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Disaster Management :

We will understand about :

 Disaster : Concept & Mechanism

 Disasters Classification
 Disasters impacts
 Disaster Management Cycle
 Disaster & Development
 Lesson Learned
Disaster :
Concept & Mechanism
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR,

2016) defines ‘ disaster’ as:

"A serious disruption of the functioning of a
community or a society at any scale;
due to hazardous events interacting with conditions of
exposure, vulnerability and capacity, leading to one or more
of the following:
- lives, material, economic and environmental
losses and impacts "

Disruption exceed the ability to cope by using its

own resources.
Hazard :
 A potentially damaging physical event,
phenomenon or human activity that may
cause :-

- The loss of life or injury

- Property damage
- Social & economic disruption or
- Environmental degradation
- Delay in developmental activities etc.
Hazards can be Natural or Human
Natural Hazards induced
Human Induced Hazards
 Geological  Environmental Degradation
 Hydro-meteorological  Technological failure
 Biological  Accidents

Hazards can be single, sequential or

Remarks: There is a fine line which separates hazards &
resources, as between water out of control (Flood Hazard)
& water under control (reservoir)
Remarks: A disaster is result/outburst of hazards to an
extent that available protection mechanism are inadequate
to cope
 Vulnerability refers to : –
The extent ( i.e. a measure of risk) to which a
- Community,
- Structure ,
- Services,
- Geographical areas,
- Environment etc. are likely to be damaged or disrupted
by the impact/result of particular hazard.

 Vulnerable elements can be :-

- Tangible (e.g.- weak infrastructures, health, equipments, crops, eco-system etc.
- Intangible (e.g. – Environmental/Psychological/Cultural etc.)
 Risk refers to –
- The expected losses from a given hazard to
the Vulnerability, over a specified time period
HRVC Analysis
Hazard x Vulnerability
Risk = -------------------------
 Capacity refers to – a combination of all the strengths &
resources available.

 The strengthening of coping capacities usually builds

to withstand the effects of hazards
R = (H X V) / C
Risk Risk Risk
Identification Analysis Evaluation

Hazard, Nature of Impact on Risk Prioritization

Vulnerability Elements at Risk & Decision Making

Consequences & 1. Range of potential

1. Ranking of most vulnerable
Likelihood – losses & damages & how
hence level of the these could occur.
2. Make decision about
Risk 2. Assessment of
strategies to be followed
capacities & Resources
Type of disaster
Disaster Profile of India

 Most of the world’s natural disasters

occur in Asia and the Pacific.

 India’s geo climatic conditions as

well as its high degree of socio-
economic vulnerability, make it 4th
among 10 top disaster prone country in
the world .
Hazard & Vulnerability Profile of
 57 % land is vulnerable to
earthquakes(12% is
 68 % land is vulnerable to
 12% land is vulnerable to
 8% land is vulnerable to
Almost 58.6% the landmass is prone to earthquake of moderate
to very high intensity

Nature of Earthquake
Richter Scale
00-1.9 Can’t realize. Only demarcation on Seismography.

2.0-2.9 Very less vibration

3.0-3.9 Feel like a truck is crossing nearby

Windows can break down . Hanging materials like LCD, Photo frame, Clock,
etc can fall down.
Heavy material like bed, Tables, Almirahs, washing machine, Freeze etc can
vibrate/ move including above all.
Basement of buildings and its upper floor may be damaged.
Crack on walls may occurs including above all.
Building may fall down, Underground pipe may damaged etc including
above all.

8.0-8.9 High rises Buildings, Bridges etc may damaged including above all.

Very Very high level of destruction including above all.

