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Exploring existing products:local magazines

Cambridge edition Countylife cambridgeshire Families Cambridgeshire

- Monthly editions covering - Quarterly editions covering - Published at least 6 times a

the art scene, food and the region as a whole with year covering family events
drink, the nightlife and news food recommendations, schools and parenting advice.
from the ‘community’ possible outings and The company has a website with
The main focus of the Cambridge information on the wildlife. regularly updated content. The
edition is the city of Cambridge. The company produces two other magazines are edited by local
regional magazines. parents.
It is distributed
However, there Distributed to park
to tescos, asda
are mentions of and ride stations
waitrose and
places around and local coffe
the area. shops in the
It is available
newsagents. region. It is free to
online for free.
£23 a year for read online and
Physical copies
the magazine to the hard copies
are distributed
be delivered to are left in the
to local shops
your home. Free shops/stations.
pdf version
Exploring existing products: LGBT+ magazines
Out Gay Times Attitude

- Six issues a year - Quarterly issues with the - Monthly magazine covering
- They also produce another occasional special issue relevant LGBT news and media
magazine called the - For example there has The magazine covers a wide range
Advocate recently been a solidarity of topics, including travel, sports and
The magazine covers fashion, issue community news.
print, television, news and film The magazine covers a lot of pop
culture. They take a specific look at
creatives who It is available
The magazine online and in
in available are queer.
hard copies for
both digitally Hard copies are
£4.99 per issue.
and in a hard £8.95 each
There are ways
copy. The print They are
of getting
is $19.95 and distributed in
monthly and
digital is shops like
$14.95 WHSmith
Undisclosed Undisclosed Digital Thumbnail




Visualisation diagram:
Flat plan
Colour Palette A was the first colour
palette that I looked at and liked for the
magazine. I felt a strong sense of
harmony within the colours. They are
a mostly warm colours with the
of the light blue. It would make the magazine seem mature, so that the readers wouldn’t feel as if they are being
talked down to.

Colour Palette B is a lot more b

striking than most of the
other palettes I’ve looked at. Whilst I like the idea of a vibrant magazine to attract an audience, I think that they are
colours more suited to a magazine aimed at younger children. The bright colours are vaguely reminiscent of
several different pride flags, however it is not an easy connection to make, especially if you are unaware of the
I was initially attracted to
colour palette C with its
clear contrasting colours,
however upon further
c reflection, I believe it would
be more suited to a nautical magazine as it mimics the sea and sunset. I do however, really like the blue and
how it fits well with white text.
Whilst the
colours in palette d
D are strong,
they aren't as in your face as those from palette B. What I like about the palate is the range from red to blue, with
several possible in between colours. The variety of the palette allows for some experimentation. They are all able
to have a white text clearly visible, whereas on the previous palettes, there have been a mixture of black and
white shown on the samples
I did want to consider a monochrome
palette, as it can be very appealing. I
have considered a palette of forest
greens. I thought that choosing
greens would fit into the fact that the magazine in based in cambridgeshire, which is mostly a rural area and
could help relate to community who are apart of the main target audience.

Colour palette F reminds me of the f

transgender flag. The pastel colours
do fit with an aesthetic that many
young people enjoy, it is also very
pleasing to the eye. Yet again, there are mixture of colour samples with either black or white text. This makes it
harder to decide on a font colour to use. However, because this is a large palette, it is possible to change or
remove some of the colours.
Personally I enjoy the aesthetic of typewriter
typography, there are countless existing media
products which use variations of the ‘typewriter’ font as
it has a wide range of use. It can be used for horror or
historical fiction. It is also a sans serif font which I want
to use to help with readability. I want to use a simple font to allow for the magazine to be accessible to those who
struggle with reading.

This font reminds me of a video game series, with

LGBT representation. It would be a good font for the
title and headers, but it would not be suitable for the
main body text as it has no lowercase option. I am
unsure about the readability of this font. I believe this
font would fit with the more pastel colour palettes as light typography would be visually pleasing.

Whilst I don’t like the bold version of this font, I really like both
the italic and normal versions of the font. I feel as if the italic
version would be suited for the pull quotes as well as the title.
And by having the main body text being the un-italicised version
would look visually appealing and encourage people to read. I
believe that the font is also readable .

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