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21st Century Leadership

The views and opinions expressed in this Webinar are those of the panelists and
do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of Vantage Learning.

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Discussion topics:
• Comparison of 20th & 21st century skills
and learners
• 21st century curriculum and teaching
• Characteristics and challenges of the 21st
century leader
• Best practices of exemplary leadership

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Eleanor O’Connor
Former Principal, Guidance Counselor,
Project Coordinator, & Teacher

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The Skills Gap
• Gap between skills required for a job and the talent pool
• Currently 14 million unemployed Americans
• Siemens Corporation has 3400 jobs available now
including engineering, sales, and production but they can
not find skilled workers
• Only 10% of perspective employees pass placement
• Manpower Survey:52% of U.S. employers report trouble
filling available jobs.

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Knowledge and Skills Needed
for the 21st Century
• Core Content Standards
• Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Ability
• Collaboration and Team Work
• Interpersonal Skills
• Written and Oral Communication
• Career Preparation
• Ethics/Professionalism
• Technology Literacy
• Leadership/Project Management
• Information and Communication
• Self Directional Skills
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Digital Natives vs. Digital
• Digital Natives-“Wired” to their digital tools-
cell phones, computers, TV, video games,
email, Facebook, Twitter, iPods, etc.
• Learn and motivated by the use of digital
• Digital Immigrants- Not knowledgeable
and comfortable with the use of digital

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Digital Media Use Among
Children and Teens
• Study by Kaiser Family Foundation
• 8-18 year olds spend an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes
per day using entertainment media (More than 53
• Time spent with media increased 1 hour and 17 minutes per
day over the last 5 years
• Only 3 in 10 youngsters have limits by parents on time spent
watching TV, playing videogames, or using the computer.
• Black and Hispanic children spend more time with media
than white children (4 and ½ hours more than white children)

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Differences between 21st
Century Students and Teachers
Most 21st Century Students Many Teachers
Unafraid of technology Hesitant to use new technology
Learning should be relevant and fun Learning is to teach the curriculum
Use pictures, video, sound, then text Text is the first source for knowledge
Comfortable in virtual and real space Most comfortable in real space
Many kinesthetic learners Primarily visual/auditory learners

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20th vs. 21st Century Learning
20th Century 21st Century
Focus: Learning from meaningful facts Focus: What students know and can
Students are isolated within Students work collaboratively with
classroom’s four walls classmates and local, state, national,
and global community
Teacher Dominated Student Centered
Students are passive learners Students are active learners
Text Book Driven/“Chalk and Talk” Research Driven

Fragmented Curriculum Integrated and interdisciplinary

Much of the Curriculum is not relevant Curriculum connected to real world,
to students student interests, experiences, talents

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Assessment: The teacher evaluates Assessment: Teacher, self, peers,
student work public audience, authentic assessment
Factory Model-Based on needs of Global Model: Based on the needs of
employees in the 19th century a globalized, high tech society
Print is the primary vehicle of learning Performances, projects, and media are
and assessment used in learning and assessment
Lessons generally focus on lower Learning is designed by higher levels
levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Bloom’s Taxonomy (synthesis,
(knowledge, comprehension, and analysis, evaluation)

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21st Century Curriculum
• Interdisciplinary
• Research Based
• Project Based Learning/Thematic
• Collaborative
• Higher Order Thinking Skills
• Multiple Intelligences/Provides for Differentiation
• Use of Technology/Multimedia
• Service Learning
• Authentic Assessment
• Essential Skills
• Connected to the Community (Local/State/National/Global)

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21st Century Physical Learning
• Large learning area (1400-1800 sq. feet)
• Flexible furniture-easily rearranged
• Areas for individual and group work and presentations
• Computers for each student with Internet access
• Networked-Linkage for entire school Teachers, students, and parents to
collaborate and work together and with local, national, global community
• Smartboards, cameras, projectors, microphones, facilities for video
• Ability to upload and download students’ work and research to learning
management systems to support “any where/any time learning” and
• Networked photo copiers that can scan, email and fax
• Comfortable and inviting furniture and spaces

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21st Century Learning Strategies
• Student Centered
• Project/Problem Based Learning
• Real World Contexts/Connections
• Use of Digital Communications for Global Learning
• Authentic Formative Assessments-Online, Continual Teacher, Self, Peers,
Public Audience assessments
• Collaborative/ Team and Individualize Learning
• Use of Information and Communication Technologies-Providing Integration
of Technology
• Inquiry Based/Discovery Learning
• Differentiated Learning

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Characteristics of the 21st
Century Leader
• Instructional Experience
• Fluency with skills and knowledge required for the 21st century learner
• Belief in the ability of students and teachers to succeed
• High expectations
• Problem solver
• Visionary
• Strategic planner
• Excellent organization skills
• Excellent interpersonal skills
• Technological Expertise
• Exceptional Personal Qualities- Ethics, courage, persistence, flexibility, self
confidence, humanity, humor

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Mariane Asad Doyle
Coordinator of Career-Technical Education
Antelope Valley High School District

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The 21st Century Leader is
• Transformational Leadership Theory
– Changes and Transforms People
– Affective Domain
– Follower Development
– Visionary

» Northhouse, P. (2010). Leadership: Theory and practice. 5th ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage. 171.

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The 21st Century Leader is a
All men dream; but not equally.
Those who dream by night in the dusty
recesses of their minds
Awake to find that it was vanity;
But the dreamers of day are dangerous men,
That they may act their dreams with open
eyes to make it possible.
-T.E. Lawrence

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The 21st Century Leader is a
Change Agent
“Leaders overcome resistance to change by
creating visions of the future that evoke
confidence in and mastery of new
organizational practices.” - W. Bennis & B. Nanus

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The 21st Century Leader is a

Bennis, W. & B. Nanus. (1985). Leaders: The strategies for taking

charge. New York: Harper and Row.

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The Five Practices of
Exemplary Leadership
• Model the Way
• Inspire a Shared Vision
• Challenge the Process
• Enable Others to Act
• Encourage the Heart

» Kouzes, J. & Posner, B. (2007). The leadership challenge. 4th ed. San Francisco: Jossey-

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The 21st Century Leader
is Proactive
• Instructional Changes
– Common Core Standards
– Articulation, K-16
• Research Changes
– High-yield, research-based strategies
– Emphasis on STEM
• The Competition
– Private Sector, Charters, Online

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21st Century Educational

“Vision is the commodity of leaders and

power is their currency.”

Bennis, W. & B. Nanus. (1985). Leaders: The strategies for taking charge. New York: Harper and Row.

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Questions from Audience

The views and opinions expressed in this Webinar are those of the panelists and
do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of Vantage Learning.

Copyright © Vantage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

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