Lenin - Building Socialism in The USSR

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• As a result of the titanic work of V. I. Lenin in the
period after the Great October Socialist Revolution, the Communist
Party developed a strategy for building socialism in a separate
country. This strategy was based on the fundamental works of the
classics of Marxism and fully took into account both the internal
situation in Soviet Russia, which developed in the country after the
revolution and civil war, and the international situation.
•Naturally, there was no official document fixed on paper and
sealed with seals. However, the work of V. I. Lenin, the decisions
of congresses of the RCP (b), resolutions of the party Central
Committee and Council of people's Commissars collectively
determined the plan, which pointed out the direction of the country
and the methods that most effectively would ensure the
implementation of this plan.
•V. I. Lenin proceeded from the fact that Russia at that time had all the necessary conditions for
building socialism. First, the power belonged to the workers and peasants, second, the country
possessed enormous natural resources, and third, the young Soviet state was led by a party hardened in
the struggle against tsarism and armed with advanced Marxist theory.
•The main economic task was the restoration and rapid development of industry, primarily heavy. This
would ensure a high standard of living for the population, raise agriculture to the proper height,
upgrade transport, and strengthen the country's defense capability. The beginning of the
industrialization of the country was laid during the life of V. I. Lenin by the development of the
GOELRO plan and the first steps of its implementation.
•In order to solve this main task, it was
necessary to feed the population of a
huge country, to provide it with at least a
minimum subsistence level. The solution
of this problem was planned on the ways
of cooperation of small peasant farms.
This provided not only a significant
increase in the productivity of peasant
labor, but also the introduction of
peasants to the construction of socialism
•The main political task was to strengthen the dictatorship of the proletariat in every possible way and to
establish a strong alliance between the workers and the poor and middle strata of the peasantry. The most
important task was also to establish fraternal and friendly relations between all the peoples who inhabited the
country. V. I. Lenin fought for the creation of a union of equal republics. The creation of the USSR marked
the beginning of the fraternal friendship of peoples and ensured the rapid development of national suburbs.
The friendship of the peoples of the USSR was one of the main conditions for the Victory over Hitler's
Germany in 1945.
•V. I. Lenin advocated peaceful coexistence between the Soviet country and the states of the capitalist
environment. This made it possible for the Soviet people to focus on solving their internal problems. In
addition, the involvement of foreign specialists contributed to the full acceleration of the country's
industrialization. At the same time, it was necessary to remember the aggressive nature of imperialism and
"keep the powder dry" - to take full care of the defense capability of the Soviet state.
•In order to solve these tasks, which were set for the first time in history, large in scope, complex and responsible, it was necessary
to actively develop new theoretical problems that arose. V. I. Lenin always emphasized the importance of the theoretical work of
the party, and he himself was actively engaged in theoretical research. However, as he emphasized, if earlier Communists learned
from books, now in new conditions, it is necessary to learn from practice and test new theoretical positions by practice.
•The Communist Party and V. I. Lenin considered the necessity of implementing the cultural revolution as one of the most
important tasks. The first task was to eliminate illiteracy and develop a socialist system of public education that would closely link
theoretical training with the practice of building a socialist society. In the future, it was planned to fully promote the development
of science.
•It was impossible to solve the above-mentioned complex and multifaceted tasks, most of which had never been solved before,
without properly formulated, scientifically based, systematic and purposeful leadership. Such a guiding and guiding force in the
construction of socialism was the Communist Party.
•V. I. Lenin made special demands on the members of the party, its structure and activities. First of all, it is ideological and
organizational unity, high discipline, deep theoretical training, adherence to the principles of democratic centralism, collective
leadership, the full development of criticism and self-criticism, the cleansing of the party ranks from alien elements, close
communication with the masses of the working people.
•V. I. Lenin stressed that in the new environment, when solving complex and
often ambiguous tasks, the party can and does make mistakes – this is a natural
phenomenon. He criticized mistakes, including his own, demanded to find out the
reasons for their appearance, correct their consequences and prevent them in the
future. This approach to mistakes he considered a sign of correct leadership and
saw in it the strength of the party.
•Already at the first stages of the construction of socialism in our society, such a
disgusting phenomenon as bureaucracy was manifested. V. I. Lenin castigated
"komchvanstvo" and pointed out that if anything destroys us, it is bureaucracy.
Looking back, and analyzing the reasons for the destruction of the USSR, it is
safe to say that bureaucracy played a significant role in this.
•Vladimir Ilyich paid great attention to the style of work of leaders, primarily
party leaders. In this respect, the style of his personal activity as a party leader
can serve not only as a model for the leaders of the past. Let us not be mistaken if
we say that for any modern party leader, Lenin's style of work can and should
serve as an unsurpassed model. He hated the hype and splendor, the self-
promotion and showing off, arrogance and bureaucracy.
•Easy handling, efficiency, accessibility, attentiveness, integrity and honesty, boldness of
thought, ability to see new, asceticism in his personal life – that's one of the reasons for
people's love and great respect of the masses to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
•The most important quality of Lenin's activity was a strong support for the masses.
Already in the period of formation of the newspaper "Iskra", he appeals to readers and
correspondents with a request that they give an assessment of the published materials in
their letters, point out the shortcomings, write about their urgent needs. Everyone knows
the conversations of V. I. Lenin in the Kremlin with "walkers" from the Russian
hinterland. It can be said that Vladimir Ilyich continuously "kept his finger on the pulse" of
popular opinion and made far-reaching conclusions from this.
•Apparently, the style and methods of organizing work of V. I. Lenin deserve special study
and refraction to the present.
•Unfortunately, Lenin could no longer implement the plan of building socialism. This
difficult and important task was successfully solved by the Communist Party under the
skilful leadership of I. V. Stalin.
•It has been 85 years since Vladimir Ilyich passed away. His
organizational activities, personal behavior, methods of work and
appearance are so perfect that they can serve as an ideal role model
for modern political leaders of the socialist orientation. Apparently,
the activities of modern communist parties, including in Ukraine,
could be much more effective if every communist often asked
himself the mental question: "What would Vladimir Ilyich Lenin do
in this case?» and I would draw appropriate conclusions from this.
•The Bolsheviks formed a new government and at last made reality such a long awaited promise as the war end (1918).
According to the Peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Russia lost a range of territories including those in Poland, Finland,
Ukraine, and Baltic lands. But there were many more plans to be put into life. According to the new ideology the
nationalization of land, industrial plants and banks, as well as separation of state and church - all this was a non-distant
reality. As a new state system continued to develop, the Bolshevik Party was renamed the Communist Party, and a new
Constitution was adopted in 1918, acknowledging the existence of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
(RSFSR). The Russian capital moved from Petrograd (St Petersburg) to Moscow. Despite the Brest-Litovsk treaty signed
on dreadfully unfavorable conditions, peace was still a long way to go. Now the main enemy of the new power was inside
the state. The existence of a strong opposition to the communists, the Whites, led towards three years of civil war (1918
-1920) accompanied by foreign intervention. This war ended when counterrevolutionary White Army (supported by Great
Britain, France, and Unites States) was defeated by a new army of the Communist state – the Red Army. After eliminating
all their enemies, the Bolsheviks established the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

