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and Speaking

Presenting by
More Praveen
“The process of passing information and
understanding from one person to another . It
builds, bridges of meaning between people,
enabling them to safely cross the rivers of

-Keith Davis

Verbal Non Verbal

Oral Written Sign Body

Language Language

Visual Signs Audio Signs

We communicate by exchanging symbols to
describe our ideas and experience. Language is
a common symbol system which we use for
sharing our experiences with others.
Anything that emanates from the mouth is
referred to as oral communication.
Definition of Oral Communication

Spoken communication or the communication

employing speech is known as oral
Oral communication occurs in situation like
conversations, telephone talk, interviews,
presentations and meeting.
According to Francis J Bergin oral communication
is characterized by seven Cs-
Candidness, Clarity, Completeness, Conciseness,
Concreteness, Correctness and Courtesy.
Speak slowly and distinctly
Repeat key words and phrases
Aim for clarity
Communicate with body language
Support your oral message with visual aids
Oral communication is best when it is face-to
face setting is possible between two individuals or
among a small group of persons at an interview, of
in a small meeting.
There is immediate feedback, which makes
clarification possible. Besides, a face-to-face
setting offers a richer communication experience
owing to the presence of the living personality
whose voice, tone, expression and movements add
significance to the words.
Telephone talk depend entirely on
the voice. It does not have the advantage
of physical presence. Clarity of speech
and skillful use of voice are important.
There can be confusion between similar
sounding word like “pale” and “bale”,
or between “light” and “like”.
A presentation has a face-to-face setting. It is a
formal, well-prepared talk on a specific topic,
delivered to a knowledgeable and interested
The purpose is to give information: There
may be the additional purpose to persuade as in
a sales presentation.
The purpose of a public speech may be to
entertain, to encourage and to inspire. Much
depends on the speaker’s skill in using gestures
and using the microphone.
Feedback is very little s the speaker can
hardly see the facial expressions of people in
the audience.
An interview is a meeting at which one person
of a panel of persons, who are the interviewers,
discuss a matter with another person or ask
questions of another person, who is the
The purpose is, usually, to assess, to judge
whether it would be worthwhile to enter into a
business relationship with the other.
A meeting involves many persons; there is a chairman
or leader who leads and guides the communication
and maintains proper order. There is a fixed agenda,
(i.e., a list of issues to be discussed at the meeting).
Meetings are of many types, from the small
committee meeting consisting of three of four persons
to the large conference of the shareholder meeting.
This type of oral communication is backed up by
note-talking and writing up of minutes.
 Time –saving.
 Better relationships.
 Economical.
 Immediate Feedback.
 To develop listening skills.
 To help immediate problem solving.
 Lack of documentation.
 Distortion in passing the massage.
 Unsuitable for long messages.
 Possibility of misunderstanding’
Speaking skills that involves selling ideas,
assumes greater than technical training .
‘Talking and eloquence are not the same, to
speak and to speak well are two things’
-Ben Jonson
The art of public speaking was first developed by the ancient
Greeks. Greek orators spoke as on their own behalf rather as
representatives of either a client or a constituency, and so
any citizen who wished to succeed in court, in politics, or in
social life had to learn techniques of public speaking.
These skills were taught first by a group of self-styled
"sophists" who were known to charge fees, to "make the
weaker argument the stronger," and to make their students
"better" through instruction in excellence.
Plato,Aristotleall developed theories of public speaking, and
their ideas took on institutional form through the
development of permanent schools where public speaking
was taught. Greek culture of training in public speaking.
politicians in democracies today can still make or break
their careers on the basis of a successful (or unsuccessful)
speech. Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton,
and Barak Osama have all advanced their careers in large
part due to their skills in oratory.
The technology Videoconferencing is among one of the
more recent technologies that is in a way revolutionizing
the way that public speakers communicate to the masses.(
David M. Fetter man of Stanford University , 1997 in a
start first his connect Videoconferencing over the
 The opening of the talk is highly important.
The sparker has to create interest in the minds
of the audience.
 A) Raising a Question.
 B)Narrating a related interesting story.
 c)Telling how the topic affects the vital
interests of the audience .
 D)Highlight in the shocking facts .
 One should put ones hearts into the talk.
 Stress the important .
 Very the pitch of voice flowing up and down
the scale from high to low and back again.
 Establish and maintain eye contact with
 Speak loudly enough to be heard.
Summarizing restating outline briefly the main
points you have covered.
Paying the audience sincere complement.
Rising a laugh.
A promise
By end of this presentation ,you will be able to
learn something new.
Real story
Tell a moving story , describe a serious problem
Eye contact
Commands attention at the beginning by making
eye contacts with as many people as possible
Public speaking is the
process of speaking to
a group of people in a
structured, deliberate manner
intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners. It is
closely allied to "presenting", although the latter has more of a
commercial connotation.
In public speaking, as in any form of communication, there are
five basic elements, often expressed as "who is saying what to
whom using what medium with what effects?" The purpose of
public speaking can range from simply transmitting
information, to motivating people to act, to simply telling a
Good orators should be able to change the emotions of
their listeners, not just inform them. Public speaking can
also be considered a discourse community.
Interpersonal communication and public speaking have
several components that embrace such things as
motivational speaking, leadership/personal development,
business, customer service, large group communication,
and mass communication.
Public speaking can be a powerful tool to use for purposes
such as motivation, influence, persuasion, informing,
translation, or simply entertaining. A confident speaker is
more likely to use this as excitement and create effective
speech thus increasing their overall performance.
Oral communication is very important role in
any organization with through best speaking
skill . Whereas oral communication fulfils the
social needs of ape arson in an amicable
manner(Friendly speaks).
Thank you

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