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Evan Prasetyotomo Putra
Bariq Lokuttara Mangga Halim
Muhammad Farhan
Alfredo Hutaehaan
Climate Changes
• Definition and Condition
• Effects of Climate Changes
• Causes of Climate Changes
• Impacts of Climate Changes
• Solutions to Climate Changes
• Solutions to Climate Changes in
Definition and
a broad range of global phenomena created
predominantly by burning fossil fuels, which
add heat-trapping gases to Earth’s atmosphere.
These phenomena include the increased
temperature trends described by global
warming, but also encompass changes such as
sea level rise; ice mass loss in Greenland,
Antarctica, the Arctic and mountain glaciers
worldwide; shifts in flower/plant blooming; and
extreme weather events
The effects of anthropogenic – human-caused – climate
change range from more frequent and severe droughts to
snowstorms and extreme winter weather in temperature
regions as a result of warming Arctic weather fronts.
It's not only humans that are affected. Warming ocean
temperatures are increasing the frequency of coral reef
Effects of bleaching; warmer, drier weather means that forests in
some regions are no longer recovering from wildfires and
Climate wildlife habitats around the world are becoming less
hospitable to animals.
Changes Climate change is having economic and socio-political
effects, too. Food scurity is already being impacted in a
number of African countries and researchers are studying
suggestive links between climate change and an increased
likelihood of military conflict.
Causes of Climate Changes

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Green house = a layer of gasses, Human activity is currently Chlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbon Methane, a more potent but less
primarily water vapour, in the lower generating an excess of long-lived s abundant greenhouse gas, enters the
atmosphere that trap heat from the greenhouse gasses that – unlike  – once widely used in industrial atmosphere from farming – both
sun as it's reflected back from the water vapour – don't dissipate in applications and home appliances such as from animals such as cattle and
Earth, radiating it back and keeping response to temperature increases, refrigerators – were key greenhouse gasses arable farming methods including 
our planet at a temperature capable resulting in a continuing buildup of released during the 20th century, but are traditional rice paddies – and from 
of supporting life.’ heat. now heavily regulated due to their severe fossil fuel exploration and
impact on the atmosphere, which includes abandoned oil and gas wells.
ozone depletion, as well as trapping heat in
the lower atmosphere.
Impacts of One of the most serious impacts of climate change is how it will affect water
Climate resources around the world. Water is intimately tied to other resource and
social issues such as food supply, health, industry, transportation and
Changes ecosystem integrity.
Move Closer to Work—Transportation is the second leading source of
greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. (burning a single gallon of gasoline
produces 20 pounds of CO2). One way to dramatically curtail
transportation fuel needs is to move closer to work, use mass transit, or
switch to walking, cycling or some other mode of transport that does not
require anything other than human energy.

Be Efficient—A potentially simpler and even bigger impact can be made

by doing more with less. Citizens of many developed countries are

Solutions to
profligate wasters of energy, whether by speeding in a gas-guzzling sport-
utility vehicle or leaving the lights on when not in a room.

Climate Changes Unplug—Believe it or not, U.S. citizens spend more money on electricity
to power devices when off than when on. Televisions, stereo equipment,
computers, battery chargers and a host of other gadgets and appliances
consume more energy when seemingly switched off, so unplug them

Future Fuels—Replacing fossil fuels may prove the great challenge of the
21st century. Many contenders exist, ranging from 
ethanol derived from crops to hydrogen electrolyzed out of water, but all
of them have some drawbacks, too, and none are immediately available at
the scale needed.
• Focus on renewable energy
development as soon as possible
to achieve the lowest-cost path to
emissions reductions and avoid
locking in expensive fossil fuel
Solutions to power generation equipment.
• Conduct further research to assess
Climate the emissions savings of other
land-use and energy policies (such
Changes in as forest fires mitigation,
sustainable peatland
Indonesia management, carbon tax), as well
as policies for other sectors (e.g.,
agriculture, industrial processes,
• Give priority to full
implementation of the key existing
land-use and energy policies
identified in this report.

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