Analysis of Factors That Influence Antenatal Care Visite: Suriani Getsempena Lhoksukon Stikes, North Aceh Regency

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Getsempena Lhoksukon STIKes,
North Aceh Regency
Back ground
The low coverage of K4 shows the lack of
interest in pregnant women conducting
antenatal care in the Community Health
Center and its networks such as the pustu,
polindes, poskesdes and posyandu.
This can be influenced by three main factors
namely, predisposing factors which include
knowledge, attitudes, traditions and beliefs,
education level and socioeconomic level of
pregnant women. Enabling factors include
the availability of health facilities and
infrastructure, skills and affordability.
Strengthening factor (reinforcing factor)
which includes the attitudes and behavior of
Analyze the factors that influence antenatal
care visits at the Cot Girek health center
• This research uses analytic survey method,
with cross sectional approach
The results of bivariate data analysis with the
chi square statistical test showed that the
factors influencing ANC visits of pregnant
women were attitudes of p-value 0.006,
health service facilities in villages of p value
0,000 and the role of midwives with p-value
of 0,000.
The results of multivariate data analysis
using logistic regression tests found the most
powerful factor influencing ANC visits of
pregnant women was the availability of
health service facilities in villages with a p-
value of 0,000
• Cross Table Of The Effects Of Knowledge
On Anc Visits
kn Anc visit Total P O
ow reguler irreguler R
led F % F % F % V
ge a

go 48 49 50 51 98 100 0 1
od , ,
Not good 42 47,2 47 52,8 89 100 8 0
To 90 48,1 97 51,9 187 100 0 7
tal 7 4
• Table 1 shows that of 98 pregnant women
• with good knowledge 48 people (49%) had
regular ANC visits and 50 people (51%)
did not regularly, while of 89 pregnant
women who had poor knowledge 42
people (47.2%) , visited ANC regularly
and 47 people (52.8%) did not regularly.
Chisquare statistical test results obtained p-
value of 0.807, it was concluded there was
no effect of knowledge on ANC visits of
pregnant women.
Cross table of attitudes influence
on ANC visits
attitudes Anc visit Total P O
reguler reguler Va R

F % F % F %

good 84 52,2 77 47,8 161 100 0,0 3

06 ,
Not good 6 23,1 20 76,9 26 100

Total 90 48,1 97 51,9 187 100

Table 2 shows that out of 161 pregnant
women who have good attitudes 84 people
(52.2%) make regular ANC visits and 77
people (47.8%) do not regularly, while of 26
pregnant women who have bad attitudes 6
people (23 , 1%) visited ANC regularly and
20 people (76.9%) did not regularly.
Chisquare statistical test results obtained p-
value 0.006 then concluded there is an
influence of attitude towards ANC visits of
pregnant women
Cross table of the influence of tradition and
beliefs on ANC visits
Tradition Anc visit Total P O
and trust reguler reguler R
F % F % F % V

There is 1 16, 5 83,3 6 10 0 0

7 0 , ,
There is no 89 49, 9 50,8 181 10 2 2
2 2 0 1 0
Total 90 48, 9 51,9 187 10 3 7
1 7 0
Table 3 shows that out of 6 pregnant women who
have traditions and beliefs contrary to health, 1
person (16.7%) visits ANC regularly and 5 people
(83.3%) does not regularly, while of 181 pregnant
women who do not have tradition and beliefs that
were contrary to the health of 89 people (49.2%),
made regular ANC visits and 92 people (50.8%)
did not regularly. The exact fishers statistical test
results obtained a p-value of 0.213, so it was
concluded that there was no influence of tradition
and belief on ANC visits of pregnant women.
Cross table of the effects of the availability of
health service facilities on ANC visits
health Kunjungan ANC Total P OR
service Teratur Tidak Valu
Teratur e

F % F % F %

There is 70 85,4 12 42,5 82 100 0,000 24,7


There is m no 20 19 85 81 105 100

Total 90 48,1 97 51,9 187 100

• Table 4 shows that of 82 pregnant women
whose villages have health service facilities
70 people (85.4%) make regular ANC visits
and 12 people (42.5%) do not regularly, while
of 105 pregnant women whose villages do
not have health care facilities 20 people
(19%), visit ANC regularly and 85 people
(81%) do not regularly. Chi square statistical
test results obtained p-value of 0,000, it was
concluded that there was an influence of the
availability of health care facilities on ANC
visits of pregnant women
Cross table effect of roles on ANC visits

the role Anc visit Total P O

of a reguler reguler R
midwife F % F % F % V

Baik 88 53 78 47 1 100 0 10
6 , .7
6 0 18
Kurang Baik 2 9,5 19 90 2 100 0
,5 1 0
Total 90 48, 97 51 1 100
1 ,9 8
Table 5 shows that of 166 pregnant women
who stated the role of midwives were well
designed, 88 people (53%) had regular ANC
visits and 78 people (47%) were irregular,
while of 21 pregnant women who stated the
role of midwives was not good, 2 people
(9.5%) visited ANC regularly and 19 people
(90.5%) did not regularly. Chi square
statistical test results obtained p-value 0,000
then concluded there is an influence of the
role of midwives on ANC visits of pregnant
• A good attitude can influence the behavior
of pregnant women to get health services
to do an obstetric examination by visiting
ANC, both at the health center, posyandu
and village midwives who work in the
• The results showed the majority of villages
of pregnant women did not have health
service facilities such as puskesmas,
posyandu, poskesdes or polindes. A
pregnancy check-up is performed when a
posyandu is performed in a sharpening
hatch that does not have a special,
comfortable and closed room to conduct an
ANC examination. This has reduced the
interest of pregnant women to conduct
ANC examination visits.
• The role of the midwife greatly influences the
interest of pregnant women to conduct ANC
examination visits to health facilities such as
health centers, the implementation of
pregnancy examinations according to
standards, and a friendly and friendly attitude
makes pregnant women confident and
comfortable when conducting ANC
Conclusion and recommendation
• Good cooperation is needed from various
parties to be able to succeed the antenatal
care visit program. There needs to be a
review of the method of conducting
antenatal care visits given the number of
antenatal visits is decreasing.

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