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Clothing industry of Bangladesh

Clothing manufacturing sectors

Textile industry :

The textile industry   is primarily concerned with the

production of fiber, yarn, fabric and the subsequent
design or manufacture of clothing and their
distribution which includes dyeing,printing,finishing
Flow chart of textile manufacturing industry

Fiber processing
(If required fiber dyeing)

Yarn processing/spinning
(If required yarn finishing &

Wet processing(fabric pre

Ready made garments

Garments marketing & merchandising

Merchandising :

Merchandising comes from the word merchandise.

Merchandise means commodities or goods to be
bought and sold. The word merchandising means the
activity of promoting the sale of goods.
Types of merchandising
Marketing Merchandising:
Main function of marketing merchandising is
Product Development
Ordering Marketing merchandising is to bring orders
costly products development and it has direct contact with
the buyer. 
Product Merchandising:
Product merchandising is done in the unit. This includes
all the responsibilities from sourcing tofinishing i.e. first
sample onwards, the products merchandising work start
and ends till shipment.
Retail merchandising :
At a retail in-store level, merchandising refers to the
variety of products available for sale and the display of
those products in such a way that it stimulates interest
and entices customers to make a purchase.

Fashion merchandising :
It is a rather broad term that can be used to describe the
business side of the fashion industry. Professionals
with a fashion merchandising career must still have
an eye for style, but they should also have a head for
business as well.
Vendor merchandising :
As a merchandising vendor, a person has multiple
choices regarding the direction of your business. From
sourcing to inventory,negotiation,business
deal,costing,production, retailing each and every
functions are part of a vendor.

Visual merchandising 
It is the activity and profession of developing the floor
plans and three-dimensional displays in order to
maximize sales. Both goods or services can be
displayed to highlight their features and benefits.

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