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Ch 2: How We Teach Reading and

Why it Does Not Work with

Struggling Readers

Olivia Murray and Abigail Deguzman

Discussion Warm Up Warm-Up

How does Kilpatrick link the Wright Brothers to literacy instruction?

Big Idea

This chapter covers the idea of how educators are using the traditional way of teaching
literacy rather than using recent research to shape their instruction. With recent research
based methods, it provides educators with effective strategies to teach struggling students
in order to lead them to success.
History of Reading Instruction

★ What are the three classic reading approaches?

★ What’s the difference between word recognition and word identification?
Word Identification VS Word Recognition

★ Word identification vs. word recognition

○ Identification- no need to recall from memory
○ Recognition- memory, instant recall
Why Our Current Approaches to Reading Instruction Are
Ineffective With Struggling Readers

★ There’s no protection from for the term research based.

★ “What constitutes a research based program?”
★ Research based doesn’t necessarily mean a program is effective.
Visual Memory Hypothesis of Word Reading

★ What is the visual memory hypothesis of word reading?

○ Think back to the text: “Research has shown quite convincingly that the process of naming a chair or a
stapler is cognitively quite different than reading the words chair or stapler.”
The Three Cueing Systems Model of Reading

★ Three Cueing Systems Model of Reading-

○ Also known as the meaning, structure, visual approach
○ Kilpatrick says that “readers only sample from the words and letters in the texts they
read and that they rely primarily on semantic context to construct meaning from
○ Contextual, linguistic, grapho-phonic
★ What are the biggest difficulties of the three cueing system model?
Chapter 2 Summary

★ “All reading methods were developed based on one factor. The desire to do what
works best for children.”
★ As teacher researchers we should follow the Wright Brothers’ “wind tunnel mindset”.

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