y Rating Measures
1 Cutting Cutting Cut finger All 3 3 9 Low Use metal hand
process Machine employee gloves
Knife in the Conduct
warehouse awareness
(10 hours training
shift) Monitoring
2 Sewing Needle,          Isolate
operation Motor, hazardous
pulley, process
3 Electricity            Isolate
Generation hazardous,
tor, use
Preparation Date: Approved by Signature:
Review date: Approved date:30/06/2019
OHS Corrective Action Plan
Responsibl Due Rem Findings/hazards Root cause Recommendations Status
e person date arks

Generator room
Lack of awareness Generator room must 30-06-
installed beside the Done
among the top be separated from Head of 19
1 sewing floor Contin
management and sewing floor with fire Engineering Continu
without fire ue
engineer. rated door or wall. ous

HR Team
Lack of awareness Conduct awareness
will Conduct 30-06-
Isles block, DB among the among the worker Done
awareness 19
2 board block in the employees Contin
& Continu
sewing line1 Conduct regular ue
Compliance ous
Lack of monitoring monitoring
will monitor

Approved by Signature:
Preparation Date:
Approved date:30/10/2020
Review date:
Hazard Identification and Risk assessment
Format Section/location
• The issues review in the Management review meeting
The results of Performance review of the OHS areas for
work-related monitoring and policy, objectives, improvement
accident, injuries, measurement; targets, and with respect to
illness and and audit programs; OHS
incident activities; performance;
review of legal review of adequacy of communications
compliance and nonconformities emergency from external
compliance with and the status of preparedness and interested
other corrective/preven response; parties, including
requirements tive actions; complaints;
identify the need follow-up action
for modification from previous
of the existing management
SMS in light of the reviews.
above items, and

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