9.0 +….
A person can
Disaster : Losses and impact
Impact of Disaster
Direct Impact Indirect Impact
 3 D:-
 Psychological Trauma
 Damage
 Destruction  Diseases
 Death  Education system.
 Life line support system  Trafficking
 Communication
 Power Supply  Unhygienic condition
 Connectivity etc.  Trust
 Health Care & Hospital  Political system
under stress
 Govt. Revenue etc.
 Commercial & Economic
 etc.
Disaster_Losses and Impact

Munger after 1934 Earthquake

Iso - Seismal Map of 1934_Bihar –Nepal 1934
The Greater Earthquake of Assam in 1950
(8.6 M)
Intangible Impacts
Trends of disasters
 The UN Report “Living with Risk” indicates that :-

1. The number of disaster increasing each year.

2. The number of people affected by disaster is rising.

3. Overall disasters are becoming less deadly.

4. Overall, disasters are becoming more costly.

5. Poor countries assuming much greater proportions of
disaster impacts
Break the Myths
 It Can’t Happen to Us.
(Optimistic biasedness)

 Natural forces are so Deadly that Victims

will Die anyway.

 There is Nothing We Can Do.

Lesson learned from disasters…
 Derail development process
 Affects resource availability for future development

 Temporary relief involves more cost

 If we prepared and quickly respond to the situation, we

can minimize the impact of disaster.
 There is need to link Disaster Management and
 Need to develop a comprehensive approach to

disaster management
Global Approach towards Disaster Mgmt.
Disaster Management in India
Disaster Management Act 2005
 The Disaster Management Act, 2005 (DM Act 2005)
lays down institutional and coordination mechanism for
effective Disaster Management (DM) at the national, state,
and district levels.

 As mandated by this Act : -

 National Level – NDMA, Chaired by the Prime Minister,

 State Level – SDMA, Chaired by the Chief Ministers and

 District Level – DDMA, Chaired by the District Collectors/ District

Magistrate and co-chaired by Chairpersons of the local bodies.
Disaster Management in India
Disaster Management :

A continuous and integrated process of planning, organizing,

coordinating and implementing measures;
which are necessary for : -
 Prevention of disaster risk,
 Mitigation or reduction of disaster risk consequences,
 Preparedness to deal with any disaster,
 Capacity-building,
 Prompt response to any threatening disaster situation
 Assessing the severity or magnitude of disaster effects
 Evacuation, rescue and relief, and
 Rehabilitation and reconstruction.
Disaster Management Cycle
Disaster Management Phases
Prevention & Mitigation Preparedness
 Prevention aims to prevent  Preparedness includes
the potential occurrence of different types of
a disaster event measures & capacity of

While responders to respond

effectively & timely to
 Mitigation attempts to
disaster situation.
reduce the impact of
impending disasters.
Disaster Management Phases
Response Recovery
 Response begins just  Recovery includes
after the early warning of restoration, rehabilitation
impending disaster or & reconstruction intends

disaster impacts. It to bring back the victims

focused at saving lives & to their proper level of

property as much as
Disaster Management Measures
Structural Measures Non Structural Measures
 Structural Measures :-  Try to bring out coordination of
- Engineered Structure
efforts among stakeholders &
There are rules & laws providing
codes etc. community during all phases of
disaster mgmt cycle. It includes:-
- Non Engineered
- Awareness
Generally constructed by local - Policy & Institutions Making
people with the help of local masons - Training & Capacity Building
& locally available materials
- Promote R& D in technology etc.
without any provisions given in the
codes. - Community participation in Planning.
Bihar : A hub of disasters
Year 2015
emerged as a landmark year for ongoing efforts
towards Disaster Risk Reduction
In 2015, the adoption of three landmark
global agreements
 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction,
 Sustainable Development Goals and
 COP21 Paris Agreement on Climate Change

has opened the significant opportunity to build coherence

across DRR, sustainable development and response to
climate change.
Bihar Roadmap for DRR_
A Visionary & dynamic Roadmap
In light of the experiences,
insights and inspiration from 3rd
World Conference on DRR
(Sendai, Japan, 2015)
the Government of Bihar

Developed a DRR Roadmap

(F.Y. 2015 - 2030)

for the State.

In the context of disaster

Developed Developing

Understand First, Experience First,

& &

Experience Later Understand Later

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