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Financial Statement and Company

Risk Analysis
(see chapter 3 Hitchner)

A Presentation By

Academy of Economic Studies - Bucharest
I. Historical Financial Statement Analysis
II. The role of financial reporting and financial analysis in
the market
III. Ratio analysis (quantitative analysis)
IV. Industry Structure Analysis – The Porter Model/
PESTEL Model/ Du Pont Model
V. SWOT Analysis

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
 During 1990 the Internet enhanced our ability
to obtain and disseminate information
 A well reasoned valuation includes critical
 An estimation of the future economic benefits
(normalization and projection of the future CF)
 An assessment of the probability or risk that
the projected future economic benefits will be

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
 Process of financial statement analysis:
 Spreading historical fin. statement in columnar format
 Normalizing financial statement
 Common-sizing normalized historical fin.statement
 Performing ratio analysis on the normalized historical
fin. Statement
 Subjecting normalized historical financial statement to
industry comparison

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
1.Historical Financ.Statement Analysis
 Provide the most reliable information for estimating
future performance and risk assesment
 Audited information are preferred
 Length of financial history to be used: 5 years
 Spreading Financial Statement in columnar format
 (see pages 61-62 in the handbook – Hitchner)
 Adjustment to Financial Statement
 To develop historical earnings from which to predict future
 To present financial information on a normalized basis
 Facilitate comparison (in time, sector capital structure etc.)
Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
Historical Financ.Statement Analysis
 Adjustments to reflect the economic realities of
 To present financial statements on a basis more
comparable with other companies in that industry
 Categories
 Unusual items: events or transactions with a high degree of
 Nonrecurring items: events or transactions that are not
reasonably expected to recur in the future
 Extraordinary items
 Non operating items: excess cash, marketable securities, excess
real estate, private planes, private collections etc
 Changes in accounting principles
 Degree of ownership interest
Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
Historical Financ.Statement Analysis
 Adjustments (examples)
 Strikes and other types of work stoppages
 Litigation expenses or recoveries
 Uninsured losses due to disasters (fire or flood)
 One time realization of revenues or expenses due to
nonrecurring contracts
 Gain or loss on the sale of a business unit or business
 Discontinuation of operations

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
Historical Financ.Statement Analysis
 Control Adjustments (examples)
 Removal of transactions with family or insiders (salary,
benefits, non market transactions)
 Eliminating of discretionary expenses and operating
 Smoothing of excess or deficient compensation

 See examples: Tables 3.4.; 3.4A and 3.5

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
2.The role of financial reporting and
financial analysis in the market
Lemon problem

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL

Intermediarii Intermediarii de
financiari informatii

Idei de afaceri

Figura 1. Piata de capital - Prezentare sintetica

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
Market participants
 Financial intermediary (Intermediarii financiari)
 Pension funds, insurance funds etc
  Information intermediary (Intermediarii de
 Auditors, financial analysts, rating agencies etc

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
Situatiile Financiare Contextul analizei
- managementul are cea mai - analiza pentru creditare;
completa informatie; - analiza realizata de
- posibile erori de estimare; consultantul de plasament;
- distorsiuni datorita optiunilor - analiza pentru achizitii si
contabile fuziuni;
Alte informatii publice - analiza (ratingul) datoriilor.
- situatia sectorului ;
- informatii non-financiare.

Instrumentele analistului

Analiza strategiei intreprinderii.

Asteptari generale privind
performantele viitoare

Analiza informatiei contabile Analiza financiara. Analiza prospective.

- evaluarea calitatii informatiei - evalueaza performantele - previziuni si evaluare.
contabile prin analiza folosind metoda ratelor,
politicilor contabile si analiza cash-flow ului etc.
estimarilor managementului

Figura 1.2. Analiza intreprinderii

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
3.Ratio analysis (quantitative analysis)
 The most commonly used tool in financial analysis;
 Allow the analyst to asses the strength an
weaknesses of a given company with regard to such
measure as:
 Liquidity
 Performance
 Profitability
 Leverage
 Growth

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
Ratio analysis (quantitative analysis)
 Two common types of ratio analyses
 Time series (trend analysis): compares the company’s
ratios over a time period and identifies trends that
might indicate financial performance

 Cross sectional analysis: compares a specified

company’s ratios to other companies or to industry

 See table 3.10A pag.81

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
Ratio analysis (quantitative analysis)
 Liquidity Ratios

