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Submitted to : Dr. Waseem Abbas

Submitted by: Group #04
Semester : 3rd Morning
Institute of chemical sciences
Bahauddin Zakariya University
A resister –capacitor circuit or RC filter or RC network is an electric circuit
composed of resister and capacitors. A circuit containing a series combination
of a resistor and a capacitor is called an RC circuit. IT may be driven by
voltage or current sources and these will produce different response
A first order rc circuit is composed of a resisiter and capacitor and it is
simplest form of rc circuit.
RC circuits can be used to filter a signal by blocking certain
frequencies and passing others. The two most common RC filters are
the high-pass filters and low-pass filters; band-pass filters and 
band-stop filters usually require RLC filters, though crude ones can be
made with RC filters.

simple RC circuit:
A Capacitor Pass AC:

When we connect a capacitor across an AC supply source, it starts

charge and discharge continuously due to continuous change in the
supply voltage. This is due to changes in AC voltage i.e. AC is
positive in the initial cycle for “t = 1” and negative in the second
cycle “t = 2”
same happens like in DC connected capacitor at the initial stage i.e.
the positive terminal of source sucks the electrons from the
connected plat of the capacitor and pushes back to the second
terminal. The first plat becomes positive and the other one is
negative due to plenty of electrons. This process is known as
charging of a capacitor i.e. it store the energy in the form of electric
A Capacitor Block DC:
a capacitor act as a short circuit at initial stage and a fully charged
capacitor behave as an open circuit. Capacitors resist a changes in
voltage while inductors resist a change in current and 
acts as a short circuit in DC.
At initial stage when we connect a capacitor to the DC supply, there will
a small current of flow will occur until the plates becomes saturated. In
other words, the positive terminal of DC supply source will suck the
electrons from one terminal and push the electrons to the second
terminal until the first plate becomes positively charge and the second
one as negatively charged as shown in fig. At this stage, the applied
voltage equal to the voltage across capacitor and capacitor plates are
saturated and there is no more flow of current. At this stage, capacitor
behaves like an open circuit and if we increase the value of applied DC
voltage, the capacitor may damage and explode
Growth of current in RC circuits;

Let us assume that the capacitor is initially uncharged. There is

no current while switch S is open . If the switch is closed at how-ever,
charge begins to flow, setting up a current in the circuit, and the capacitor
begins to charge.
Note that during charging, charges do not jump across the
capacitor plates because the gap between the plates represents an open
circuit. In-stead, charge is transferred between each plate and its
connecting wire due to the electric field established in the wires by the
battery, until the capacitor is fully charged. As the plates become
charged, the potential difference across the capacitor increases.
RC Charging Circuit

Charging circuit of capacitor:
The value of the maximum charge depends on the voltage of
 the battery. Once the maximum charge is reached, the
current in the circuit is zero because the potential
difference across the capacitor matches that supplied by the
To analyze this circuit quantitatively, let us apply
Kirchhoff’s loop rule to the circuit after the switch is closed.
Traversing the loop clockwise gives:
where q/C is the potential difference across
the capacitor and IR is the potential difference across the
We have used the sign conventions discussed earlier for the signs
on and IR. For the capacitor, notice that we are traveling in the
direction from the positive plate to the negative plate; this represents a
decrease in potential. Thus, we use a negative sign for this voltage in
Equation Note that q and I are instantaneous values that depend on time
(as opposed to steady-state values) as the capacitor is being charged. We
can use Equation to find the initial current in the circuit and the
maximum charge on the capacitor. At the instant the switch is closed
the charge on the capacitor is zero, and from Equation we find that the
initial current in the circuit is a maximum and is equal to:
( current at t=zero)
At this time, the potential difference from the battery
terminals appears entirely across the resistor. Later, when the capacitor
is charged to its maximum value Q, charges cease to flow, the current in
the circuit is zero, and the potential difference from the battery
terminals appears entirely across the capacitor. Substituting into
Equation 28.11 gives the charge on the capacitor at this time:
To determine analytical expressions for the time
dependence of the charge and current, we must solve
a single equation containing two variables, q and I.
The current in all parts of the series circuit must be
the same. Thus, the current in the resistance R must
be the same as the current flowing out of and into the
capacitor plates. This current is equal to the time
rate of change of the charge on the capacitor plates.
Thus, we substitute into Equation and rearrange the
  find an expression for q, we first
combine the terms on the right-hand