• To revitalize the country from the ruins of the civil war the New Economic Policy (NEP) was carried out from 1921 till 1929.
Private enterprise was allowed together with land rent, waged labor, and privatization of small industries. By the mid 1920s
these measures proved to be effective, a relative economic revival was reached and the government set a new goal – that of
heavy industry development. The industrialization meant financing, which required an increased export of grain. However,
prices that the government offered for the grain did not correspond to the reality. Peasants refused to sell their production at
such prices. The situation provoked the end of the market economy scheme that was substituted with strict government
control. In the late 1920s, under Communist party General Secretary Joseph Stalin, planned economy was introduced. This
system determined Russian economic development up till the USSR disintegration in 1991. Five-year plans were elaborated
to provide rapid development in different spheres of life from industry to culture. Education became not only available to
everyone but also compulsory. The enthusiasm grew with the first impressive achievements, and those who doubted or
opposed the Communist Party policy could easily be put into prison, sent to the forced-labor camps, or executed for being the
"enemies of the nation". Among the long-time plans of the USSR leaders was to prove that the Communist ideology offered
the only right way of development and that the Soviet Union dominated other major Superpowers of the World.

• Before the Soviet Union was involved into World War II, Stalin carried out a
series of negotiations trying to find the best allies in the forthcoming war.
The result of these negotiations was a nonaggression pact between Russia
and Germany signed in 1939. The act was accompanied by confidential
protocols, according to which the two countries divided spheres of their
influence in Poland, Baltic region and the Balkans. However, Hitler had no
plans of keeping his promises and in 1941 Germany initiated unexpected and
devastating attacks against the Russians But what was planned by Hitler as a
one-year military campaign - Operation Barbarossa - turned into a long and
exhausting war, which led Nazi Germany to complete failure. 
•Russian people paid a high price for their victory. As it was in the previous battles for national
independence, patriotism saved the country but the number of human victims was really tremendous.
More than 26.5 million people died in this war. Russian contribution to the liberation of the world
from the fascism was invaluable. Germany had to send more then 2/3 of its armed forces to fight on
this front. In the result of World War II an international influence of the Soviet Union grew
immensely. Together with the US it became one of the predominant world forces. At the Yalta (1945)
and Potsdam (1945) Conferences Stalin held talks on postwar world organization with the United
States President Franklin Roosevelt and the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. The Soviet
Union also played an important role in the creation of the United Nations and became one of the five
countries that received power of veto in this international organization. Moreover, Russia spread
influence over a large part of Eastern Europe, including Poland, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria,
Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Albania, and East Germany.

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