Work Ethics: Additional Topic On Ethics

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Work Ethics

Additional Topic on Ethics

What the Bible says…
1 Corinthians
A good work ethics can instill
everyone a sense of satisfaction and Now it is required that those
striving their best for the fulfillment who have been given a trust
of achieving a common goal. must prove faithful.
Matthew 6:24 Proverbs 16:28

No one can serve two masters. A perverse person stirs up

Either you will hate the one conflict, and a gossip
and love the other, or you will separates close friends.
be devoted to the one and
despise the other. You cannot
serve both God and money.
Ephesians 6: 5-9

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of

heart, just as you would obey Christ. 

Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves

of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart.

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, 
Ephesians 6: 5-9

because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they

do, whether they are slave or free.

And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since

you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is
no favoritism with him.
The principle contained in the passages can be applied to the relationship between
employer and employee.

An employee and the employer should show respect at all times.

The employee should be obedient following orders for his superiors and abiding the
procedure and policies in a workplace.
Work values employers look for…
Dependability and Responsibility
Workers should come to work on time, keeping your supervisor abreast of any
chances in the schedule of work place. Being responsible involve meeting job
expectation 'and fulfilling daily work duties. Each employee should take
responsibility of his own action, there this also includes accountability which
requires worker to accept Name for their errors and acknowledge the successes and
contributions of others.
Possessing a Positive Attitude
A positive attitude is something that most employers and co employees look upon
in a workplace; it makes the job more pleasant and fun and it creates e
environment of good will and harmony.
Maintaining flexibility and being open to changes provides an opportunity to
complete work tasks in a more efficient manner, "Individuals who cultivate a
variety of skills seem brighter, more energetic and more adaptable than those who
know to do one thing only,“ - Robert Shea.
Honesty and integrity
It is no surprise that employees with integrity shine. They do not undermine their
fellow workers, they work, just as hard whether they are being watched or
not„ they always be counted on to do their best and they will be honest admitting
their fallibilities.
Having the desire to learn is very effective value in a workplace. Self- motivated
employee understands his responsibilities and gets his work done in a timely and
professional manner. Taking the initiative to be self- directed will result to a better
sense of accomplishment and building self-esteem.
Motivated to grow and learn
One of the reasons why an employee leaves an organization is the lack of
opportunity for career development.
Strong self- confidence
Self- confidence denote self- efficacy (people's belief in one's ability to succeed in
a specific situations), it is a mindset that takes effort to maintain when going gets
rough. Self-confident individual has positive energy that leads to positive outcome.
If you want to get ahead, be taken seriously and your employer thinks you are an
asset do things in professional manner. Staying work-focused, not letting your
private life have an impact on your job. Listen carefully to the opinion of others
and treat all people as if they mattered. These are just some of the ways to he
Loyalty and Cooperation
The first responsibility of an employee is to be loyal with the company. It is feeling
when shows commitment, dedication towards work or assigned task. Cooperation
on the other hand, is seen in synergizing with people or working together and
engaging in a mutually beneficial exchange instead competing.
Competent people are dependable, knowledgeable, and able. You can consider an
employee is competent when he can figure out things — if problem arise he spent
time figuring out some solutions and try them before asking coworkers for help.
Likewise, when mistakes are committed he is accountable and avoids it in the
A capacity of something to be maintained, supported, upheld or to sustained itself.
It is the finite resources necessary to continuously provide for the needs of the
company as well as the workers.
Place value on the work that you do. What you do is useful and if you
acknowledge that, then you will give your working hours more meaning. if you
understand your motivation in your work then it is easier for you how to spend
your time and you'll find yourself focusing on what is important.
Advantages of an It relieves
employees from
Any misconduct is
organization which stress and fatigue as
they do not ave to
reported to the right
person in the
promotes values compromise their

and ethics
Advantages of an Promotes employees
with a healthy appetite
It establishes a
positive atmosphere
organization which for performance and
and increase job
satisfaction among
promotes values Motivates to contribute

and ethics their best

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