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 Basic principles of the operating system

 Functions of the operating system

 Type of Operating System

 What is the operating system, the concepts of the
operating system.
 Development history of the operating system
 Types of operating systems
 Operating system services.
 Structure of the operating system
 Principles of operating system design
Operating System Concept

 The system program works between the user and the

computer's hardware.
 Provides an environment for the users to execute programs.
 Make the computer easier to use, convenient and more
Components of a computer system
Components of the operating system

 Resource allocator: Manage and allocate resources.

 Program controller: Control the program execution and control the
operation of input/output devices.
 The kernel: is the "core" program of the operating system, which is
executed first and exists in memory until the computer is shutdown
(other programs are called application programs).

Resource allocator Program controller

The kernel
Type of Operating System
 Batch processing system
 Multiprogramming processing system
 Time sharing system (multitasking processing)
 Parallel system
 Distributed system
 Real-time processing system
 Embedded System
Batch processing system
 Batch operating systems execute tasks in turn
according to predetermined instructions.
 Permanent supervisor
 CPU and I/O operations
Multiprogramming processing system

 Multiprogramming increases CPU utilization by

organizing tasks so that the CPU is always in
working condition.
 Deals with task scheduling, memory scheduling
and CPU scheduling issues.
Multitasking system
 Multitasking system: Many jobs are done together via the CPU's
conversion mechanism like multiplexing, but the conversion time is very
 Multitasking operating systems are more complex than
multiprogramming operating systems.
 Memory administration and protection, using virtual memory.
 Providing on-line file system ...
 Multitasking operating systems are the kind of modern operating
systems these days.

Parallel system (multi-processing)
 There are multiple processors that share the data transmission line: the
clock, the memory and the peripherals.
 Optimized than systems with multiple machines with a single processor:
 sharing peripheral devices, storage systems, sources ...
 reliability
 Symmetric multiprocessor: each processor runs with one copy of the
operating system
 Asymmetric multiprocessing: each processor is assigned a separate job.
One main processor controls the entire system, and the other processors
follow the instructions of the main processor.
Distributed system
 Processors do not share memory and clocks
 Distributed processors often differ in size and

 Share resources
 Speed up calculation
 Safe
 Communication with each other
Real-time processing system
 Used when there are time constraints on processor or
data flow operations.
 Fast processing time.
 Accurate results in the fastest time squeezing time.
 Hard real-time system:
 work is completed in time.
 The data is usually stored in short term memory.
 Soft real-time system:
 Each task has its own priority and will be executed
according to that priority.
Embedded System
 Embedded in home appliances, game machines, ...
 The architecture is simple, compact, with specific
characteristics for each device.
 Applications: PDA, Mobil phones, ...
Operating System Services
 Process management
 Main memory management
 Manage extra memory
 Manage Input/Output systems
 File system management
 Security system
 Command line mechanism system
Process management
 A process is a program in progress
 The role of an operating system in process
 Create and destroy user and system processes.
 Stop and redo a process.
 Provides process synchronization mechanism.
 Provides a way to communicate between processes.
 Deadlock control mechanism is provided
Main memory management
 Keeps information about where in memory is used
and who is using it.
 Decide which processes are loaded into the main
memory, when the memory is available.
 Allocate and recall memory as needed.
Manage extra memory
 Manage free space of disk.
 Location of storage.
 Schedule a disc.
Manage Input/Output systems
 Buffer caching system.
 General device drivers communication.
 Controller for hardware devices
File system management
 Create and delete a file.
 Create and delete a directory.
 Supports file and folder operations.
 Mapping files on the secondary storage system.
 Backup files on storage devices.
Security system
 A mechanism that controls the access of a program,
process, or user to system resources.
Command line system
 Command controller
 Command interpreter
Other services
 Execute the program
 Input and output operations
 Manipulation on the file system
 Network management
 Information
 Error detection
System call
 Provides a communication between the process and
the operating system
 Method of passing parameters to the operating system:
 pass the parameter to the register.
 stored in blocks or tables in memory.
 stack mechanism.
 System calls can be divided into categories: process
control, file manipulation, device manipulation,
System call
The simple OS structure

Cấu trúc của MS-DOS

The simple OS structure
 Are not divided into distinct classes (sections)
 A class can call functions belonging to any other class.
 Simple, easy to design, easy to install
 Hard to protect, difficult to expand, and difficult to upgrade

Cấu trúc của hệ điều hành MS-DOS (cấu trúc đơn giản)
The structure of the first ver. UNIX OS
The structure of a layered operating system

 is divided into several layers

 Each class is based on the lower classes.
 The bottom layer is the hardware, the top layer is the layer that
communicates with the user.
 Each class uses only the functions provided by the lower class.
 The kernel is in the next class of the hardware class, using the hardware
commands to make system calls.
The structure of a layered operating system

Cấu trúc của OS/2

Virtual machine
 One machine is simulated into multiple machines.
 System resources such as CPU, memory, disk, etc. are shared to create
virtual machines.
 Each virtual machine is isolated from another virtual machine, so shared
resources are protected.
Client-Server model
Development history of operating systems

 Generation 1 (1945 - 1955)

 Computer using vacuum tube, no OS yet
 Generation 2 (1955 - 1965)
 Batch processing system
 Assembly language, FORTRAN
 Generation 3 (1965 - 1980)
 to coordinate, control operations and resolve device dispute
 Multi chapter, the operating system shares time
 Generation 4 (1981 - 2007)
 Network operating system, distributed OS
Design principles of OS
 should be easy to write, easy to fix, and easy to upgrade (should
write the operating system in a high-level language because it is
easier to write and fix errors than in assembly language).
 It needs to be easy to install, easy to maintain, error free and
 It should be easy to use, easy to learn, safe, highly reliable and
fast to perform.
 requires high portability (works on a different set of hardware).
 It is necessary to have SYSGEN (System Generation) program
that collects hardware related information in order to configure
the operating system to suit each computer.
 What is the operating system?
 How many types of operating systems are there? What
criteria is this classification based on?
 What are the main operating system components and
what are the functions of each?
 Compare the different architectures of the operating
system. Advantages and disadvantages of each type of
 On what factors does the development of the operating
system depend?

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