Now we multiply by dt and divide by q-Cto obtain
  Integrating this expression, using the fact that at , we

From the definition of the natural logarithm, we can write

this expression as

where e is the base of the natural logarithm and we have

made the substitution from Equation. We can find an
expression for the charging current by differentiating
Equation with respect to time. Using we find that
Plots of capacitor charge and circuit current versus
time. Note that the charge is zero at and approaches
the maximum value . The current has its maximum
value at t =0and decays exponentially to zero as t = .
The quantity RC, which appears in the exponents of
Equations is called the time constant of the circuit. It
represents the time it takes the current to decrease
to 1/e of its initial value; that is, in a time ,

and so forth. Likewise, in a time the charge

increases from zero to
 The following dimensional analysis shows

RC Charging Circuit Curves

  has units of time, the combination t/RC is
dimensionless, as it must be in order to be an
exponent of e in Equations. The energy output of
the battery as the capacitor is fully charged is After
the capacitor is fully charged, the energy stored in
the capacitor is1/2 which is just half the energy
output of the battery. It is left as a problem to show
that the remaining half of the energy supplied by
the battery appears as internal energy in the
Discharging a Capacitor:
Now let us consider the circuit which consists of a
capacitor carrying an initial charge Q, a resistor, and a switch.
The initial charge Q is not the same as the maximum charge Q in
the previous discussion, unless the discharge occurs after the
capacitor is fully charged .When the switch is open, a potential
difference Q /C exists across the capacitor and there is zero
potential difference across the resistor because If the switch is
closed at the capacitor begins to discharge through the resistor. At
some time t during the discharge, the current in the circuit is I
and the charge on the capacitor is q . The circuit is the same as
the circuit except for the absence of the battery. Thus, we
eliminate the emf from to obtain the appropriate loop equation
for the circuit.
When we substitute I=dq/dt into this expression, it becomes

Integrating this expression, using the fact that at gives

In()=- (
q/Q= =(remaining charge )
 Discharging charge after time (t):

discharged amount of charge=Q-q

=Q(1- {flown out}
RC Discharging Circuit:

Discharging circuit of capacitor:

Differentiating this expression with respect to time gives the instantaneous current as a function of

where Q/RC is the initial current. The negative sign indicates that the current direction now that the
capacitor is discharging is opposite the current direction when the capacitor was being charged.
(Compare the current directions in Figs. 28.16c and 28.18b.) We see that both the charge on the
capacitor and the current decay exponentially at a rate characterized by the time constant

R = Ω, V0 =  V
Time Constant:
The dimensions of CR are those of time.
Further, if CR < < 1, Q will attain its final
value rapidly and if CR > > 1, it will do so
slowly. Thus, CR determines the rate at
which the capacitor charges (or discharges)
itself through a resistance. It is for this
reason that the quantity CR is called the
time constant or more appropriately, the
capacitive time constant of the circuit.
If t = τ,

o.632Qo=63.2% of
  constant of a CR circuit is thus the time during
which the charge on the capacitor becomes 0.632
(approx., 2/3) of its maximum value.
For the charge on the capacitor to attain its
maximum value (Q0), i.e., for Q = Q0,

theoretically, the charge on the capacitor will

attain its maximum value only after infinite time.

During Charging:
  Where =maximum value of the
current flowing through the circuit.
When t=0,

During discharging:


When t=0,

It is clear from equations. (6) and (7) that the

magnitudes of the maximum values of the currents
(Ich and Idis) flowing through the circuit in both the
cases (charging and discharging) is the same.

Thus, both during charging and discharging of a capacitor through a resistance, the current always decreases from maximum to zero
Further, as at t = 0, Ich = I0 and Idis = -I0, the directions of flow of currents in both the cases are opposite to each other.

 When t=0,
Thus, both during charging and
discharging of a capacitor through a
resistance, the current always decreases
from maximum to zero
Further, as at t = 0, Ich = I0 and Idis = -I0,
the directions of flow of currents in both
the cases are opposite to each other.

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