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China Import Forum 2013

Presentation on
Indian Industry
First I will give a brief outline about the overall
scenario of Indian Economy followed by a snapshot
of the trade between India and China and the
investment opportunity. I shall then discuss about
some specific promising industries where there exist
huge opportunities for growth and investment.
Indian Economy

 -India’s economy has been one of the fast growing economies of

the world. It is the third largest economy of the world in terms of
purchasing power parity. From 2004 to 2011, India’s quarterly
GDP growth rate averaged over 8%. The overall growth in GDP in
2010-11 was 8.5%.
 -India enjoys immense geographical advantage as a hub for serving
the South Asian, Middle East, European and African markets.
 -The Indian economy is characterized by strong macro-economic
fundamentals. We have a well-developed financial system, young
and qualified labor force, dynamic private sector and growing
savings and investment rate.
 -We see both trade and investment to play a big role in driving
economic growth, as it has done for China. Trade accounts for 43%
of GDP right now. Our objective is faster and inclusive growth.
9th largest economy in terms of nominal GDP
and 3rd largest in terms of purchasing power
parity (PPP)
9th largest economy in terms of nominal GDP
and 3rd largest in terms of purchasing power
parity (PPP)
Bilateral Trade

-In so far as the question of bilateral relationship is

concerned, India and China have developed stable and
close relationship over the last 30 years. A strong
component of our partnership is trade and economic
relationship between our two countries which has seen
spectacular growth over the last few years. The
bilateral trade which was US$3billion in 2000 has
reached US$ 67 billion in 2012 and the target to
realize is to increase the bilateral trade to US$100
billion by 2015.
India-China Bilateral Trade

  2000 2010 2011 2012

Total India-China Trade 2.9 61.74 73.9 66.47
Growth % 46.46 42.66 19.71 -10.1
India’s Exports to China 1.35 20.86 23.41 18.8
Growth % 62.78 52.19 12.26 -19.6
China’s Exports to India 1.57 40.88 50.49 47.67
Growth % 34.83 38.25 23.5 -5.7

(All figures in US$ billions)

Overview of Indian Industries

 Over the years agriculture has been the major source of livelihood of the Indian
population. However, after Independence the founding fathers saw the nation
progressing with a decent industrial base. This triggered the formulation of
programs and strategies to construct a proper infrastructure for speedy
 Post 1980s India saw industrial liberalization which achieved further impetus in
mid-1991.For formulation and implementation of industrial policy and strategies for
industrial development the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion was
established by Government of India in 1995. With progressive liberalization of the
Indian economy, initiated in July 1991, there has been a consistent shift in the role
and functions of this Department. The DIPP is also responsible for formulation of
the FDI policy and facilitation of FDI inflows into the country.
 -Since its liberalization policy India has opened several public sector enterprises.
India has been successful in achieving autonomy in producing different basic &
capital products. 
 Industry today accounts for 27% of India’s GDP as compared to 47% of China’s. 
Manufacturing accounts only for 16%. 
 -I shall now discuss about a few industrial sectors which have huge potential of
growth and investment

 -The automotive sector in India, comprising of the automobile and auto component sub
sectors, is one of the key segments of the economy having extensive forward and
backward linkages with other key segments of the economy.
 -It contributes about 4% to India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 5% to India’s
industrial production.
 -Favorable demographics ( 60% of 1.2 billion people are below 30 years of age),
expanding population, abundant availability of skilled talent, and a maturing automotive
components segment have propelled India-based automotive companies to play an
important role globally.
 -While international companies are eyeing India for top line growth, the country also
remains a favored outsourcing hub for many automotive multinationals.
 -India has a well-developed, globally competitive auto ancillary industry and has
established automobile testing and R&D centers. The country enjoys natural advantage
and is among the lowest cost producers of steel in the world.
Heavy Engineering

