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Presented by Ester
1 .Republic of Indonesia
2. Country’s Profile
3. Etymology
4. Geography of Indonesia
5. Biota & Environment
6. Culture
7. Climate and Weather
6. Indonesia Standard Time
Republic of Indonesia

Flag Coat Of Arms

 Full name: Republic of Indonesia
 Population: 241,970,000 (2005)
 Capital: Jakarta
 Motto : Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
 National ideology: Pancasila
 Anthem : Indonesia Raya
 Area:1,919,443 sq km (742,308 sq miles)
 Major languages: Indonesian, 300 regional languages
 Major religion: Islam
 Life expectancy: 69 years (men), 73 years (women) (UN)
 Form : Republic
 Monetary unit: 1 rupiah (Rp)
 Main exports: Oil and gas, plywood, textiles, rubber, palm oil.
 GNI per capita: US $2,010 (World Bank, 2008)
 GDP : 827.4 Billion (2004)
 Official Languages : Indonesian’s Language
The name Indonesia derives from the Latin
Indus, and the Greek nesos, meaning
"island".The name dates to the 18th century,
far predating the formation of independent
Indonesia.In 1850, George Earl, an English
ethnologist, proposed the terms Indunesians
— and, his preference, Malayunesians — for
the inhabitants of the "Indian Archipelago or
Malayan Archipelago". In the same
publication, a student of Earl's,
James Richardson Logan, used Indonesia as a
synonym for Indian Archipelago.
Geography of Indonesia

5 Major Islands and 33


2 Oceans and 2

The Territory

400 volcanoes, of which

100 are active

This strategic position has always influenced the cultural,

social, political and economic life of the country.

•Indonesia's size, tropical climate, and archipelagic

geography, support the world's second highest level
of biodiversity (after Brazil),[and its flora and fauna is
a mixture of Asian and Australasian species.
•Indonesia is second only to Australia in terms of total
endemic species, with 26% of its 1,531 species of bird
and 39% of its 515 species of mammal being endemic
•Indonesia's high population and rapid
industrialization present serious environmental issues,
which are often given a lower priority due to high
poverty levels and weak, under-resourced governance
A Wayang Kulit
shadow puppet

A n Indonesian
food, Soto Ayam
(Chicken Soup)
The climate changes every six
months. The dry season (June to
September) is influenced by the
Australian continental air masses; while
the rainy season (December to March)
is the result of the Asian and Pacific
Ocean air masses.
As of January 1, 1988, Indonesia's three time zones have been
changed as below:
 Western Indonesia Standard Time equals GMT plus 7 hours
(meridian 105oE), covering all provinces in Sumatra and
Java, and the provinces of West and Central Kalimantan.
 Central Indonesia Standard Time equals GMT plus 8 hours
(meridian 120oE), covering the provinces of East and South
Kalimantan, all provinces in Sulawesi, and the provinces of
Bali, West and East Nusatenggara and East Timor.
 Eastern Indonesia Standard Time equals GMT plus 9 hours
(meridian 135oE), covering the provinces of Maluku and
Irian Jaya.


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