 Current Ratio = Current Assets/ Current Liabilities

 Quick Ratio = (Current Assets – Inventories)/ Current


Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
Ratio analysis (quantitative analysis)
 Activity Ratios

 Accounts Recievable Turnover = Annual Sales/

Average Accounts Receivable
 Days outstanding in accounts receivable =365 days/
 Inventory Turnover = Cost of Good Sold/ Average
 Total Assets Turnover = Sales/ Average Total Assets

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
Ratio analysis (quantitative analysis)
 Leverage Ratios

 Debt to Total Assets = Total Debt/ Total Assets

 Equity to Total Assets =Total Equity/ Total Assets

 Long Term Debt to Equity = Long Term Debt/ Equity

 Total Debt to Equity = Total Debt/ Equity

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
Ratio analysis (quantitative analysis)
 Profitability Ratios
 Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit / Net Sales
 Operating Profit Margin =Operating Profit/ Net Sales
 EBITDA Margin = EBITDA / Net Sales

 ROE = Net Income/ Equity

 ROI Return on Investment = Net income + Interest exp
(1-t)/ (Average equity and Long Term Debt)
 ROTA Return on Total Assets = Net income + Interest
exp (1-t)/ (Average total assets)

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
Ratio analysis (quantitative analysis)
 Growth Potential Ratios

 Average Annual Sales Growth

 Compund Annual Sales Growth

 Growth Potential = (1-div)x ROE

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
Ratio analysis (quantitative analysis)
 Risk Analysis

 Operational Risk

 Financial Risk

 Bankruptcy Risk

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL

Operational Risk

Firma "Zero Ch.fixe" S.A. "Ch.fixe" S.A.

Indicator/ Scenariu I II III I II III
1 Ve 100 200 300 100 200 300
2 Ch.v. 80 160 240 40 80 120
3 Rata Ch.v. 80.0% 80.0% 80.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0%
4 Contribuţia (Ve - Ch.v.) 20 40 60 60 120 180

5 Ch.f. 0 0 0 80 80 80
6 Re 20 40 60 -20 40 100
7 Marja Re 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% -20.0% 20.0% 33.3%
8 Pârghia operaţională 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 1.8
9 Variaţia Re ( Re) 20 20 60 60
10 Variaţia Ve ( Ve) 100 100 100 100
11 Indice ( Re/ Ve) 20% 20% 60% 60%


Financial Risk

Capital propriu 200 u.m., Datorii = 200 u.m., rata dobânzii 5%

Firma "Zero Ch.fixe" S.A. "Ch.fixe" S.A.
Indicator/ Scenariu I II
1 Re 20 40 60 -20 40 100
2 Marja Re 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% -20.0% 20.0% 33.3%
3 dobânda 10 10 10 10 10 10
4 Rezultat net 10 30 50 -30 30 90
5 Rentabilitate active 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% -5.0% 10.0% 25.0%
6 Rentabilitate financiară 5.0% 15.0% 25.0% -15.0% 15.0% 45.0%


Bankruptcy Risk

A = 5,676 + 6,3718 X + 5,3932 X – 5,1427 X – 0,0105 X

1 2 3 4

În care:
rata rentabilităţii veniturilor (X )

rata de acoperire a datoriilor cu cash-flow (X )


rata de îndatorare a activului (X )


perioada de achitare a obligaţiilor (X .)


4. Industry Structure Analysis – The
Porter Model
 Michael Porter of Harvard Business School
developed an analytical approach known as Porter
Model by which to analyse company risk associated
with industry structure
 5 forces
 Rivalry between current competitors
 Threat oh new entrants
 Bargaining power of customer
 Bargaining power of suppliers
 The treat of substitute products/services

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
Industry Analysis – The PESTEL Model
 To form a view of the main influences on the
present & future of the organization.
 The PESTEL environmental variables:

 The resources availability

 The aspiration & expectations (shareholders,
managers, owners, unions etc.)
Du Pont Model
 The major advantage of the Model synthesis

 ROE = Net Income/ Sales x Sales/ Average Total Assets

x Average Total Assets/ Equity

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
5.SWOT Analysis
 Strengths
 Weaknesses
 Opportunities
 Threats

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL
 Thank you for your

Prof.univ.dr.Ion ANGHEL

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