Macro Environment Analysis

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Macro Environment Analysis:

USA: The American domestic politics remained highly polarized in 2020. The year started with diplomatic
tensions with China. President Joe Biden took office on January 2021. His administration is supposed to lead
the U.S. “reconstruction” after the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the country’s economy and
the social fabric.
The rate of technological innovation and change is extremely rapid in
the USA. However, the country faces strong challenges from a
number of countries e.g. China, South Korea, and India. It’s global
leader in science and technology.

USA faces some of the toughest weather

conditions in the world. The country has
sustained over 220 weather and climate disasters
since 1980. In 2017 alone, there were 15 weather
and climate disasters with losses exceeding $1
billion each. 
Each state in the USA has its own government structure
and legal scheme. The country upholds equal treatment
of nationals and foreigners. The USA also offers a strong
legal system to protect Intellectual Property Rights.
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Politician and Crown Price Mohammed bin Salman and authorities continued to make
efforts in 2020 to improve the country's image both from a political and financial perspective. Saudi Arabia
further improved its ties with Israel in 2020 in its efforts to counter the Turkish and Iranian influence in the
Middle East. Despite possible social discontent, political instability is not expected in the short term.
The Saudi government has taken a massive mandate for
technological transformation. In line with its Vision 2030
objectives, it is heavily investing in shifting economic growth away
from a dependency on oil, and supporting innovation and
entrepreneurship instead. It’s pouring billions of dollars into high-
tech infrastructure which is a good sign for us. There are
tremendous opportunities here for the people and companies who
can be part of this transformation.

Saudi Arabia has a semiarid, to hyper arid climate,

characterized by very low rainfall (annual average of 70.5 Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state, its legal
mm) and extremely high evapotranspiration, resulting in system is based on Islamic law (Shari’ah) for
water scarcity and reduced vegetal cover. both criminal and civil cases. At the top of the
legal system is the King, who acts as the
final court of appeal.
South Korea: From political perspective the Korean-peninsula remains one of the most protracted and
volatile conflict zones in the word. President Moon Jae-in has pushed the denuclearization and the 'peace
economy' concept as the cornerstones of its North Korea policy. Armed escalation on the Korean
Peninsula may have adverse effects on business and household confidence in South Korea and on
foreign investors.
South Korea is also among the world's most technologically
advanced and digitally connected countries; it has the third most
broadband Internet users among the OECD countries and is a
global leader in electronics, digital displays, semiconductor
devices, and mobile phones.

The climate of the Republic of Korea is cold but sunny in

winter, while it's hot and sultry, with abundant rainfall, in
summer. Winter, from late November to mid-March, is freezing South Korea has a civil law legal system as
in the north and in the interior, while it's milder, but still with the laws were influenced largely by the
night frosts, along the southern coast. European civil law system. However, the US
law has influenced more recent legislations.
As per indulgence criterion, A good
Strategy could be ‘High quality-
High price’ since USA people likes to
Enjoy more and live in the moment.

As per individualism criteria, a good marketing

Strategy in USA could be to try to impress “person”
Rather than group who can help us make sales.

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