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Points to Remember

 Your title should reveal your independent

and dependent variable and subject
(respondent), the output could be
included (max. 12 key words)
 Statement of the Problem (SOP) should be
aligned to your research paradigm
 Scope, Delimitation, and Limitation of the
Study may be based on your definition of
terms and theoretical framework
 Hypothesis should be in null form
 Define only the terms in SOP which needs
operational definition
 Questionnaire should be based on your SOP
and definition of terms supported by your
related literature (concepts) / studies
 Follow APA format
 Research design encompasses the
entire research process

 Follow a descriptive research design

(using descriptive statistics: mean, mode,
and median) then correlational design
(using inferential statistics: chi-square,
Pearson, and simple linear regression –
bivariate analysis)
 Subject of the Study / Respondents of the
 Research Instrument
What data gathering tools?
 Validation of Data
questionnaire source(s)
validating team
faculty/industry experts
 Data Gathering Procedure
Important statistical terms

a set which includes all
measurements of interest
to the researcher
(The collection of all responses,
measurements, or counts that are of

A subset of the population
Target Population:
The population to be studied/ to which the
investigator wants to generalize his results
Sampling frame:
List of all the sampling units from which sample is
Sampling scheme
Method of selecting sampling units from sampling
Slovin’s Formula
n = N
1 + Ne2
Types of sampling

 Non-probability samples

 Probability samples
Non probability samples
 Convenience samples (ease of access)
sample is selected from elements of a population
that are easily accessible
 Snowball sampling (friend of friend….etc.)
 Purposive sampling (judgemental)
 You chose who you think should be in the

 Quota sample
 Probability of being chosen is unknown

 Cheaper- but unable to generalise

 potential for bias

Methods used in probability samples

 Simple random sampling

 Systematic sampling
 Stratified sampling
 Multi-stage sampling
 Cluster sampling
Simple random sampling
Systematic sampling
Cluster sampling
Section 1 Section 2

Section 3

Section 5

Section 4
 Stratified sampling
 A stratified random sample is a random
sample in which members of the population
are first divided into strata, then are
randomly selected to be a part of the
 Multi-stage sampling
 Multistage sampling refers to sampling
plans where the sampling is carried out in
stages using smaller and smaller sampling
units at each stage.
Errors in sample

Systematic error (or bias)

Inaccurate response (information bias)
Selection bias

Sampling error (random error)

Type 1 error

 The probability of finding a difference

with our sample compared to population,
and there really isn’t one….

 Known as the α (or “type 1 error”)

 Usually set at 5% (or 0.05)

Type 2 error
 The probability of not finding a difference
that actually exists between our sample
compared to the population…

 Known as the β (or “type 2 error”)

 Power is (1- β) and is usually 80%

Types of Survey Questions

 Open-ended questions
 Dichotomous questions
 Multi-response questions
 Matrix questions
 Contingency questions
Likert Scale
1 2 3 4
Never Sometimes Often Always

Status/Level Least Some Great Very Great

Extent Extent Extent Extent

Agreeability/ Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree
Opinion Disagree Agree
Agreeability to Level Scoring
3.50 - 4.00 High

2.50- 3.49 Average

1.50 – 2.49 Below Average

1.00 – 1.49 Low

Reliability Test

 Test sample
 Cronbach’s Alpha

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