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PGH College of Engineering and Technology,


Dr. G.V.Patil
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Engineering design, organization and decomposition in product design, product

design process, methodical evolution in product design, concurrent engineering,
design for ‘X’ and design central development model. Strategies for recovery at end
of life, recycling, human factors in product design. Modelling and simulation in
What is the Engineering Design Process?

The engineering design process is a series of

steps that engineers follow to come up with
a solution to a problem. Many times the
solution involves designing a product (like a
machine or computer code) that meets
certain criteria and/or accomplishes a certain

Engineers do not always follow the

engineering design process steps in order,
one after another. It is very common to
design something, test it, find a problem,
and then go back to an earlier step to make a
modification or change to your design. This
way of working is called iteration, and it is
likely that your process will do the same!
Steps of the Engineering Design Process

1. Define the Problem

The engineering design process starts when you ask 3. Specify Requirements
the following questions about problems that you Design requirements state the important
observe: characteristics that your solution must meet
•What is the problem or need? to succeed. One of the best ways to identify
•Who has the problem or need? the design requirements for your solution is
•Why is it important to solve? to analyze the concrete example of a similar,
[Who] need(s) [what] because [why]. existing product, noting each of its key

2. Do Background Research
4. Brainstorm Solutions
Learn from the experiences of others — this can help
There are always many good possibilities for
you find out about existing solutions to similar
solving design problems. If you focus on just one
problems, and avoid mistakes that were made in the
before looking at the alternatives, it is almost
past. So, for an engineering design project, do
certain that you are overlooking a better solution.
background research in two major areas:
Good designers try to generate as many possible
•Users or customers
solutions as they can.
•Existing solutions
5. Choose the Best Solution 7. Build a Prototype
Look at whether each possible solution A prototype is an operating version of a solution.
meets your design requirements. Some Often it is made with different materials than the
solutions probably meet more requirements final version, and generally it is not as polished.
than others. Reject solutions that do not Prototypes are a key step in the development of a
meet the requirements. final solution, allowing the designer to test how the
solution will work.
6. Develop the Solution
8. Test and Redesign
Development involves the refinement and
The design process involves multiple iterations and
improvement of a solution, and it continues
redesigns of your final solution. You will likely test
throughout the design process, often even after a
your solution, find new problems, make changes,
product ships to customers.
and test new solutions before settling on a final
9. Communicate Results
To complete your project, communicate your results to others in a final report and/or a display board.
Professional engineers always do the same, thoroughly documenting their solutions so that they can be
manufactured and supported.
Product design and development

Need of new product development

The economic success of manufacturing firms depends on their ability to identify the customer needs of
customers and quickly create the products to meet the needs that can be produced at low cost. A product is
anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that must satisfy a
want or need [1]. Products can be classified as shown in figure 1.1 and briefly given below.
Design for X

Design for Excellence or Design For Excellence (DfX or DFX), are terms and expansions used
interchangeably in the existing literature, where the X in design for X is a variable which can have one
of many possible values. In many fields (e.g., very-large-scale integration (VLSI) and nanoelectronics)
X may represent several traits or features including: manufacturability, power, variability, cost, yield, or
reliability. This gives rise to the terms design for manufacturability (DfM, DFM), design for inspection
(DFI), design for variability (DfV), design for cost (DfC). Similarly, other disciplines may associate
other traits, attributes, or objectives for X.
End of life product recovery strategies include
Remanufacture, Repair, Recondition, Cannibalization,
Redesign, Refurbish and Recycle . All these end of life options
are distinct from one another and selecting the best suitable
product recovery option should take several factors into
End of life product recovery strategies
End of life product recovery
strategies include Remanufacture, Repair,
Recondition, Cannibalization, Redesign,
Refurbish and Recycle . All these end of
life options are distinct from one another
and selecting the best suitable
product recovery option should take
several factors into consideration 

Manufacturers are developing product

recovery strategies for many reasons,
including as a response to various non-
market and market drivers For example, an
increasing number of countries are debating
and promulgating regulations that require
manufacturers to assume greater
responsibility for their products at their end-
of-life (EOL).
1. Do nothing. 2. Promote the market.
In the base case, a company takes no action to  This strategy consists of a manufacturer providing
recover its EOL products and does nothing to arms-length market support for the existing third-
support product recovery, such as by educating party recycling infrastructure by providing
their customers about the existing recycling information to customers. An example of this
infrastructure. This option is available only in strategy is a computer manufacturer that merely
regimes that lack regulations that require OEM directs its customers to the Electronic Industry