At present, the heavy engineering industry, including

machine tools contributes 12% to the total
manufacturing activity and provides critical input, i.e.
machinery and equipment to the remaining sectors
covered under the manufacturing activity.
India ranks first in the field of engineering research &
development & design outsourcing industry.
-In ER & India has 22% share of global revenues in
engineering exports constitute 25% of India’s overall
Power Equipment

 -There are about 675 manufacturers of electrical machinery in India

including Heavy electrical power generation Equipment like Boiler,
Turbine & Generator sets. Nearly 90% of them are small &medium
 -The State-owned Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) is the
largest manufacturer of electrical and power equipment. The Product
range includes transmission line towers, HT Switchgear, transformers,
motors (FHP, LT, HT & DC), AC generators, conductors, capacitors,
cables, energy meters, etc.
 -The performance of the power equipment industry is closely linked to
the addition in power generation capacity. Huge investments have been
planned in augmenting the power generation capacity in the country,
but, the power equipment manufacturing industry has not kept pace
with the overall growth in power production.
Textile Machinery

 -The Indian Textiles Industry contributes 14% of industrial production,

4% of GDP and 10.63% of country’s export earnings and provides
direct employment to over 35 million people.
 -Government of India has projected to increase the country’s share of
textiles and apparels in world trade from the current level of 4.5% to 8%
and reach exports of US$ 80 billion by 2020.

 -With the government planning to develop India into a textile hub, the
industry will be investing heavily in new textile machinery, particularly
in areas like weaving, processing, special process finishing machines
(plasma finishing), high-speed knitting and garmenting machineries etc
 -The textile machinery industry is a significant component of the capital
goods industry. The industry comprises of 1,446 units of which 598
units produce complete machines and about 848 units are producing
parts and accessories as well as equipment for testing and monitoring of
fibers and textiles.
 -At present about two-thirds of domestic electronic components demand is met through imports.
Moreover, India’s electronics hardware production constitutes only around 1.31% of the global
 -The global electronics industry is one of the fastest growing in the world and demand in the Indian
market is expected to touch US$ 400 billion by 2020.
 -Since India’s domestic production is projected to account for only US$ 100 billion, the electronics
sector provides very a good opportunity for investment. The size of the manufacturing opportunity
lies in the gap between the expected demand in the country and the rate of domestic production.
 -India’s electronics industry is expected to grow at 22% per year, which is 7 times the global rate. The
primary demand drivers are sectors like telecom, defense, IT and e-governance, automotive,
consumer electronics, and energy.
 -With large pan-India government projects such as the national optical fiber network, the national
knowledge network and e-governance programs, the move is expected to open up huge opportunities
for domestic production and foreign investment in the electronics sector.
 -Moreover, the cable TV digitization, mandated by the government, is expected to spur demand for
Set Top Boxes as well as High Definition Television sets. Demand for low cost innovative products
such as touch-screen tablets for education and medical devices are other demand drivers.
 -The annual turnover of the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry reached US$ 20 billion) during the year 2010-11.
 -The share of export of drugs, pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals is more than US$ 8.6 billion.
 -By 2020, the Indian pharmaceutical market is expected to touch sales of US$ 74 billion.
 -The size of India’s drug formulation market is about US$ 10.3 billion and it ranks third in volume and 10 th in value
 -India is one of the largest vaccine producers in the world and exports to about 150 countries. It also meets around 40-
70% of the WHO demand for DPT (diphtheria, pertussis or whooping cough and tetanus) and BCG (bacilli calmette-
guerin) vaccine against tuberculosis and almost 90% of its demand for the measles vaccine.

 -The strength of the Indian Pharmaceutical industry is in developing cost effective technologies in the shortest possible
time for drug intermediates and bulk activities without compromising on quality. This is realized through the country’s
strengths in organic chemicals’ synthesis and process engineering.
 -Many Indian companies maintain high standards in purity, stability and international safety, health and environmental
protection in production and supply of bulk drugs. This speaks of the high quality standards maintained by a large
number of Indian Pharma companies.

