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Varicocele: Dampak Kesuburan pada Pria

William Tendi
Supervisor: dr. Ponco Birowo, SpU(K), PhD
• Varicocele adalah pembesaran abnormal
plekus dari scrotum pampiniform
• Populasi pria yang mengalami infertil sekitar
35-40% (EAU 2020)
• Varicocele unilateral sering terjadi pada sisi kiri

EAU Guidelines 2020

Leslie FW. StatPearls 2020
• Failure in the anti-reflux mechanism of the vein
• Angulation of the left internal spermatic vein
• Left renal vein entrapment by superior
mesenteric vein and aorta  “nutcracker

• Scrotal pain may occur, but most patients are


Leslie FW. StatPearls 2020

• Subclinical
• Grade I  palpable when Valsalva
• Grade II  palpable without Valsalva
• Grade III  visible

EAU Guidelines 2020

Impact on Male Infertility
Increased testicular

Increased oxidative Testicular

stress and apoptosis- VARICOCELE hypoperfusio
associated microRNA n

Partin AW et al. Campbell 12th ed. 2021
Male Infertility
Infertility  inability to Infertility Obstructive
conceive despite regular
unprotected sex for at Non-
least 1 year Obstructive

Product quality
(the spermatozoa)
• Optimal environment • DNA fragmentation
• Optimal nutrition


EAU Guidelines 2020

Varicocele Treatment and Failure Rate

No Yes

Retroperitoneal (15-25%) Laparoscopic (3-15%)

Conventional inguinal (5-15%) Radiographic (15-25%)

Microsurgery (0.5-1%)

Partin AW et al. Campbell 12th ed. 2021

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
• Intra-uterine insemination (IUI)  not
recommended in sperm count <10 millions/mL
• In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
• Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)

EAU Guidelines 2020

Should it be treated?
Varicocelectomy is proven to Additional benefit:
increase: • Increased testosterone
• Sperm retrieval success rate • Lowering DNA
• Pregnancy and live birth rate fragmentation index
• Seminal parameters

Sperm Retrieval Success Rate

Birowo P, et al. Heliyon 2020

Pregnancy Rate

Birowo P, et al. Heliyon 2020

Live Birth Rate

Birowo P, et al. Heliyon 2020

DNA Fragmentation Index

Birowo P, et al. Basic and Clinical Andrology 2020

Testosterone Levels

Li F, et al. IJU 2012

Pre-ART Varicocelectomy
• The first sperm retrieval has the highest
chance of success, thus increasing the sperm
retrieval chance rate is beneficial
• Lowering the DNA damage  higher chance of
a successful ART
• Increasing chance of spontaneous pregnancy
 avoid the need of ART and lowering the cost
of fertility program
• Varicocele repair increases men fertility, both
natural and assisted
• The most recommended method in
varicocelectomy is microsurgical
• Varicocele repair before any type of ART might
be more cost-effective than direct ART

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