3. Long term contract. 4. Joint venture with a recycler.

This strategy involves an OEM signing a long- OEMs may also choose to engage in a joint venture
term contract with a company to recover with a recycling company. For example, in 1998,
components from EOL products. For example, Deere & Company and Springfield
Nokia authorized Re Cellular, Inc. to be its North Remanufacturing Corporation formed a 50-50 joint-
American service and remanufacture center for its venture company, Re Gen Technologies, to
cellular telephones (Guide, Jayaraman, Srivastava, remanufacture diesel engines and engine-related
& Benton, 2000). components for Deere’s dealers and customers.
6. Establish a new entity through an industry 7. Vertically integrate into product recovery.
 When OEMs vertically integrate into product
Manufacturers facing the same challenges in recovery, they invest in the infrastructure and
developing a cost effective product recovery system skills required to recover and disassemble EOL
may benefit by working together to establish a products, refurbish components, and recycle
consortium. For example, responding to the materials. With vertical integration, the OEM
flexibility provided in the German Packaging may acquire tacit knowledge about its EOL
Ordinance, manufacturers across various industries products. In such cases, it can modify future
established a non-profit organization called Duales product designs to alter their durability and
System Deutschland GmbH (Dual System of facilitate component recovery from EOL
Germany). This organization charges manufacturers products. For example, in the automotive
to place its green dot logo on their product industry, Ford — motivated to reduce the flow of
packaging. Fees are based on the type and weight of auto parts to landfills, gain a new source of spare
the packaging materials. In return, the organization parts, and get closer to its customers after the sale
collects, sorts, and distributes to recyclers packaging — is buying salvage yards to dismantle EOL
that displays its logo. vehicles and sell their parts to repair shops and
retail customers
Human Factors in Product Design
Ergonomics is the study of the interaction between human
beings and the tools, tasks, and environments of work and
everyday living. Human Factors Engineers strive to
produce designs that better meet the capabilities,
limitations, and needs of the people who use them.

Human factors and ergonomics discovers and applies

information about human behavior, abilities, limitations, and
other characteristics of the design of tools, machines,
systems, tasks, jobs, and environments for productive, safe,
comfortable, and effective human use.  In this context,
human factors and ergonomics deals with a broad scope of
problems relevant to the product design and evaluation of
work systems, consumer products, and working
environments in which human-machine interactions affect
human performance and product usability.
Example of Advantages of Human Factors Engineering
Let us take a look at some of the benefits of implementing human factors while designing medical
1. Devices are easy to use or operate
2. Reduced requirement for extensive training for using the device
3. Easy to understand device status and operations
4. Overall better user experience
5. Reduction in user-related errors while using the device and system
6. Effective and better patient assistance
7. Minimizing risks related to adverse events
8. Easier to maintain and repair the device
9. This is where including human factors into the design of the product makes a difference. However,
there are a few things that a device manufacturer should keep in mind while designing a product:
10. Always try to understand and keep the users’ expectation upfront during the design process.
11. Always make use of symbols and icons that are familiar to the users. This will help the user to
quickly be acquainted with the operations without having to extensively go through a user manual.
12. Keep the user informed about the current status of the device.
13. Always have easy to remember steps, so that the user does not have to go through an extensive
training process.
14. Do not overload users with more information than required. Sometimes too much information can
lead to confusion.
Products and services are more likely to be used as intended – safely and effectively – when their design
considers the needs, particular limits and capabilities, workflow, and functional conceptualization (“mental
model”) of the intended users.  Users of a product or service often vary along many dimensions, including
vision, hearing, manual dexterity, strength, and reach, etc. Cognitive functions, such as attention, memory,
information processing, appreciation and understanding of hazards, and problem solving also vary widely;
and developmental changes that occur throughout the lifespan can further influence the safety, effectiveness,
and ease of product use.  The environment in which a product or service is used may also have an impact on
people’s ability to interact with products and equipment, or to follow procedures.

Exponent scientists and engineers have studied human abilities and limitations.  We have gained an
understanding of the impact of environmental conditions on human behavior.  Exponent human factors
scientists routinely test the usability of products with human subjects to better understand user/product
interactions, including for submission within an FDA regulatory context (510k, PMA).  We examine records
of injury events associated with the use of products to determine whether their designs contribute to any
unique accident pattern or pose a risk of injury. We also use eye tracking technology to determine where users
look while they interact with products.
These types of methodologies have been applied to many design questions that involve products and services
for the home use, the workplace, recreation, health care, and transportation.  Exponent human factors
scientists have applied human factors analyses to the consideration of whether products should be recalled,
and whether a design change is appropriate to address issues of safety or customer complaints.
There are numerous strategies for the treatment of EoL products. A list of the potential options for the
treatment of EoL products is shown below, in order of the perceived quality that is imbued during the
EoL process.

• Remanufacturing
• Repurposing/refurbishing
• Reuse
• Repair
• Recycling
• Composting
• Incineration
• Landfill

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