 -India’s pharmaceutical sector is gaining a global leadership position and Indian generics today constitute nearly a fifth
of global supplies.
 - Indian drug-makers are looking to building relationships with global Pharma companies for joint research and
development and widening distribution networks through marketing alliances. Other potential thrust areas include bio-
pharmaceuticals, contract research and manufacturing, and new drug research
Food Processing Industry

 -The US$ 135 billion food processing industry in India is projected to grow at a
compound annual growth rate of 10% to reach US$ 200 billion by 2015.
 - Food processing industry in India is supported by a great agro-climatic diversity suitable
for round the year cultivation of crops. In terms of production, India is among the world’s
major food producers.
 -The country accounts for 17% animal, 12% plant and 10% fish genetic resources of the
globe; and 16% of cattle, 57% of buffalo, 17% of goats and 5% of sheep population of
the world. These numerous advantages and factor conditions like low cost of labor put
India in an enviable position to produce a wide variety of food crops and commercial
crops for domestic consumption as well as export.
 -The Indian Foods & Beverage industry is poised for a significant leap forward. The total
food production in India is expected to double in the next ten years and there is ample
opportunity for huge investments in food and food processing technologies, skills and
 -An estimated investment of US$ 17.5 billion is required in the food processing industry
to achieve the goals projected in India’s Vision 2015.
 -Investments are needed in various stage of the supply and value chain, proper research,
farm and lab connectivity, up-gradation of technology, skill and manpower training,
Rubber Machinery Industry

-There are about 10 units for the manufacture of

rubber machinery mainly required for tire / tube
-The fast growth of the automobile industry is driving
the growth of the rubber machinery industry.
- The tire market in India is expected to grow at a
compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12%
between 2011 and 2015. One of the key factors
contributing to this market growth is the growing
demand for automobile products. The tire market in
India has also been witnessing the emergence of
tubeless tires and growing demand for radial tires.
Initiatives by Government of India

 -In October 2010, the Government of India announced India’s new “National
Manufacturing Policy” with the objective of enhancing the share of manufacturing in
GDP to 25% within a decade and creating 100 million jobs.
 -The Policy envisages specific interventions broadly in the areas of industrial
infrastructure development through the creation of large integrated industrial townships
called National Investment and Manufacturing Zones (NIMZs); improvement of the
business environment through rationalization and simplification of business regulations;
development of appropriate technologies for sustainable growth
 -Indian Government has established several special zone schemes to encourage export-
oriented enterprises. These include Special Economic Zones (SEZ), Export Processing
Zones (EPZ), Software Technology Parks (STP), and Export Oriented Units (EOU).
These schemes are governed by separate rules and granted different benefits.
 -SEZs are treated as a foreign territory, allowing businesses operating in SEZs to operate
outside the domain of the customs authorities, avoid FDI equity caps, receive exemptions
from industrial licensing requirements, and enjoy tax holidays and other tax breaks.
 -EPZs are industrial parks with incentives for foreign investors in export-oriented
 -STPs are special zones with similar incentives for software exports.
Investment opportunities

 -With its large scale investment absorption capacity and with strong
economic fundamentals India offers attractive returns to prospective
investors. India with its consistent growth, abundant skilled manpower,
a well developed banking system, and vast market provides enormous
opportunities for investment. 
 -India welcomes investment by Chinese enterprises in infrastructure
and manufacturing and other sectors, where there are tremendous
opportunities for Chinese enterprises to investment.
 -India is keen to expand rapidly its manufacturing sector, which again
presents a vast opportunity for Chinese investors. Almost all the sectors
of Indian economy are open for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) with
sectoral limits and stipulations.
 -Nearly 100 Chinese companies have established offices/operations in
India. Many large Chinese State-owned companies in the field of
machinery and infrastructure construction have undertaken projects in
India and have opened project offices in India.



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