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The Philippines has rich and beautiful

rainforest and diverse flora and fauna
conducive for wilderness walks and outdoor
experiences. Hiking may be considered a
foundation for most active outdoor recreation
Hiking involves long walks along nature trails,
which usually provide the hiker scenic views,
appreciation of aesthetics and experiental
encounter of various natural and cultural
details. Having an above average fitness level
matched with thw proper knowledge,
equipment and preparation would greatly
contribute to the positive outcome of the
A well prepared hike is essential in order to
optimize your hiking experience and
ensure safety for all. As you have chosen
your destination, a bit of research about
the characteristics of the place (usual
climate, terrain, inclination of trail etc.)
must be done for effective planning.
A well prepared hike is essential in order to
optimize your hiking experience and
ensure safety for all. As you have chosen
your destination, a bit of research about
the characteristics of the place (usual
climate, terrain, inclination of trail etc.)
must be done for effective planning.
This involves the itinerary of the hike,
transportation, expenses, meal preparation,
equipment/gear, among others.

Itinerary, This usually includes the following

a.Complete address of the place of destination
b.Assembly place and time
c.Expected time of departure
d.Expected time of arrival at the destination
e.List of the program of activities (including snack
and meal time)
f.Expected time of departure
g.Expected time of arrival back
Aside from the schedule listed, the following information
should included:

a.Person in charge of the activity

b.Contact details of all the participants (including the leaders).

It is good practice for the leaders to keep a directory of the

their members. Leader’s responsibility to be sure that all
members have made it home safely at the end of the activity.
Transportation. This usually chosen
according to comfort and affordability. For
hired vehicles, a thorough background check
must be considered safety.

Expenses. This includes transportation fees,

meals, entrance fees to hiking venue (if
applicable) and pocket money.
Meal preparation. Food and water should be enough
for the entire trip to your destination and back, if there
is no source to replenish your supply at the place of
destination. Participants may be divided into smaller
groups and each member of a group shall be assigned
to prepare a particular meal for the group. This kind of
arrangement will keep each member from preparing
several meals for the day’s hike individually. The group
may share with the expenses pf the meals prepared by
every member as well.
Equipment/gear. Having the proper
equipments that are in good condition would
ensure comfort and minimize risk of injuries
among the participants. The following are basic
essentials but not limted to what is listed down.
Other equipment.gears may be necessary
based on nature of the hike such as camping,
spelunking or other related activities.
Footwear. A good pair of shoes is te most
important gear that each participant must own. It
shoud have enoughtractiion for hiking in the
wilderness. The simplest type of shoes would be
running shoes but eventually when this becomes a
regulat activity, it would be best to consider getting
a pair specifically designed for hiking. Tennis and
court shoes are built for flat surfaces and will not
provide much comfort and stability when hiking.
Backpack. There are two
knwon types of backpack, one is
the external frame and the
other is the internal frame.
It is quite easy to organize your gear with
the external frame pack beacuse it has
compartments but would be cumbersome
because of the frame. The frame, although
made out of aluminum or other
lightweight materials, may get entagled
with twigs and branches when passing
through narrow trails.
The internal frame is a common choice
because of its versatility. It has the main
compartments where one has to skillfully
arrange all his her equipments and
personal stuffs. Some have 1 or 2 small
pockets for easy access of emergency
needs such as wallet or first-aid kit.
Always pack light. Never pack more than what is
needed. You must remember, backpacks will be
carried all throughout the trip. As much as
possible, whatever is needed to be brought
shoud all be contained in the backpack. One
would want to keep his/her hands free since
some terrains may require holding onto branches
for balance and stability. The size of the backpack
shall depend on the length of the hike.
Personal effects. These would be your
toiletries, medication, extra clothing.
Dinning utensils, etc.
Leave No Trace Principle
This is popularized by Leave No Trace Center for
Outdoor Ethics but the concept has existed since the
1960s and was created by the U.S.D.A. Forest Service to
emphasize wilderness ethics and sustainable travel and
camping practices. In 1993, Leave No Trace, Inc. A
nonprofit organization was put up. This organization is
now known as Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor
Ethics. With this, various organizations concerned with
the environment around the world have adopted their
seven principles.
Leave No Trace Principle
1.Plan and prepare ahead. Try to find out as much as you can about the
place that you can plan to visit and what to expect from it in order to
repare well and for safety reasons.

2.Be considerate of others. There may be times that you are not the
only people in the cacinity. There may be locals and visitors in the same
area. Everyone must be respectful with each other.

3.Respect wildlife. Whatever animals or onsects seen, leave them

alone. Your mere presence felt by the wildlife may already disrupt their
Leave No Trace Principle
4.Travel and camp on durable ground. Use existing trails and campsites.

5.Leave what you find. Whatever seems beautiful, one must resist to
pluck it out and take home. Avoid consumptions and destruction of the
natural environment.

6.Dispose waste properly. Everything that you take with you during the
hike must also be brought back with you. A mere candy wrapper on the
ground woud already be an eyesore. One piece of trash left behind by
every person when added together would end up being a lot; hence,
resulting in major damge.
Leave No Trace Principle

7. Minimize the effects of fire. Camp fires or bin

fires are a common practice during the night.
Nowadays, these are discouraged unless there
has been a fixed fireplace within the area. If
cooking has to be done, lightweight stoves may
be brought along.
Activities (Asynchronous Learning)

Make a brochure of your chosen places that you

want to visit. Indicate why you wants to visit there
and make a itinerary for the places that you want
to go.

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