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Let’s have a fun assessment about
our topic today personal
relationship. Use your chat box for
this activity.
Please be true to
yourself. Answer it with
all honesty.
Are you ready?
Jowa or
Jowa or Tropa???
Jowa or Tropa???
Jowa or Tropa???
Jowa or Tropa???
What is Personal
Personal Relationship
Refers to the association and close
connections between people,
formed by emotional bonds and
interactions. These bonds often
grow from and are formed by
mutual experiences.
Personal Relationship
Teenagers commonly have relationships
with their family, friends and significant
others. The changes in a teen’s physical and
cognitive development come with big
changes in their relationship with family
and friends. In adolescence stage, a new
understanding of one’s self occurs. This
may include independence, identity and
Personal Relationship
 Family Relationships
 Friendships
 Romantic Relationships
Family Relationships
as “two or more people who
are related by birth, marriage
or adoption, and who live
together as one household”.
Friends are the people who we are not
related to but who we choose to interact
with. They are the people who we trust,
respect care about and feel that we can
confide in and want to spend time with.
A friendship is a reciprocal relationship.
Both people must see each other as a
friend for it to exist.
Romantic Relationships
- is when you feel very strongly
attracted to the other person,
both to their personality and,
often also physically and should
be reciprocated by the other
person in the relationship.
Activity 1
Activity 2
Personal Relationship Part 2

Attraction, Love
and Commitment
“The best and most beautiful
things in this world cannot be
seen or even heard, but must be
felt with the heart.”

-Helen Keller
Every human being has his own way of
expressing his attraction, love and
commitment due to our different life
experiences. When attraction between two
persons is discussed, it is often understood
as based on physical appearance while this
might be true to a certain extent but there
is more to attraction that we already know.
Adolescence is the stage when many personal
relationships such as the so-called romantic
relationship are usually formed.

Romantic relationships are the core of the

social life of many adolescents from middle to
late adolescents.
Helen Fisher
In biological model of love, Love can start
with any of these three feelings: lust,
attraction and attachment depending on the
person. Each involves different
neurochemicals in the brain.
Three Brain System of Love or Stages of
Falling in Love

-refers to an urge or
desire that motives us
to partake in sexual
- is responsible for the
desire to feel the object of
affection. Some say that it
is the “chemistry” part of
the love.
Adolescents are usually
attracted to physical beauty,
but there are those who are
attracted to intelligent, with
sense of humor or with
good personality.
Factors of Attraction

a. Physical Attractiveness
b. Proximity
c. Similarity
d. Reciprocity
Physical Attractiveness

It is one of the primary

determinants of romantic
attraction. Most people prefer
whom they consider
physically attractive
especially in the early stages
of dating.
People tend to get attracted to people
who are geographically closer to
them. They are more likely to
develop feelings of mutual familiarity
with the people who live close to us
and increased level of comfort when
there is regular contact and no prior
negative feelings.
People pick partners who we have
similarities with such as social class,
background, religious belief, age and
education. The more attitudes and
opinions two people share, especially
when they are similar, the more they will
want to do the same activities, and would
create a strong bond between them.
People like others who like them back.
People feel indebted when someone
does something good for them and tend
to reciprocate the action. The more we
are liked by someone they equally like,
the more we behave in ways that
promote mutual feelings of liking.
-is a deep and enduring
emotional bond that
connects one person to
another across time and
Activity 3

Statement Name of the Reasons

Person/s (Min. of 35 words)
1. I like him/ her because he/ she is physically attractive.

2. I am attracted to him/ her because I am familiar with him/

her and we often see each other.
3. I am attracted to him/ her because we are alike.

4. I am attracted to him/ her because we have the same feelings

or we like each other.

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