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Rizal toast to Juan Luna and Felix Hidalgo

• Rizal’s Speech
• June 25, 1884
• In restaurant Ingles Madrid
• A toast/speech of congratulations
• To Juan Luna and Felix Hidalgo
According to Rizal:
• Luna and Hildago’s achievement illuminated the two ends of Espana
and Filipinas
• He claims change is coming
• They are a symbol of peace and a bond of love between nations
• They are ‘creative geniuses’
• Luna and Hidalgo are the generous hopes, precious examples
• He described the paintings of Luna and Hidalgo
The Spolarium (gold medal)
• Not mute
• One hears the noise of the crowd
• The shouts of the slaves
• The metallic clanking of the dead bodies’ armor
• The sobbing of orphans
• The murmured prayers
• Shadows
• Contrasts
• Dying light
• The mystery and the honor
• As resonance of the dark tempests of the Tropics
• The lightning and the roaring explosions of its volcanoes

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